Chapter 5

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   Sayori and I walk home, the sun starting to set on the horizon.

   The street ahead of us is already starting to turn shades of crimson and orange, with only a few cars passing us by ever so often. Trees hang over the sidewalk in many spots, casting shadows in the evening light, the leaves of which crunching underneath our feet.

   Sayori skips happily besides me, already going on about the many topics that she had been waiting to discuss with me all day.

   Due to her wild imagination, talking with Sayori was always enjoyable. She could ramble on about conspiracy theories for hours, talk about ideas or random thoughts she had during the day, or sit down and talk about a serious issue.

   I think a bit to myself as we walk, Sayori continuing to ramble away. I guess it was another thing that I found admirable about her, that even though she had such a carefree and joyful spirit, she had so many more layers to her than that.

   I catch myself looking over at her as well. The way the wind blows her hair, her joyful smile as she talks.. Why am I noticing these things now...?

   "You okay (Y/N)?"

   Sayori's question snaps me out of my thoughts.

   "Uhh, yeah, of course!" I stammer out, trying my best to sound like I was paying attention.

   "There's no need to stare, you see me every day! Hehe~" Sayori chimes, and I realize what I must've been doing. Embarrassed, I hide my face a bit in my hair.

   "I'm so excited about writing poems, this is going to be so much fun! Sayori exclaims, continuing to skip along beside me.

   "What about you (Y/N)?"

   "Yeah, I think it'll be great.." I respond, although it's not exactly my true feelings. I had never considered myself much of a poet, so I'm sure whatever I wrote would get a good laugh out of the girls in the club.

   "Come on (Y/N), you know I won't fall for that!" Sayori says. I should've known she'd see right through my crap. I let out an exasperated sigh, giving her a playful shove.

   "Alright alright, you got me. Can't I ever win?"

   "Nope!" Sayori repiles as she sticks her tongue out at me. I reply back by tickling her yet again, causing her to squirm away from, giggling.

   "Mmmm, you meanie. You know that's my weak spot..."

   She gives me that same pouty lip and sad face full of pity, and I can't help but chuckle at her.

   We continue on for a short while before reaching our houses. Sayori opens her front gate, turning around for a brief second to wave goodbye.

   I do the same, although, for a short few seconds, we lock eyes. As if we both were remembering what had happened earlier in the school courtyard..

   Sayori starts to open her mouth as if to say something, but seems to decide against it.

   I debate in my mind to if I should bring it up, but before I can even do that, Sayori flashes me a smile and trots on into her home.

   I stand outside my own door for a moment thinking, looking at where she had went inside. What had happened at the school? Something felt... different about our conversation. Should I have brought it up, and how?

   Unable to formulate an answer to any of my mental questions, I sigh, and enter my own home.

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