Chapter 3

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I didn't know we were going to New York until Tony's bodyguard, Happy, told me that we were to land in New York City in another 6 hrs, since the remaining 2 hrs were spent on awkwardness.

"I didn't know you lived in New York City." I raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"I do. And it's quite amazing." Tony smirked, and I rolled my eyes; honestly, could he get any more annoying?

We were currently in a private jet which Tony had hired specially for me. Ignoring the fact that I could Apparate (I don't know how he knows about my magical skills) he dragged me into his jet.

It was getting suffocating, mainly because of the thick air of awkwardness between me and Tony.

"So, Alex, how are you doing?" Tony sent a glare in Happy's direction, silently signalling him to leave.

I watch Happy's retreating figure and reply curtly, "I'm doin perfectly fine without you, thanks."

Tony sighed, "Listen, Alex, I know how you feel-"

"You do not know anything about my feelings, Tony. Have your parents ever abandoned you? Do you know how hard it is for me to reply to everyone question about, 'Hey, where are your parents?' and how much it hurts?" I snapped at him.

"Alex, I am sorry. I really am." He looks at me straight in the eye.

"You should've thought about that when you sent me away. A sorry isn't going to change anything." I tell him, turning my head.

"Alex, you are my only family left. I need you. For that, we need to have a mutual understanding." From what I heard and seen on TV, Tony Stark was a man of sarcasm and humour. Never have I ever seen or heard this side of him.

Give him a chance, Alex. A voice said in my mind.

I sighed, "It's going to take some time, but, maybe I'll forgive you." On seeing his brightened eyes, I hurriedly said, "It's gonna take some time, I said."

Tony grinned.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't get your hopes high. Anyway, I hope you regret giving me away."

"I do. It was heartless and inhuman of me. Pepper reminded me of that." Tony said.

"Pepper?" I ask, confused.

"Uh, yeah. Your...I would say stepmother, but, you wouldn't like it." Tony looked away.

"A stepmother." I repeated.

"I know you're not happy with the idea of-" Tony started.

"No, no, I'm completely fine by it. I've felt a motherly love through Hecate. She could never replace Hecate's place." I genuinely said.

"Oh, right. And what about a father's place?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

An instant image of Sirius appears in my mind, and I recalled what he said to me a year ago, 'Alex, you're true family, lies in your blood. I'm pretty sure your blood father loves you just as much as I do.'

"It has been empty for a while." I muttered.

Tony nodded and wisely decided not to push any further; and I mentally thanked him. I closed my eyes and drifted into a dream.

It was night time. I was in a open land, a few trees here and there, and it looked like I was in the plains. The sky was a splash of stars, like a galaxy.

"Alex." A voice calls out, somehwere behind me, and I turn.

Standing a few feet away from me was a woman with dark hair and green eyes; it scarily reminded me of Harry and Percy...and me. She was wearing dark robes, but looked extremely beautiful in them. There was a purple aura surrounding her, and a polecat at her side.

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