feelings feelings feelings

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Minnie's POV

I didn't wake up the next day until like 2 in the afternoon when Jc came and woke me up.
"Hey I made lunch if you want to come have some." he smiled.
"Yeah I'll be down in the second." I answered and he left closing the door behind him. I slowly got up and made my way to the door and downstairs to the kitchen where a plate of food was sitting on the table waiting for me. Jc was also sitting eating his plate, my father was so where to be found and I was happy with that.
"So are you going to be ok? You know in a house with Kian and no one else after I leave in a couple of days?"
"Yeah I guess, I have no other choice." I tried to laugh it off and continue eating my food.
I got up and put my plate into the sick and made my way back up to my room but was stopped by my dad.
"Please don't touch me." I said calmly just wanted to go to my room.
"No you are not going to sit in your bed all day!"
"I'll do whatever I want, I'm not the one who almost got us killed!"
"I'm sorry that happened, but that isn't a reason to be rude to me!"
"Don't whatever me, you know what I'll be back!"
"Don't hit anyone while your gone!" I yelled walking up to my room. I was beyond done with him, I understand people make mistakes and he's literally 19 but I have every right to be annoyed at him!
I ended up taking a nap but was awoken by a loud noise of stuff falling, I guessed it was just wishbone being wishbone bug I still wanted to go check. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see not just wishbone but another dog, it was golden and very cute but by the look of the mess I saw very destructive. I looked over and saw dad playing with the dog.
"Hey Minnie meet Hazel."
"You got a dog? What in your right mind made you get a dog?"
"Because I wanted one so I got one."
"Fine whatever as long as she comes no where near my room we all good."
"What?! You let wishbone in your room!"
"Yes because I know he loves me and knows better then to fuck with my shit!"
"Whatever, but Hazel is an amazing dog she would hurt a fly!"
"You really don't see the mess around you?"
"Oh please, she's still a puppy!"
"Ok but when your crying over your shit being all ripped up don't cry to me." I said walking away.
"Come her baby girl." he said in a cute little voice and I turned around.
"Oh no I was talking to Hazel."
"oh." I mumbled barely audible. I walked back up to my room sitting down on my bed I begin to think. He only calls me baby girl, he didn't even call Andrea baby girl, to be quite honest it hurt hearing him call a dog he just got baby girl. I pulled my phone off the charger and pulled up a contact of someone I knew would answer and listen, Sam.(pretend Sam didn't go to playlist tri-state
"Hey Minnie."
"Hey a Sam I don't mean to bother you but I just need you to listen, I just really need someone to listen."
"Yeah of course." after explaining to him everything that's gone on in about the past two months he heard me choking on my words a little and he spoke up.
"Hey, hey get ready I'm be there in thirty minutes to and hour we can spend the rest of the day together."
"Ok." I said simply and hung up, I got up off the bed and deeply signed. I took a quick shower and simply dried my hair brushed it and left it as is. I put on light wash jeans, a grey t-shirt and my black converse. I put on some makeup and grabbed my phone then walked down the stairs to see dad playing with Hazel in the living room.
"Hey where are you going?" He turned to me and asked.
"Uh out with Sam."
"Well why didn't you ask first, and where are you going?"
"To answer both questions I don't know."
"Well you really should of asked first."
"Fine can I go?"
"Yeah whatever."
"Sometimes I wonder if you are even real." I mumbled and walked outside and about ten minutes later Sam's car pulled up and I got in.
"Hey Minnie!"
"Hey Sam, so where are we going?"
"That my lady is a surprise."
"I swear to you boy if we end up lost somewhere I will be killing you."
"Don't worry, I promise you will have a good time and forgot about how Kian is acting."
"Yeah I hope so."
After a very long drive filled with me explaining more of how I felt towards the things my father has done we got to a place in front of what looked like a hill. Sam got out of the car and came to open my door.
"We walk up that hill and we will be able to see the hollywood sign."
"Ok I guess that's cool." He locked the car and grabbed my hand leading me up to top.
When we got to the top he sat down and I say down right next to him.
"It's beautiful up here." I stated looked at the scene in front of me.
"Yeah it really is."
"I would be annoyed too."
"With what?"
"With Kian, not forgiving Trevor I understand a little bit he's taking it kind of far, not letting you go to playlist was selfish, almost getting you hurt because he wasn't paying attention to the road wasn't ok, and calling a dog his nickname for you right in front of you was a dick move!"
"Exactly, and he always gets so upset and angry when I say something about what he's done and says I'm making him feel like a screw up, which I would never want to and that makes me feel like a bad person."
"You are not a bad person you just have feelings, and as your dad Kian should know about these feelings!"
"I always try and tell him but as I told you he gets upset and angry and makes me feel bad, it's just an endless cycle!"
"Well beautiful only you can make the cycle stop." I blushed a little at him calling me beautiful but tried to stop myself.
"How am I supposed to do that, he's so stubborn."
"And so are you Minnie, you just have to stick with how you feel which I believe you will and soon when he sees how much it hurts you he will understand how he acts sometimes is wrong."
"What if that takes forever."
"Kian really loves and cares for you, it shouldn't take him that long to see he's being a dick."
"Thank you Sam, thank you for all this I really needed it."
"Anything for you, you know I love you Minnie." on the outside I had a small smile but on the inside my eyes went wider then a porn star's asshole.
"I love you too Sam." I stated and he pulled me into a hug.
"Wanna go get some Mc Donald's?" he asked getting up then helping me up.
After we got our Mc Donald's we drove back to the house and ate it in the car. When we pulled up at the house it had already been dark for about a half hour, I got out of the cat and so did he, he gave me one last hug and kisses me on the forehead.
"See you soon Minnie, text me whenever you need me." he smiled and so did I.
"See you soon too Sam." I walked away to the door blushing like crazy, fucking feelings.
First off I'm sorry for fucking with all you people who ship Sam and Minnie's feelings, to be quite honest I sit here like I can't have them date Sam's 19 and Minnie's 15 but like I remember I have a fic where a 15 year old and 20 year old dated for a short period of time and the age gap is the same as Jia's(was?) so like its an weird thing for me. I know a lot of you liked when I brought up Sam and Minnie so I mean it could happen I guess but I just don't know.
Any way just to inform you I wrote this the night before the day o2l ended and of course I need you to know this book isn't ending but I will be writing o2l ending in this book in the near future. I love you all and take this news in however you need too, you wanna cry? Cry. You wanna be happy with it? Be happy but don't force other people to be. Everyone reacts differently and that's ok. Personally I feel as if I wouldn't be this upset if I could trust that the other boys besides Ricky will upload weekly. As a Sam girl I need Sam's weekly video, I don't care how long they are I just need his weekly video to make me smile and I don't know what I'd do without it so I'm kind of scared. All I can do is hope for the best and so can you.
To end this last chapter of 2014 I want to say I hope you had an amazing holidays and thank you so much for 100K reads i don't think there is a better way to end the year, I love you all so fucking much and I never could of thought this book would ever come this far. I hope you all have an amazing New Year and here's to another year that we can fill with love, beautiful YouTube videos from our favs and more chapters of this book I've fell in love with writing!

- lots of love Mariah xx

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