Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

     Throughout the whole movie, it was impossible for me to pay attention. Not because the movie was boring or because I was talking to my friends. No, it was because of how uncomfortable I felt. I could tell that Xavier was watching me. He was practically burning a whole through the back of my neck.

     I twitched slightly as Mrs. Fredrick’s turned on the light and paused the movie. “Okay class, we’ll pick this up again tomorrow.” She said before the bell rang signaling that we had four minutes until our next class started. I quickly found my locker and grabbed my Global Study’s book and shut my locker. I almost had a heart attack as I turned around to find Xavier standing right behind me.

     I glared up at him and he put his hands up in defense.

     “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just waiting for you to walk me to class.” He said trying to hide his smirk. I doubt he was sorry, and I doubt even more that he didn’t mean to scare me. In second period Xavier once again had to introduce himself to the class. He still seemed nervous, but after the next two periods I found out that he has three brothers, and one sister whose four like Dylan. Two of his brothers are already out of high school, and one is starting tomorrow.

     At lunch he asked if he could sit with me and to tell you the truth, I was surprised. Most people wouldn’t have. But then again, everyone else already knows that the popular group hates me. Actually the populars invited Xavier to sit with them at lunch too.

     “Go on Xavier. Just sit with them.” I said waving him away as I sat.

     “I’d rather sit here.” He said rushing his hand through his hair. I almost said he could stay, until I remembered what happened the last time I let someone get close to me. The populars saw that I was making friends with the new girl from Longview WA. She had light brown hair and was relatively pretty.

     Her name’s Alisha White, and for a couple of days I actually thought I could be her friend. I told her about my adoption and that I was trying to find my real parents. The next day she was hanging out with the populars and had completely twisted my words. She told people that my parents didn’t love me, and that I didn’t love them. She said that I had found my real parents, and was planning to run away so that I could be with them.

     Word of my so called ‘plan’ got to the councilor and then to the principal. Alisha told them that I had told her the whole thing myself and that she was only worried about me. She said she didn’t want me to leave, and that she was afraid because now that my ‘plan’ was out I’d leave sooner.

     The principal called my parents and asked about the story, but they had no Idea what he was talking about. I had to talk to a police officer after school the next say, and I told them that the whole thing was a lie. But my parents didn’t believe me. They thought that maybe finding my real parents was the reason that I seemed so distant. They checked my E-mail, and went through my computer. They didn’t find what they were looking for, but they did find the E-mails from Alisha and her new friends.



Subject: lol /Sent Thursday at 2:57 p.m

Hey Freak! How’d you like your talk with the principal?

Did I do a good job with my innocent little girl act!?

Anyway…you’re in for it now. I wouldn’t be surprised if your parents really did stop loving you after the call from the school saying that you found your real parents.

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