Tagggggggggggged ☺️

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Hello, I was tagged by unknownfl and shall therefore be doing one of these.

Feel free to skip this as it isn't a part of the story of course but if you fancy giving it a little read, part of the tag is a spoiler from the story so I'll put in a bit of a teaser from the next chapter. It will be two little spoilers because the next chapter is quite busy.

-Say 10 things about yourself
-Tell a joke
-Do a spoiler for your story
-Tag 28 people

About Myself

1) My name is Niamh as I'm sure you're all well aware of this from my very many author's notes. Again, Niamh is pronounced Neev.
2) I'm a proud Mancunian, meaning I'm from Manchester in the UK. Well, Wigan but that's in Manchester.
3) Now I'm thinking about it, probably the reason music is featured so heavily in this book is because one thing that us Mancs are known for is our great love for music and the fact that music is so important to us. My Manchester spirit has been channelled with this. I have attached the song 'Atmosphere' by Joy Division above (which you will know from 1x04 of Stranger Things) to show some Manchester musical pride.
4) I play the piano! Although I tend to forget to tell people this and I sent a video of me playing a few weeks ago to some of my friends who I have known for 2 years and they all replied "yOu PlAy ThE pIaNo?" and I was like lol I guess I forgot to tell you but yeah, I have done for 7 years.
5) Though I am mostly English, I'm partly Irish because my grandad is Irish. The Irish blood explains my very pale skin, very freckly face and my ability to handle a lot of alcohol, oh yeah. And it explains my name because it's an Irish name chosen by my Irish grandad.
6) I'm moving to Ireland in September for university and I'm excited! And nervous.
7) I am only really scared of two things: Clowns (yes, I was a mess all the way through IT the first time I watched it, and the second time, and the third...) and Vaseline. I don't know why but Vaseline terrifies me to the point that I can't breathe and I start shaking, I feel like I must have some childhood trauma associated with it that I've blocked out.
8) I don't ever want children of my own but I wouldn't hesitate to adopt Noah Schnapp if he was ever looking for new parents.
9) I don't tend to listen to music that's younger than myself other than The Wanted, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift and Walk the Moon. Walk the Moon are inspired by 80s music so does that even count?
10) I was JUST born in the 90s. My birthday is the 15th November, 1999 but I hold onto that month and a half of being alive in the 20th century very strongly.

A Joke

My life.

Does that count?

If not, here is another one but the issue is it doesn't work if you just read it so say it out loud with me...

There was an explosion in the cheese factory last night.
Do you know what the only thing they could find afterwards was?
Da Brie.

(Da Brie/debris, you get me? You don't? Oh, I told you my life was a joke.)

Spoiler No1 From XXVII - Should've Been There From the Start

Will's POV:

The party was scattered around the Wheelers' basement like dropped marbles on a lazy Sunday afternoon, the day after Mike and I had made our little deal. Eleven and Dustin were sitting by the back wall giggling and whispering with each other about god knows what, Mike and Lucas were sitting at our D&D table arguing over how they wanted to play our next campaign and my sister - having returned from her mini-holiday with Lucas an hour previously - was lounging at my feet as I braided her hair whilst on Mike's couch.

"So..." Max whispered and I could hear the smirk I was sure was plastered on her face in her accusing tone, "When I first got here, Jonathan told me you've both spent the past two nights here. Him with Nance and you with Mike. Do you care to explain, dear brother?"

I was grateful that none of the party were paying attention to us as I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. "Oh, friends stay over at their friends' houses all the time. It's no big deal." I responded, attempting to make my voice sound airy and disinterested but I knew I'd failed when Max pulled her hair from my clasp and climbed up and sat next to me cross-legged on the couch, her body facing mine.

"Don't give me that." She snapped, a devilish smile glittering on her freckled face. "You can't lie to me, Will, I can see right through you. Tell me everything."

Spoiler No2 From XXVII - Should've Been There From the Start

"So...so you don't hate me for having sex with you?" Mike begged, lifting his head up to face me with desperation in every feature.

"I could never hate you! I love you, Michael Wheeler and I'm proud to say it."

"I love you too." He whispered back, his dark eyes burning deeply into my own but still spilling tears which I wiped away with my thumb before craning my neck to place a single kiss on his cheek.

"Well stop crying then and finish getting these snacks for everyone! I'm hungry and I could really do with some Reese's Pieces right about now." I instructed as I jumped down from the counter and placed the bowl back into his hands.

Tag 28 People

I'll tag a few, I don't think I know 28 people.



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