Love 💕Me -38

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I have written this part on Friday and should give the update but the response have made not to do so . But today I am happy because my mom is returning from London after 5 long months .so gave the update  .Happy reading.

"next morning  all are busy in preparing for chunnari rasam which is to be done in evening  

"That's not correct killer why did you do so ?questioned Anand with all anger 

"Fatssoo please I have done which is right and I  haven't done  any thing wrong in doing so ,said anika.

"Anu maa you know this is all your handwork then why have you given all your shares and authorities to us .I don't agree for that said mahi agreeing with Anand ,tanu and kushi who are arguing with anika for giving authorities and shares to all her friends . 

"By the time all the members have gathered around them in hall.

"Whats happening her princess asked Rithik.

"Papa say to your loving daughter to not to give the shares for us .The S EMPIRE is all anika's hard work ,you know na  she is gave  the share for us which we are not willing to have but she is adamant to not listen to us ,said Mahi.

"Mahi stop it , why do you bring papa in between us said anika.

"Anu please listen to us we don't want that please don't do that ,said kushi and tanuja .

"Okay so what do you want to say that i have don't mistake by giving so ,rebuked anika.

"okay okay stop said arnav in loud voice trying to handle there not so heated fight between friends.

"Aru ,say me did I do any mistake by giving them the shares questioned anika    by turning arnav to face her .

"Say it arnav she have done mistake by doing so said anand by turning arnav to him.

"Okay stop it fatsoo ,you can't force him to make agree with you .

"Oh oo .. so you can do that na  said mahi folding his hands to his chest .

"Arnav now speak something say that she is wrong or else I will kill  warned Kushi .

"What will he speak ha .... I know what I have done is absolutely right ,ha na aru  questioned anika to arnav .

"ha princess answered arnav .

"What ha arnav huh ... you know how she  worked hard for the company and you are saying ha ,said Mahi angered with arnav supporting anika .

"Adi pls bachalo said arnav only audible to advik .Where advik gave up .

"Fatsoo,Kushi,tanu I know very well all this year you have handled the company when I am far from , said anika.

"Ha mahi what did you say you haven't done anything why did you give it to me ,then let me remained  you last month the bike launch which was done by our company is designed and every minor thing is done by you and for which we have a huge profit . We have profit for more than 500 c. you are the reason for that profit ,said anika pointing her finger to Mahi.

"Anika is right you all have put your soul for the S empire in all this months it reached heights .

Even though anika has to look after her family business too but you people handled it very well in her absence too .Till yesterday no one knows anika is MD because you people took the initiative in her absence .So she have done the right thing .Even I would do the same in her place said Rithik trying to make all understand anika's thinking.

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