Chapter 10

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"WHAT!!" they yelled in unison

"Yeah. He's not as nerdy as everyone thinks" Levy said

The girls had to do a double take. Looking over the picture again and again. They just couldn't believe it was really him. It could be a fake??

"Why does he wear glasses and vest? He is hiding behind it all. He has true beauty" Erza said as Mira and Juvia nodded

"Well, he said the vest and glasses are to make him look smart and presentable because of his dad. The glasses are for reading. He told me he prefers his black clothes" Lucy spoke without thinking, making them smirk

"He told you? Hmmm? Is there something going on that you haven't told us, hmm?"

"Juvia also wants to know what happened!"

"Come on, explain" Erza spoke sternly

"Well... umm"

-after, Lucy pov-

"He can fight?" they asked, really interested in the topic

"Wow. Juvia never expected this from him. Does Laxus-san know?"

I shook my head. How would he react if he does find out. He already makes his life miserable along with his followers. If he finds out what will happen to Zeref. I don't want him getting hurt. Would he get hurt though if he knows how to fight? I mean sure Laxus is bigger in size.

"He didn't recognize him" I said, "We should get some sleep it's still a school night"

'This is my new OTP... ZerLu' Mira mumbled drifting off to sleep

-with Zeref-

I was laying in bed running my finger in Izo hair. He was calming sleeping on my chest. The only thing on my mind was Lucy.

'Why was she taking pictures of me? Is going to expose me to the whole school? They will find out that I'm not a nerd. What if they end up liking me? Why would they though? If they don't like me as a nerd, why would they as me? Maybe I should talk to her? Find out what she did with those pictures? Well, if I can even get near her.'

-school day-

"Let's go. We don't wanna be late" Levy said, Lucy nodded as they walked to school

Along the way they saw Zeref walking by himself. Levy elbowed Lucy and wiggled her eyebrows at her. Which Lucy rolled her eyes at before nodding and walking fast to catch up to him. What she didn't notice was the 'Thunder League' watching from a few blocks away.

"Hey Zeref" she called out, he jumped back a bit, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I was thinking we can walk to school and class together" he just stared at her "I mean... you don't have to if you don-"

"No it's just... no one has ever... this is the first time someone wants to walk with me. Or be seen with me" he said, shying away trying to hide his blush "Since I don't have friends at school, I'm always alone so I go to class alone"

Lucy frowned as Levy walked up, "Don't worry Zeref, we'll be your friends now"

"Thanks" he said to Levy first then smiled at Lucy

They walked along the sidewalk just talking about everything and anything. As they entered the school gates, everyone watched the trio walk by. As they passed a group of girls they heard giggling and just staring at them.

"Why are they with him? Think he brainwashed them?"
"He is a nerd afterall"
"Maybe he is blackmailing them?"
"He knows everything. He must know some secret of theirs"
"So true. Levy would never hang with the nerd"
"Lucy would never especially since she is dating Laxus"
"They are the 'It' couple, the King and Queen of couples"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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