Chapter 2

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Lucy pov

*could dress up, to get love

But guess what?

I'm never gonna be that girl, Who's living in a Barbie world*

"...Hmm" I say tiredly as I stir in my bed trying to reach my phone

I grabbed my phone and stopped it from ringing "Yay... more sleep" I was about to go back to sleep when...

*could dress up, to get love

But guess what?

I'm never gonna be that girl, Who's living in a Barbie world

Could wake up, In make up-*

I went to see who was calling me and pissing me off so early!!!


"Lu-chan?" I hear the voice on the other end of the call, making me realize it's my best friend Levy McGarden

"Le... Levy-chan!!!"

"Gosh Lu-chan... I call you to say Good Morning but you just yell at me... what a friend you are... hmph!" she said, acting hurt

"G...Gomen, Levy"

"It's ok... you can repay me by taking me to a cafe that I want to go to" she said a bit happier

"Sure Levy-chan" I said, yawning

"Lu-chan? Where you sleeping?"

"Yeah... why?" I said rubbing my eye while falling asleep once again

"LU-CHAN!!! It's Monday as in a school DAY!!"

I shot right up after hearing that and looked at my clock.

"It's... 7:40!!! I overslept" I started panicking

"Hurry Lu-chan... I'm almost at school. You're going to be late since your house is farther"

"I'll ask my dad for a ride. Thanks Levy. See you at school" I got up running to the bathroom, took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Then I grabbed my clothes and started dressing as fast as I could.

My uniform is different from the other girls since I'm the Student Council President. I wear a long sleeve shirt with a blue jacket with gold trims and the Fairy Tail insignia over my left boob. The shirt has a pink bow around the collar, a pink/maroon skirt with black see through leggings. I wear black shoes, my hair is high ponytail with two strands out on each side. I added some light make up.

I went downstairs to see my dad already at the table. He had a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Ohayoo, father" I said as I walked into the kitchen to get some bread and food for my dog, Plue

"Lucy" My dad said

"Father, I kinda overslept and if I walk to school I won't make it in time. Can you give me a ride?" I ask finishing my food

"Sorry, Lucy. I would but I have another meeting to attend in the other direction" he said getting up

"Can Virgo take me then?" I asked

"I sent her to buy groceries. You may ask Capricorn if he isn't busy but you would need to find him. Now hurry up and get going" he said raising his voice

"Yes, father" I said as I started looking around the whole the house. I finally found him in the garden watering the flowers

"Capricorn, can I get a ride to school. I'm running late?" I asked

"Of course, Miss Lucy" he said turning the water off and walking toward the car, opening the door for me before getting into the driver's seat

I forgot... I'm Lucy A. Heartfilia. I live in Magnolia and attend Fairy Tail Academy. I'm a 2nd year student. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm 17 years old, I have a nice figure according to others. I live with my dad though he is usually never around or rarely speaks with me. My mom died when I was young but she left me something special for me to use when the time is right.

As we reached the entrance to the school I received a text

"Lu-chan where are you?" -Levy

"I just got here" -Lucy

"Well hurry, the bell will ring any minute now" -Levy

"Don't worry, I'll see you in class" -Lucy


I went inside and headed for the lockers to grab my math book. I saw Laxus and his group 'Raijinshuu' bugging a guy with black hair and a blue vest. He was pinned on the lockers by Laxus but didn't show any expression

My eyes widen when I saw Laxus about to punch the guy and I knew I had to stop that idiot.

"Laxus!!! Stop!!!" I yelled

Zeref pov

"Laxus!!! Stop!!!!" I looked to the side to see a girl with blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes

"What do you guys think you're doing?!" she yelled at them, which surprised them. I can't believe she was defending me

"What do you mean, cosplay? Were just having fun" said the guy with the beanie moving his tongue

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm not 'Cosplay' and stop bugging him" she hissed taking a step in front of him

"You can't talk to us like that!!" said the girl with glasses

"Shut up, Evergreen" she said, making the girl flinched

She turned to face me "Hey are you ok?" she asked

"Yeah, thanks. You were really cool to do that" I said with a small smile

"Tch..." Laxus said making her look at him "Let's go, Babe"

'I didn't know she was with him?'

Lucy pov

"Tch..." Laxus said making me look at him "Let's go, Babe"

I wanted to help the guy from before but I couldn't be late to class. Laxus walked over to me and set his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I'll walk you to class" he said

"Fine, let's go. Next time I won't let you off the hook you know?" I said raising a brow

"Yeah, yeah" he placed a kiss on my cheek before we started walking away

As we made our way down the hallway. Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen followed behind us. As we got to my class I opened the door to have all eyes on us.

"Miss Heartfilia? Why are you late?" Mr. Gildarts asked eyeing us

"I ran... into some... trouble" I said looking up at Laxus who was smirking

"Well take your seat. It better not happen again and Laxus get to your class" he said waving me to my seat and Laxus back outside

As I was walking back to my seat Laxus pulled me back to give me a kiss before leaving. I sat down in my chair next to Levy.

"Lu-chan, what happened? I thought you said you were coming when I texted you" she said whispered

"Gomen, Levy. I ran into Laxus and his group bugging a guy. I had to do something" I whispered back to her

"Who was it?" she asked

"A guy with black hair and a blue vest and glasses. I'm not sure if I seen him before" I tell her

"I think I've see-" she was interrupted by the girl in front

"Pay attention will you" she said in a serious tone

"G...Gomen Erza" me and Levy said. Erza Scarlet one of our friends but quite scary at times

Right when she said that the door opened revealing... the guy with the black hair and blue vest?!?!

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