Chapter 3

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Sayori holds my hand, happily skipping down the hallway while leading me to her clubroom.

It's already around mid-day, so sunlight is starting shine in through the windows, illuminating the hallway in a nice warm glow. I glance at Sayori, she's beaming happily, obvisiouly very satisfied with herself that she convinced me to join her.

I smile myself, feeling good that I could bring some joy to her, although I doubt she needed it, knowing Sayori.

We wind around one of the hallways staircases and continue down the next hallway, coming to a stop at one of the larger classrooms before to long. This wing was mainly used for meetings and 3rd-year classes, so I don't venture here much.

"You ready (Y/N)?" Sayori says, motioning to the classroom door.

I nervously chuckle. "Yeah, whenever you are."

Sayori senses my uneasiness, and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. I smile half-heartily at her, and she flashes a wide smile at me.

She knows that despite my mostly carefree attitude, I still have some anxiety when it comes to meeting new people or going to new places. What are best friends for right?

Sayori then lets go of my hand and pushes open the classroom doors with both hands.

I'm baaack!!" Sayori yells loudly out into the club room. The doors slam on the adjacent walls and swing back, bumping into Sayori's arms. She whimpers and holds them.

I stifle a small laugh from behind her, knowing her pride is hurt more than anything. "Smooth move there." I chime in.

Sayori looks back, flashing me an annoyed look and punching me lightly in the arm.

It's a fairly big classroom compared to most in the school, with multiple rows of desks going up the room. Large windows cover the adjacent wall, bathing the room in plenty of sunlight. I can already see supplies and such scattered about, so the club must have been going for a while now.

"Oh, Hi (Y/N)!!" I hear from across the club room. A girl with long brunette hair and and large white bow in her hair approaches us. I instantly recognise her.

"Hey Monika, what are you doing here?" I ask her. Monika was one of the most popular girls in school. I had her in a few classes last year, but never really talked to her, except on a few occasions. She was known by everyone though. Smart, athletic, talented, she was the whole package.

"Well, I'm the president! Welcome to the Literature Club!" Monika exclaims.

"Why didn't you say it was (Y/N) Sayori?" Monika asks.

"I didn't know you even knew each other." Sayori says, a little confused.

"Oh yeah, we've had a few classes together, he's a pretty cool dude!" Monika says, giving me a rather sweet smile. I blush a bit, since such a sweet thing from Monika is rare indeed.

"Really Sayori, a boy? Way to kill the atmosphere." I hear someone say from beside us.

I look to see a short girl with pink hair and eyes to match, with her arms crossed across her chest. She must be a whole foot shorter than me, but I can tell she definitely has the attitude to back it up.

Although, being how she's in this club she's definitely a senior, but if I had seen her anywhere else I would have thought she was a first year. I wonder if there's something affecting her growth?

Another girl approaches from behind her.

"Natsuki, that's no way to treat our new guest.." she says.

She has long purple hair that goes beyond her hips, and the smooth purple in her eyes match. She seems much more mature and calm than the others, with the tone of her voice being one of intelligence. She's also about as tall as me.

"Hmph." Natsuki scoffs with a pouting look on her face and looks away, still crossing her arms.

"Oh! Um, my apologies, m-my name is Yuri.. h-hello.." She says, as she must have just noticed me looking at her. She hides her face in her hair and plays with a strand of it with her fingers.

"Hehe, it's alright, glad to meet you all." I say, doing a small bow. Yuri and Monika giggle a bit at my goofy display.

"Anywaaays, let's get on with it! Natsuki made.." Sayori starts to say.

"Shhhh, don't spoil the surprise! Geez!" Natsuki says, punching Sayori in the arm. I decide to keep my mouth shut about Sayori already spilling the beans about the cupcakes, my little dunce had already been through enough it seems.

Natsuki runs off the the corner of the room, with Monika motioning the rest of us to the middle of the room. I can see the girls had pre-arranged a couple of desks together to make a table, with the appropriate amount of chairs surrounding it.

"And I'll make some tea." I hear Yuri say as she walks off as well.

Monika and Sayori take their seats. I, still a little unsure, take a seat next to Sayori.

I glance over at her and see Sayori already squirming around with glee.

I swear, this girl is just nuts about food, it always seems like she's down for a snack.

"Excited?" I say.

"Well duuuuh, it's food! She exclaims, rubbing her tummy. "I'm hungry too."

"You're always hungry Sayori." I say, pinching her side, causing her to squirm again and giggle.

She swats at my hand, giving me that pouty lip of pity cause of her weakness of being tickled.

"Perks of being my best friend, I know exactly how to annoy you." I say to her, flashing a mischievous grin.

I see Sayori blush a bit, giving me a sort of side look through her hair. I notice it, but decide against bringing attention to it at the moment.

"Here we go!" Natsuki says as she approaches the table, a medium-sized tinfoil topped tray in hand. She sets it down in the middle of the table. Yuri also approaches, bring a tray with multiple teacups and a small kettle.

She sets a teacup down in front of each of us including herself, before settling the tray down and taking a seat next to Monika.

"Aaaand, tadaaa!" Natsuki exclaims as she lifts the foil off the tray revealing the sweets underneath.

There are about 10 cupcakes, all pink and decorated to look like little kittys in white frosting, whiskers and all. Honestly, it's one of the cutest foods I've ever seen.

Sayori instantly grabs one and shoves it in her mouth. "Ichs schooo good Natsuuki!" She says with her mouth completely full, crumbs falling down her face and onto her school jacket.

I myself take one and turn it around in my hand, looking for a good place to bite. I notice Natsuki staring intently at me, as if waiting for me to try it. I finally do, and am instantly taken aback by the sweetness and bountiful amount of flavors.

"This is amazing Natsuki, thank you!" I express to her.

Natsuki's cheeks instantly turn a shade of red, and she again crosses her arms and looks away.

"Well, of course they are! It's not like I made them for you or anything... dummy."

I chuckle at her, taking a sip of Yuri's tea. Sayori on the other hand, was on her 5th cupcake. Most of it seemed to be on her face though.

I sigh. "What am I gonna do with you Sayori?"

(Author's Note)
Sorry this one took so long to get published, life is just so busy! I promise I'll try to get more chapters pumped out soon, hope you're enjoying!

*Also, I plan on releasing a Yuri story soon as well, just have lots of good ideas for it so I'd like to write it now while I kinda have the chance. Keep a look out for it!

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