V - A Heartbreak Story

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Trigger warnings for this chapter and a short author's note: Mentions of physical abuse, homophobic slurs and someone that has been pressured into sex.
The use of capitals for "Him/He/His" at certain points is intended.

Will's hands were shaking and his breath was coming in short gasps as he built up the courage to begin. I stared at him in awe, the amount of strength he was showing blew my mind and I fell all the more in love with him.

"He picked me up straight from school but He still wouldn't tell me where we were going. I kept asking and asking and all He did was chuckle and tell me I would love it when we got there.

The car ride was longer than I expected and the atmosphere was bubbling with an excited energy, I honestly couldn't wait. He drove us fifteen minutes out of town and I probably should have been nervous about it, my mom would kill me if she knew we'd left town, but I felt so safe and at ease with Him that it just made me more excited.

He stopped the car in a closed-off forest and I immediately began to worry as my feet brushed against the leaves on the floor. It reminded me all too well of the night I crashed my bike in the woods and saw the demogorgan for the first time but He held me close and told me everything was going to be okay and I truly believed it would be. By His side, I felt like nothing could harm me. In His arms, I could conquer the world.

It was still only early evening but the stars had begun to glitter in the sky, gold flecks on a black canvas and they were beautiful. He'd brought some sandwiches so we ate and watched the stars for a while, it all felt so perfect to me. Then I had to cut it short because I knew Jonathan was waiting for my call so He drove me to the closest town where I found a phone. When I returned to Him, He said it was probably about time we were heading home. I was disappointed because I thought it was still early but I got back in His car where I fell asleep.

When I awoke, I noticed I was lying on His couch which surprised me as I thought He was going to take me home. He saw I was awake and told me His parents weren't home and we were all alone. I suddenly understood why I was at His house and why He had made tonight so special - it wasn't because it was our anniversary. I knew what He wanted from me."

A single tear began to wade its way down Will's soft cheek. It flowed smoothly and carelessly with a gentle grace, not knowing it had been created from pain. I brushed the tear away and waited patiently for Will to continue but my stomach was churning, I was sure I knew what he was going to say next and I really didn't want to hear it.

"I told Him I wasn't ready for that, I needed more time. It would happen eventually so I asked Him to hold off just a couple of months but He suddenly became angry and upset as though I had betrayed Him. He called me a bad boyfriend, questioned whether I even loved Him and said if I wasn't willing to be with Him, then we may as well break up.

The thought of losing Him was too much for me to handle, it felt as if my soul was being torn from my body. I've been through some pretty dark shit but none of it ever hurt me the way losing Him would hurt me. I knew that, so I gave in. I had to show Him that I loved him.

I let Him do whatever He wanted to do to me and told myself over and over that it was what I wanted. Of course, that didn't stop the...erm...discomfort I felt as He hadn't taken any precautions to make it any easier for me. He knew it was my first time but He didn't seem to care about that. It wasn't magical the way I expected our first time to be but I thought I'd made Him happy so that's all that mattered. I didn't care that I was in pain, I didn't care that He hadn't listened when I said I wasn't ready. As long as He was smiling, I would always smile right back."

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