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If you're mentally exhausted because of all the time you spend on working on increasing the vocabulary of the second language of your own country but still do it because it can be fun and interesting at times, clap your hands!
Clap clap!

If you have nearly lost all hope in writing because it seemed like each two weeks when you're updating your drafts and writing school essays both in English and Malay, you're just getting farther and farther away from the main plot of the story or having to overdone the number of words in your essays, clap yours hands!
Clap clap!

If you're super SUPER pissed because you've fucking lost all twelve drafts just by updating your old-ass iPod 5 no matter how extremely and terrifyingly long or importantly note-based they all were when you've worked on them for nine fucking months, if you wish to jump off the cliff of your home for not having a back-up account to support this book you've loved but will take forever to finish because of your seriously dumb actions, if you wish to just regret most the things you've ever done and what you could have done instead of pushing people away and ignoring help, but chose to not give up because you told yourself that you have made this book out of love so out of love you shall make it and by 2am you promised yourself to update this book once every two weeks or less from now on based on the memories of those twelve drafts of nine months you've fucking FUCKING lost, if you're extremely sorry for making everyone wait for so damn long but still dunno how to show it 'cause your mind is fucking done and you know it and will never ever forget about it,.. clap your hands.
Clap. Clap...

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