Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

      “Alexandra, are you up?” I hear my mom calling from the bottom of the stairs.

     “Yeah!” I holler from my vanity mirror. For two years now I’ve been struggling with my adoption. Before the accident I never really thought about it as though I wasn’t my parent’s kid, but after someone finds out that their a mythical creature, it makes you want to know where you come from, and who your real parents are.

     It made me wonder if what I am is why they didn’t want me. Or maybe they were vampires too. And it made me realize that no; Julie, Denial, and Dylan aren’t my real family. My real family abandoned me to go through all of this by myself. After the change I was violent. I wasn’t physically violent but the way that I spoke to people especially my parents was hateful.

     At first they thought it was just a way for me to rebel, but after a while they knew something was up. They thought I felt like they didn’t love me as much as they loved the new baby or something. They also thought it might have been depression, but neither was correct. For the first couple of months I couldn’t control what I said. I wanted to hurt people. I got into fights with the people I once called friends, and had uncommon mood swings. I’m grateful though, I found out what all of my friends were really like. None of them actually liked me; they were all just using me. That and of course that I didn’t kill anyone.

     Luckily the change happened over the summer, so it wasn’t too strange that I stopped talking to people, or that I spent most of my time out and about. Well actually I was out in the woods, but even still mom and dad don’t know were my special spot is.

      I wish more than anything that I had someone to talk to about all of this…but I know that no one would understand. No one would understand what I am, and if they did, they might try to kill me. After all, having a vampire in school with your children, or as a neighbor, isn’t really ideal.

     “Alexandra! You’ll be late for school!” I heard Julie call from the kitchen as she fixed Dylan his breakfast. I looked in the mirror one more time before grabbing my bag and walking down stairs. I have to admit I look amazing. My hair falls to my hips, and my eyeliner goes perfectly against my paled complexion and blue eyes. I grabbed my black hoodie pulled it on and shoved on my backpack before saying goodbye.

     I heard the late bell ring as I entered into the school yard and knew immediately that I was in for it. I walked through the door, but wasn’t called out on being late. Instead Mrs. Gina was looking through a file cabinet and pulling out various papers.

     “Uh, Mrs. Gina?” I said walking through the door. She looked at me and so did the guy I hadn’t noticed before.

     “Oh hi Alex, What do you need?” She asked be looking a little breathless.

     “I just need a late slip really quick.” I said as she gave me the as it would be anything else face, that she gives me every time I’m late.

     “Okay, but you seriously need to start making an effort to get to school on time.” She said digging through a small box on her desk labeled tardy/absent slips.

     “Yeah…I know.” I say as I try to pretend I don’t know that the guy standing next to me has been watching me since I walked in.

     “Actually Alex, can you help me with something?” She asked standing up.

     “Sure, what is it?” I responded curiously.

     “I can’t seem to find the schedules, or class info. It’s probably been thrown away because it’s so close to the end of the year, we didn’t expect anyone to transfer.” She said looking at the new guy and then at me. I didn’t say anything as I waited for her to continue. “What is your schedule?” She asked me with a smile. I knew now what she was planning. I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing my classes down.                                                 

1st Period: ALGEBRA

2nd Period: History

3rd Period: Language arts

4th Period: P.E

Lunch/ Free Period

5th Period: Art/ painting/drawing/ ceramics

6th Period: Biology

7th Period: Free Period

     I handed it to her and she looked at it carefully. “I think this could work.” She said looking at me.

     “Is that my new schedule?” The new guy asked curiously.

     “Yes I think this should do fine Xavier.” She said writing something on to the back.

     “Here you go Xavier, it’s ready with a locker number, and your lunch code.” She said handing it to him.

     “Thanks.” He said picking up his stuff. “Uh…What rooms are they in?” He asked looking at me. Obviously he knew I’d be showing him. I know I do.

     “Alex will show you to your classes, she has all of them with you after all.” She said looking at me as to say you better not bail on him. I wouldn’t and I think that she knew it. I mean why would I? He doesn’t seem too bad. He’s not really annoying so far, he’s definitely not ugly. Actually strangely for me, I think he’s attractive. I haven’t really ever thought of a guy as good looking I’ve always thought them to be average, but this one…no one could say that without being called a liar.

     We walked out together after Mrs. Gina gave me a note saying I was helping her and then I helped Xavier find his locker. It was only like three away from mine so I guess that was pretty convenient. We walked to first period and I took my seat. Mrs. Fredrick’s made Xavier tell the class about himself, and it seemed to make him a little nervous. At least I thought so; the other people didn’t seem to notice. Especially the girls, they were too busy drooling.

     “My name is Xavier Ash-wood, and I’m sixteen.” He said as he ran his hand through his hair. “Uhh…I really don’t know what else to say.” He said shrugging.

      “Well okay you can take your seat behind Alex. Alex please raise yo…” She didn’t even finish talking before he started walking towards me. I heard whispers around me as they all asked each other how he already knew where I was.

     He sat down but the whispers didn’t stop. The girl across from me poked me on the shoulder, “Hey.” She said trying to get my attention. I didn’t answer her. Maybe if I pretended not to hear her she’d leave me alone.

     “Hey.” She said poking me a little harder. I turned towards her as if I was surprised.

     “Yeah?” I asked already knowing she was gonna ask me about Xavier. “How do you know each other?” She said loud enough for the whole class to hear.

     They all hushed up a bit as I was about to answer. But I didn’t get the chance. “Oh we’re old friends.” Xavier said in a sly voice. My body tensed up as everyone now fell completely silent, and looked at me. I slowly turned around and looked at Xavier. He had a sly smile on his face and I knew where this was going.

     I opened my mouth to speak but Mrs. Fredrick’s called the class to attention. “Okay that’s enough, time to get back to class.” She said pulling the screen down in front of the white board. “We’re watching a movie today, so everyone pay attention. You will be tested on it.” She finished speaking and groans bellowed out of everyone. Well everyone except me, Xavier, and like two others who were on the honor roll with me. Ever since I turned I haven’t had anything to do so I figured, hey I might as well get my grades up and make Julie and Daniel proud. The movie title showed up and it was underworld 1.  A few groups of people were all like

     “Great movie choice.” Or “I didn’t expect that.” I stayed silent but smiled slightly. Mrs. Fredrick’s usually wouldn’t show a cool movie, I guess it’s because we only have a couple weeks left until summer.

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