[{Maniac Note}]=🙂The NaiteKorVocalManias (appearence and info)

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This was a redo drawing actually! 😄

   Now, for le' info:

   On Friday, 6 May 2016, a maximum of 21 teenagers and a child were murdered by the infamous group of terrorists.

   They first lured the parents out of their own houses by black mailing, lies about marriage, fake emergency calls and other contacts that could bring out the parents out of their houses, leaving their children behind unprotected.

   When the parents, single mothers and fathers, and guardians got back home, most of them found their place trashed and ruined and most of their children drowned in their own blood. The word 'Revenge' written with the children's blood on every family picture/wall.

   Only ten were found dead and bleeding in their original houses but the rest (eleven) had been kidnapped and killed away from the public by the treacherous terrorists.

   Only a part of themselves (such as hair clips, head sets, shoes, glasses, paperwork, dolls, etc.) were left behind by those children.

   The ten names were (following from the first to die to the last);

-Nicolas Hussel.

-Winter Lunar Rola

-Lucas Abraham

-Fredrick O'Kell

-Kaitlynn Mal Thornn

-Sheena Leon

-Elizabeth Alexander Queens

-Hazim bin Abdul Ali

-Ameenah binti Abdul Ali

-and Annie Lillistar.

   On Monday, 6 June, a month after finding the ten bodies of twenty-one, three more were found buried by dirt under a rushing river;

-Kawaii Ryu

-Alfie bin Muhammad Haziq

-and Orion Gargouille.

   and three again in an abandon warehouse;

-Harry Wyvern

-Rebecca E.Clipse

-and Tyler Suhaimi.

   The other five kidnapped teenagers and young adults were still not found up to this day.

   Depressed and heart-broken parents became desperate to 'bring their children back' that they asked a professional Scientist and engineer named Doctor Mundo (also known to be the Father of a Daughter who's in the top three of 'The Biggest Fans of Vocaloid') to help create humanoids that emotions, personality and appearance are similar to their dead children.

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