Chapter 6

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     “I love you Alex…” I heard in the distance. It was dark all around and I could see blurred figures walking around. “You have to forget.” The voice said before I was drawn out of my sleep by the sound of my mom.

     “Alex hunny are you up yet?” She said opening my door.

     “What time is it?” I asked rolling over and looking at my alarm clock, 1:23 P.M. I covered up again before throwing the blankets off in shock.

     “I’m late for school!” I gasped in surprise as I looked at her and remembered last night. We were all up so late she must have turned my alarm clock off so I could sleep.

     “I figured you’d want to sleep after last night.” She said smiling at me before closing my door. I made my bed before getting in the shower.

     “I love you Alex…” The words are still in my mind and I can’t help but think of them. So full of love, and sadness, why did I dream something like that? I let the hot water run over my face for what seemed like forever before turning it off and standing there. It feels like something’s missing, but I can’t put my finger on it. I wrapped my towel around me and walked to my closet looking at the time 3:06 P.M. I grabbed out some running shorts, a purple tank top, and my ipod. I set them down on the bed and walked to my mirror. I felt a pain on my chest and really wanted to know what it was. I let my towel slip a little bit so I could see were my heart is, I saw a bluish purple bruise.

     I looked at my reflection and then saw someone else’s too. I saw Xavier, our neighbor looking sadly at me through his window. I looked carefully at the mirror and watched curiously at him. He still hadn’t noticed me watching him until I waved at his reflection. His face stiffened, and he stormed out of his room. I turned around and walked to the window closing my curtain. I got dressed quickly and walked down the stairs. I heard my mom and Ava talking about last night when the kids went missing.

     “I don’t understand why they weren’t found together.” I heard mom saying still a little freaked out.

     “I know. I’m just glad they are both okay.” Ava said happily as I walked in. They both turned to look at me, Ava’s expression was a little weird but mom’s was as normal as ever.

     “Oh hi Alex.” Ava said smiling at me, I could tell it was forced. Did I do something to them or something? I mean first Xavier is being a creep watching me while I’m in a towel and then stomps away like a little baby when I wave at him,, and now Ava is forcing herself to be nice to me. What the heck!

     “Hi.” I said turning to leave.

     “Were you heading?” Mom said still a little, no a lot shaken from last night.

     “It’s okay mom, I’m just gonna take a walk.” I said smiling and realizing that what I said probably didn’t put her at ease at all. “I’ll stay on the main road.” I said smiling and waiting for her reaction.

     “Okay be back before dark.” She said smiling.

     “Thanks.” I said walking out. I closed the door and saw Xavier sitting on his porch with his head in his hands. I couldn’t help but to walk over to him.

     “You alright?” I said standing in front of him. He jumped in his seat slightly at my voice. I guess he didn’t hear me walking.

     “Alex…” He said looking at me with doubt.

     “Hi…” I said confused. Why is his entire family so weird? He looked at me and his face seemed to darken.

     “Go away.” He said forcefully causing a shiver to creep down my spine. He stood up and walked into his house. What a jerk. I turned on my ipod and listened to Linkin Park as I started running. I ran from Xavier’s house, past mine, and then kept going. I was about to pass the school when I saw a guy about my age a few feet in front of me on the side walk. I pulled out an earphone as he approached me.

     “Do you know were maple valley Ln. is?” He asked smiling. I gave him a quick look over, decided he wasn’t a creep and answered.

     “Yeah you keep walking straight, and then it’s the first turn on the right.” I said smiling politely. He didn’t look too bad, actually he was pretty handsome.

     “Thanks.” He said winking at me and walking past. He was out of sight by the time I started jogging again, and the song had changed to ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons. I love this song and instead of watching were I was going I started listening to the music. Big mistake…I ran into something, or someone. I fell down and looked up; it was Tanner one of my old friends.

     “WATCH IT!” He began before noticing it was me. Tanner is the only one of my friends that I regret leaving behind. He was never rude to me like the rest of them, he never spread rumors, and he still has never bullied me. In the eighth grade he told me he really liked me and wanted to go out with me, but I told him no. My parent’s weren’t ready for me to date, and considering what happened during the summer, I wasn’t ready either.

     “Sorry…” I said awkwardly taking out my earphones. I put my hands on the ground attempting to get up but failed miserably. When I fell I managed to skin up my palms, so when I tried to get up it just opened the wound more. Tanner extended his hand and I grabbed it knowing I would just look stupid finding my own way to get up.

     “Let me see it.” He said taking my hands and inspecting them. He’s so sweet, and nice, and caring.

     “Ouch!” I yelped as he grabbed a small rock out of the wound. He looked at me apologetically, but then let his inner friend take over.

     “Don’t be a baby wimp.” He said teasing me like he did when we were kids. We grew up together you see; he would always tease me, but then make me feel better by telling me a secret, or giving me a cookie.

     “I’m not a wimp.” I said glaring at him; I couldn’t stay mad at him though, I never could. I just always made it seem like I was.

     “Sorry Alex, I don’t have a cookie with me.” He said smiling at me.

     “That’s okay I don’t like cookies anymore.” I lied crossing my arms. I heard a laugh coming from him and opened my eyes.

     “Liar!” He said walking away laughing. He knows I’ll always love cookies. He started walking away and I couldn’t help but miss him. Before I knew what I was doing I was doing it.

     “Alex!?” Tanner said shocked. This is defiantly unusual behavior, I thought as I rested my head on his back and kept my arms around him. I let go and he immediately turned around to look at me.

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