'I love you'

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You looked at her. "So?" She looks at you and smiles. "I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTY!!!" Christina yells. She gets up and starts jumping around. You just sit there laughing at her. Then the door flings open and the boys come running in jumping and cheering. Daniel walks in nervously and looks at you. You both faintly smile at each other. Thoughts: I know i said i was going to be happy either way, but now i'm so nervous. I don't think i can do this, and what if Daniel changes his mind about this baby. And what about my dad... hold on! omg, MY DAD! What am i going to tell him. He'll be furious. End of thoughts. You smile fades away after thinking of your dads opinion. Daniel notices so he walks up to me and holds my hand. "Are you okey?" He whispers. "My dad. what's my dad going to say about this?" you whisper back. You turn to him and he brings you into a hug. "Everything will be fine." He comforts. "Your dad is coming back tonight so we can tell him then." Daniel says. You nod, and enjoy the rest of the day.

You all went out to Lunch then to the beach. You walked around and talked a lot. When you got home, you all cleaned up a bit because the house was a little messy. When you were done, you looked out the window and saw the sun setting. You started to get extremely nervous. You started pacing around your room thinking about what could happen. Then Daniel came in. He came over to you and held both your arms so you wouldn't move. "Hey hey hey, calm down. Everything is going to be fine! No matter what happens you know i'll still love you and so will your dad." He says soothingly. Suddenly, you heard the door open from down stairs. "I'M HOME!" Your dad said yelling from downstairs. You start to get super nervous, and pacing around the room. Daniel stopped you in your tracks holding your arms so you stop moving. "Y/n, everything will be fine. I promise you." He said. You take a deep breath. "Can you come down with me?" You ask under your breath. He nodded. You took his hand and slowly walked down. You see your dad and he comes up to you. You get pulled into a hug with him. "I miss you sweetheart." He said. He pulls away. "So, what's been happening?" He adds. You look back at Daniel and he nods. "Dad, i-i need to t-tell you s-so-something!" You say stuttering anxiously. "Uh huh?" He looks confused. "I-i-i-i'm...(Sighs) I'm pregnant." You close your eyes ready to be yelled at. But instead you feel arms around you. You open and see your dad hugging you. You hugged back. "It's okay pumpkin. I love you and i absolutely trust you will be the best mother. Anyways, i knew something like this would happen with that party of yours." he says. "So your not made?" You ask pulling away from the hug. "No. I can't be mad at you. And i will help raise this angel to be the best they can. I'll spoil them so much!" He mentions. You smile. "And Daniel, i know it's yours so come here!" Your dad goes over to Daniel and hugs him tight. Daniel smiles at you. "Well. I should go unpack. Maybe we can watch a movie?" Your dad asks. "I would love that." You reply With a huge smile. You dad goes upstairs with his suitcase. You look at Daniel in shock. "I thought he was going to react way differently than that!" You say. "I know right. I thought he was going to kick us all out and kill me!" Daniel playfully overreacts. You laugh. The boys and Christina come downstairs. "So.. what'd he say?" Jack questioned. "He was okay with it." Daniel replies. "So he's not going to kill you?" Zach asked. "Oh my god. What is with you boys thinking my dads going to kill you." You add laughing. They shrug. "By the way. I heard the word 'movie'?" Corbyn said. "We were going to watch a movie. Wanna watch with us?" You suggests. "YESS!" They all yell. "Ok ok. What movie then?" You question. "Umm, what about The Notebook?" Jonah suggests. "Omg I LOVE that movie!" You mention. "The notebook it is then!" Jack said going over to the tv. You got the movie ready and your dad came down and sat on the couch with you all. You cuddled into Daniel. "I love you y/n  y/l/n!" Daniel whispered in your ear. You smiled into his chest and you replied with. "I love you too!"

Corbyn was cuddling Christina. Zach, Jack and Jonah were cuddling. And my dad was sleeping. He must've been very tired. When the movie was finished, you were all crying. Loud sobs were filling the room. "Oh..my..god! That was so beautiful!" Jonah said with cries in between. "Yeahhh!" Everyone replies also crying. "Welp. We should go to bed. It's getting late." Daniel said. Everyone got up and headed to their rooms. Daniel slept with you again because Christina was sleeping with Corbyn again. You and Daniel got dressed and went to sleep snuggling. He kissed your forehead. "Goodnight my love!" He said in a charming voice. "Goodnight sir!" You replied in the same voice. You finally both drifted off to sleep.

Sorry this one is short again. But I have been very busy dealing with a loss of a family member. I will try and post more regularly. I hope this was okey. Comment some ideas for me please xx love you xx💕💕💕

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