Chapter 24.1: The Android And The Humanoid

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Maniac Note
Still in the middle of making Chapter 25 (the 'special' chap) for you guys!

Spoiler alert: It's more than 10000 words now and I'm pretty much proud of it XD (I bet some of you guys aren't. Lol)

Hope you guys don't mind me adding a few more chaps before it! It's good to know some (important) stuff from the past y'know :3

Please enjoy!

P.S: Drawing above by 6SmileGirl again! (You can tell which one's mine and hers 'cause I mostly draw on paper and she sometimes draw digitally XD If you still can't see the difference, just remember Smile's more Creative then moi' X3)


   He kept running and running. He did not stop and did not look back. He sprinted past tall woodland trees and spiky dark green bushes. He scraped a few parts of his knee because of the spikes but he just kept running.

   "Can't... let them... know... who I... am," he panted and sprinted to his left.

    But he did stop at one point. He stopped when he heard the sounds of children laughing.

   He cautiously looked to his right to see two kids who seemed to be playing tag. And those two kids were known as Happy Boy and Tyliee (but Happy Boy was younger here).

   After Happy Boy tagged Tyliee, she laughed so hard and fell down by accident, making him laugh too. Though at the corner of her eyes, Tyliee spotted the boy who was watching them.

   He watched in fear as she stood up and whispered something to Happy Boy's ear before walked towards the boy. Happy Boy followed from behind her.

   The frightened boy backed away a bit but Tyliee raised her hands and waved them. A comforting smile appeared on her face.

   "H-Hey! It's okay! We don't wanna hurt you!" Tyliee said softly.

   "Yeah! We just wanna know if ya wanna play with us!" Happy Boy giggled.

   The boy stared at Happy Boy and then at Tyliee and then at both of them at the same time. He paused to think before looking up at the two other children while smiling.

   "Y-yes, please," he said above a Whisper.

   Happy Boy and Tyliee cheered and each of them held each of the boy's arms but not hard enough to hurt him. They pulled him into the area they played in while giggling in excitement. Then Tyliee pointed an index finger upwards and poked the boy at his shoulder.

   "You're it!" She laughed.

   Happy Boy and Tyliee then ran away laughing. The boy stared at them before smiling joyfully. He softly giggled and then ran to chase them, forgetting about the 'running-away-from-the-Trudins' plan.

   Eventually, he tagged Happy Boy who laughed loudly as a response and fell like Tyliee did. The other boy started off with a chuckle which turned into laughter after.

   When Tyliee appeared to see who was tagged and who was not, the boy who tagged Happy Boy helped Happy Boy back up to his feet.

   "Who's who?" Tyliee questioned the boys.

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