Love 💕Me -53

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Sorry for this chapter is kind of filler.I felt I have to add this . Sorry in advance if you don't like it :(

"How dare you Mr.Shivay singh oberoi ,how dare you do all those with my sister ,i m not gonna leave you" roared advik holding shivay's collar.

"You have done so wrong Mr.Shivay Singh oberoi ,how dare you say all those flirty words to my sister, I'm not gonna leave you , i will see your end " said Arnav with the same pitch as advik .

" Bhaiyya please leave him " pleaded anika to her brothers who are not letting shivay go and beating him.

" Now you will see the real ADVIK NANDA , I will see how you will get through your business" said advik to shivay pointing his finger.

" count down begins Mr.Oberoi ,in your every step in business their will be a wall that is me and Advik " rored ARNAV NANDA.

"All your pride is your business right ,just wait and watch to see the downfall of Oberoi's" said both the brothers .

"Nahi, nahi bhai... You can do this ...plz bhai don't this ,business is shivay's everything... Plz .... Nahiiiiiiiii...........shouted anika and jerked from her sleep with sweeting .

Seeing the surrounding's she breathed in a relief as it's a dream.

" If Adi or Aru will get to know about me and shivay they will not that let go that so easily,they know shivay everything is family and business they will definitely target the business. As they have done with om's,nobody knows that they haven't let any exhibition and art work associate with him after they got to know about om marriage with gauri . Perhaps, they have mostly destroyed everything that belongs to om . At the neap time Anand got to know everything and me and anand have managed everything not letting anyone know about that . After getting to know about om they both got down in there place .

"Om's and gauri's relationship is going good and there is no force in it from the very beginning,but what if bhaiyya's get to know about mine and shivay's relation ? No... this shouldn't happen they gonna definitely not leave it easily . I will not let this happen . I know shivay have given his life for the business ,if they destroy that ,shivay can't...... No I will not let this happen"thought anika.


"Anand"came Ritik to Anand who is in his room.

"papa app, do you want something?" Said anand.

"Haa beta "

"boliyena papa" anand.

"I want to know that, did anika and shivay meet after the divorce fiasco?" came rithik question shocking Anand.

Shocked Anand couldn't say anything as he know that Rithik papa doesn't know about Anika and shivay relationship. Understanding his thoughts rithik said that he got to know everything through anika. After hearing that Anand got that anika haven't said to papa about their meeting at daragh and all flity words of shivay to her. So he remind clam and in thoughts weather to reveal it to papa or not?.

"Anand,please do tell me the truth I know anika haven't said some unsaid to me please beta tell me what's that ,so that I could help my daughter,so that we could know why does anika doesn't want shivay back ,please nandu "pleaded rithik.

Anand know rithik have right to know about what happened in his daughter life so not leaving anything unsaid he said all those happened with anika, shivika marriage ,each and everything, aftermath of their divorce fiasco ,dargah meeting and also during anika acting as P.A for anand and her breakdown.

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