Big Things

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Minnie's POV

I rolled over and grabbed my phone to see it's was six in morning, why did they let me sleep? I got up knowing I was not going back to sleep now and walked down to the living room and turned on the TV and the XBOX then put on Netflix and put on Bobs Burgers, made myself into a burrito with the blanket and just laid down watching the show.

I had been watching for about an hour when I heard footsteps and turned around to see Sam wrapped in a blanket.

"What are you doing up?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Well when you fall asleep at three in the afternoon you would expect to wake up this early." I stated and he came over and sat on the floor still wrapped in his blanket.

"Sorry about Trevor." he piped up breaking the silence.

"Why are you sorry I mean it's not your fault he is jealous because I want to have friends." I stated.

"I know, I just feel like it's my fault."

"Don't put this on you, you don't get far in life by doing that. I should know." I said and went back to watching the show and he stayed quite.

After awhile Sam fell back asleep but I was wide awake. I started to just think about everything. I wondered what dad was thinking about all this. Obviously he was pissed I mean who wouldn't be, but I just wanted to know how he was going to treat me now. Hopefully he isn't going to get too over protective because I have been working on a secret project and he has been letting me leave with him just thinking I was going to go hang out with Jenn or Andrea. Truthfully I was sometimes this secret project includes a video. I was keeping it from the boys so they would be surprised just as much as the fans. I just wanted to have this all done now so that when the time comes it can be ready and out. Actually today I have to go do part of the video a big part to be exact, might as well tell you if you already hadn't guessed I am releasing a song and doing a video. I am already at eight hundred thousand subscribers and I promised it would do this when I hit a million subscribers and I really want to have it done by then. I decided to get up a go eat because I have to be ready for when Andrea comes at 11. I started making eggs and bacon trying to make too much noise but failed. I didn't see Ricky and he scared me.

"Ricky don't do that." I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"

"I don't want anyone to wake up, because I have to sneak out with Andrea."

"Where are you going?"

"No where bad I'm just working on a surprise." He nodded and went to go make food.

After I ate I got ready by curling my hair, doing my makeup, and putting on white high waisted jeans, a flowy black tank crop top and black combat boots. Andrea texted me she was outside and I grabbed my phone and came out and got into the car, Rebecca was there too.

"Thank you so much Rebecca for letting me use your house to shot, I mean I really want this to be a surprise for the boys!"

"No problem at all Minnie, and by the way you look amazing!" She smiled.

"Yeah Minnie you look flawless!" Andrea stated and I smiled as she drove to Rebecca's house.

Kian's POV

I got out of my bed and saw it was two in the afternoon, soon remembering how late I came in last night. I walked downstairs to see all the boys either eating or watching TV, but I didn't see Minnie, she's usual up by now.

"Hey guys where's Minnie?"

"Oh she went out with Andrea!" Ricky yelled from the couch.

"Well did she say where they were going?"

"A no she just said she's working on a big project that's why she's been with Andrea and Jenn lately, maybe ask Trevor they told each other everything." Ricky stated and I clenched my fist at the thought of Trevor but I really want to know what she's doing, so I picked up my phone and called him.

"Um hey Kian." He stated picking up.

"Do you happen to know what Minnie has been doing, when she goes out with Andrea?" I asked desperateness clear in my voice.

"I may kind of hate Minnie at the moment but I'm not going to tell you, this project is very important, she will probably tell you soon." I said and hung up.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. What could she be doing that she can't tell me, I'm her dad. How is she just ok to go sneak out with Andrea I mean she just got called a slut by her ex boyfriend yesterday. Stop Kian you have to trust her, I mean Andrea wouldn't let her do anything bad! I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down and started eating it, but I just couldn't stop thinking about Minnie. She has been out with Andrea about three times including today in the last two months, I should be happy that they are spending time together but I'm kind of upset she won't tell me what she's doing. I looked at the clock to see it was three and Minnie wasn't back, I know when she gets back I will ask her. I went in the living room to go play Mario cart with the boys.

After a good two hours Minnie walked in the door looking tired but not like she was about to pass out, she came and sat down between me and Sam.

"So were ya been?" I asked as she rested her head on my arm.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise you guys get to know right when the fans get the first notice of it."

"But I really want to know, please I should be able to know where you've been sneaking off to."

"It's just this is really big for me, and I want you guys to be blown away!" She gave a hopeful smile.

"We will be blown away and surprised if you told us now." I stated, I really just wanted to know. I really hate being left out.

"Um, I guess I could tell you guys, I-well I just kinda wrote a song and recorded it and finished the video today." She stated nervousness clear in her voice.

"Really? That's amazing!" I stated bringing her into a hug.

"Thanks, you guys can hear it next week when I tell all the fans about it!" She smiled and watched as we played Mario Cart. Minnie soon fell asleep on my side so I got up and carried her to her room guessing she ate when she was with Andrea. I put her on her bed gently and kissed her forehead, I love my baby girl.


I am laughing at how you guys thought Minnie and Sam would become a thing! I never said that, her and Minnie could get back together, but not anytime soon maybe in the future or maybe Sam and Minnie will become a thing. You know how I write nothing is ever certain.

P.S. Don't mind that Minnie is acting like nothing happened, as she said she wanted break up with him away also the drama is not over.

Mariah Xx

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