Chapter 10

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"Blake; USS Newton! Counter; USS Odyssey! Fugeman; Regula One! Gerace; USS Faragut! McGrath; USS Wolcott! McCoy; USS Enterprise! Welcome to Starfleet and Godspeed."

Everyone departs from the group to head off to the shuttles to take them to their assigned ships. Bones stays back, realizing that both Jim and I's names weren't called.

"Didn't call my name..." Jim says, and walks to the Barracks Leader who had called off everyone else's names. "Commander," He calls. "Sir you didn't call my name; Kirk James T." Bones and I follow him.

"Kirk and Adams are on academic suspension, that means you're grounded," He answers, then turns to us. "Until the Academy Board rules." He walks away.

"Jim, Natasha, the Board'll rule in your favor...most likely." Bones says.

Jim doesn't answer and neither do I.

"Look, I gotta go." Bones says, and Jim turns to him.

"Yeah, yeah you go. Be safe." He shakes Bones's hand and gives him a forced smile.

Bones glances at me and then walks away. He stops short right before reaching the shuttle just as Kirk gets out of the way of a commander. He turns back to us and grabs my wrist with one hand and Jim's arm with the other.

"Come with me." He says.

"Where're we going?" I ask as we maneuver through fast-paced cadets and large metal bins.

"You'll see." He answers.

"What are you doing?" Jim demands as we enter a shuttle hangar med bay.

"Doing you two a favor." Bones answers. "Couldn't just leave you there looking all pathetic." He answers as he takes a bottle containing some kind of liquid from a shelf. "Not you Natasha, Jim."

"I looked pathetic?" Jim says.

"A bit." I answer as Bones preps a med in a hypospray syringe.

"Both of you, take a seat." Bones says, and we sit down on a bench right behind us. "I'm gonna give you a vaccine against viral infection from Melvaran mud fleas." He walks over to Jim and fires the hypospray in Jim's neck.

"Agh!" Jim says in reaction to the syringe. "What for?!"

"To give you the symptoms." Bones answers as he preps another one.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're gonna start to lose vision in your left eye."

"Yeah I already have..." Jim says, blinking hard.

"Yeah and you're gonna get a really bad headache and flopsweat." Bones answers, and walks over to me.

", you're not giving me that." I say, pushing him away.

"Oh for God's sake, don't be an infant." Bones says, and moves towards me again.

"Hell no!" I say, pushing him away again.

"If I hadn't told you beforehand would you have let me give you this?" Bones asks, gesturing to the med in the syringe.


"Well how the hell are you gonna get on board the Enterprise if you're grounded and not like Jim?" He asks, then gestures to Jim, who' still blinking hard.

"I'll think of something." I answer. Bones heaves a sigh, puts the syringe back, and walks over to Jim.

"Give me a hand then." He says, grabbing Jim's arm. I walk over to Jim and grab his other arm as we help him stand up.

"Ya call this a favor?" Jim says, his voice slightly slurred as if he's drunk.

"Yeah, you owe me one." Bones answers.

"Kirk, James T...Adams, Natasha E..." A scanning officer says. We stop right before we enter a shuttle to go to the Enterprise. "These two are not cleared for duty aboard the Enterprise." He says to Bones.

"Medical code states the treatment and transport is to be determined at the discretion of his attending  physician, which is me. So I'm taking Mr. Kirk and Miss Adams aboard. Or, would you like to explain to Captain Pike why the Enterprise warped into a crisis without one of it's senior medical officers?"

"She doesn't look like...him..." He says, gesturing to Jim.

"Different kind of symptoms." I answer quickly.

"As you were." He says to Bones.

"As you were." Bones repeats to him. "Come on." He says to Jim, and we drag him into the shuttle.

Jim, seated between us on the shuttle, says, "I might throw up on you."

"Jim, Natasha, you've gotta look at this." Bones says, looking out the window at space. I look over but Jim isn't.

"Jim, look." I say, and point to the window. Jim leans over and looks as we look out and see each Starship parked at their individual docks.

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