Chapter 11: Remembering Is Helpful

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"Do you want more tea?" Annie giggled at a certain masked man who sat on the other side of the round multi-coloured table.

The masked man smiled behind his cover and nodded. The wooden red and pink stool he sat on creaked when he took a green and purple teacup from the table along with a small blue and yellow plate underneath it.

   With both of his hands, he leaned towards Annie who was ready to pour a blinding tea pot which its colourful randomness matching the two's surroundings; within a red, pink and yellow circus tent.

   After that, the man motioned with a hand and with the fingers on it,'Thank you for inviting me, Circus Princess.'

Annie laughed and the man looked like he was as they continued on their tea party in a place where no harm can ever enter and ruin their fun.




Lucas hummed as he slowly woke up from his nap. And dream.

'Weird,' he thought. 'Why was Annie and an anonymous having a tea party... in the old tent I made for Young Ameenah?'

He yawned with a hand covering his mouth and faced lazily to his left before looking down to see a worried Ameenah. He hummed for an answer.

"A-are you okay?" She asked softly and slowly stared down at Lucas's cuts. Guilt hurting her heart.

He then remembered those existed because of him and quickly covered them with the hoodie he wore.

"I don't want to lie so no," he whispered, looking away and facing the window, not wanting to touch any 's' topics just yet. Never, probably.

"Oh," Ameenah said simply and faced the road upfront. "Okay."

For an hour or so, they visited three orphanages; two that were still running and one that had been shut down years ago but still no sign of Freddie or Annie. Not wanting to waste the car's gas, Hazim and Mr.Trust slowed down their cars into its neutral speed.

Lucas's baggy eyes stared weakly at a snowy mountain that's located so far away from the city with two tall rectangular buildings standing on it with pride.

The NaiteKorVocalMania Mansion.

   He sighed. He was already getting homesick but as cliché as it sounds, his friends were already his home. He had been feeling further of this since the 'Additionals' and 'Extras' left for a 'short' holiday. It's been months and he missed them. And now, he had to deal with a more deeper kind of homesick.

'Maybe Freddie doesn't know how special he is yet,' he thought sadly. 'But he will soon, right? Right.'

It was a very silent ride for both car rides. No one spoke until less than thirty minutes later, and the sound came from the first car.

"Do you think Kaitlynn and Mark actually stayed put in the mansion?" Sheena asked, her eyes gazing out at the driver's Mirror and to Nicolas's car that was still following from behind.

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