Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep Beep*

I groan, reaching up to turn off my alarm and wipe the sleep from my eyes. I look over. 7:00. I groan again, wanting to sleep for a few more minutes but knowing if I do so I won't wake up again till four. So, I begrudgingly pull myself out of bed and start to get ready for school.

After showering and getting dressed I walk downstairs, thinking about how everything has been so far. It's a few months into my senior year, I haven't made any new friends, and the monotonous struggle that is the regular school day is starting to drive me nuts.

"I've gotta join some clubs or something." I think out loud to myself, remembering that it's the time of year when most of them are getting started.

After scoffing down a quick breakfast and making sure I had all my things, I step outside. It had rained the previous night, so the early morning sun had already started to warm up the many rain puddles, giving the neighborhood a nice, peaceful glow.

I stretch, then cross the street to start my daily commute to school. The streets are already starting to become speckled with many couples and friend groups on their way as well. I sigh, and my next thought is cut off by the sound of footsteps approaching from behind me, and fast.

I have no time to react. "Well, this is the end." I think to myself, already formulating my last will and testament in my mind.

(Y/N)!!" I hear yelled out, and am knocked off balance and onto the sidewalk ahead by whoever it is behind me.

"Oh geez, I'm so sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to run into you. I just thought you had left me behind!" I hear a sweet, familiar voice say. I look up and see a beaming girl, with short peach-colored hair, bright blue eyes, and a hand extended out to help me up. I chuckle to myself, accepting the help.

That girl would be Sayori, my best friend since we were children. She had moved into the house across the street from mine way back in elementary, and it didn't take long before we started hanging out. She was a goofball, but a sweet one. Someone I felt I had to practically take care of due to her clumsiness, but who I loved having around anyway.

"Geez, I should've known, you really should be careful Sayori, you could have hurt me." I say to her. She furrows her brow, placing her fingers together. "I said I was sorry, don't make me feel baaad." She whines.

I chuckle again, dusting myself off. "Don't worry Sayori, it's fine." I say, starting to fake a limp slightly. Sayori giggles, "You're such a meanie (Y/N)." Before flashing me her signature cute smile.

"But you still love meee." I say with a small smirk. Sayori blushes a bit, skipping down the sidewalk a bit to hide her face. She twirls around, the morning breeze making her school skirt flutter around.

I find myself admiring Sayori a lot, her cute laugh, her infectious smile, her gungho I-can-do anything attitude, just her in general.

I sigh, snapping out of my thoughts by Sayori's voice. "(Y/N), hurry up, we're gonna be late!" She shouts, and I jog to catch up.

"Race ya (Y,N), hehe!" She says and sprints off further to the school.

"You little.. " I say under my breath, and trot along after her.

*Author's Note*
Hope you're enjoying so far! sorry if this first chapter is long, I kinda didn't know where to stop, aha. As I said, I'd love to hear any advice!

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