Chapter 8

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"You son-of-a-bitch!" I punch Jim in the arm.

He smirks. "How'd you like that?"

"You cheated?! On a test, Jim, a test! And not just any test, an unbeatable test programmed by a freaking Vulcan! And it was totally obvious that you knew what the hell was going on and why when the whole damn system crashed and then completely reset itself when it came back up a few seconds later!"

"So what? I won."

"You didn't win, anything!"

"Yes I did, I beat the test."

"By cheating! Jim, whenever you cheat on something, you don't succeed in beating anything!"

"It worked in sixth grade."

"Yeah, that was in sixth grade, you were twelve years old, and it was a geography test you didn't study for when you had the whole weekend to study! Besides, nobody cared back then whether or not you cheated on something. Hell, even the teacher or the principal didn't care."

"Yeah they were cool."

"James Tiberius Kirk do not piss me off."

"I thought I pissed you off already, Natasha Evelyn Adams."

"Don't say my full name."

"But you said mine."

"Because you're in hot water damn it! I'm not."

"I won't be in hot water if they don't figure out that I cheated."

"I swear if you ever do something like this again I will make you face the consequences, I can guarantee that."

"No you won't."

"Yes Jim, I will." I answer. "Not today, but if something like this happens again..." I pause. "Jim, they're going to suspect something-when I take the test, there aren't going to be any glitches, and they're going to wonder...did Jim Kirk cheat?"

"They won't think that, they'll think that it was just a glitch in the system."

"That made all of it crash? Yeah, they're totally going to believe that it was just a 'glitch'." I answer sarcastically.

"Natasha." Uhura says, coming around the corner not long afterwards.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning towards her.

"Time for your test."

"Okay." I glare at Jim and then follow her to the room where Jim had been in not long before. I take a seat at the Captain's chair.

"Are you ready, Miss Adams?" One of the test administrators asks through the speakers. I look up to the room they're in and see the Vulcan staring at me, standing still with his arms behind his back.

I nod at the test administrator who had spoken.

"Proceed." The man says.

"We've received a distress signal from the USS Kobiashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them." Uhura says with a kinder tone than when she spoke to Jim.

Then a smaller alert sounds.

"Two Klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone. They are locking weapons on us." Bones says.

"Shields up." I order, then turn to Uhura. "You speak Klingon right?"

"Yes." She answers. "Captain."

I turn back to the image. "Hail them."

Soon an image pops up of a Klingon captain.

"Translate this." I tell Uhura. "My name is Captain Natasha Adams to whom am I speaking with?"

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