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It was almost December, and Madam Maxine had called all the Beauxbatons students into one place as she had something important to tell them. Fleur and I were sat chatting about what we were gonna do over Christmas, when Madam Maxine walked in. "Students, as is traditional for the triwizard tournament, on the 25th of December, 'ogwarts will be 'osting a Yule Ball. Since all of you 'ave been taking dance lessons since at least 1st year, I don't expect anyone to embarrass our school at the dance. Am I understood?"

"Yes Madam Maxine," we replied in unison. "Jade, can you stay behind, ze rest of you are dismissed." The other students started to file out back to the carriage and Fleur whispered to me, "I'll wait for you." I nodded and smiled. "Jade, as a champion you and your partner will be opening the ball." I nodded. "Remember, you are representing ze school, so you cannot make a fool of yourself. I do not want to regret letting you enter this tournament." I nodded again. "I understand Madame."

"You may go." I picked up my bag and headed out the door where Fleur was waiting for me. "What did Madam Maxine want to say?" She asked. "Apparently, as a champion, my partner and I have to open the dance." Her face lit up. "I know just the person you should go with."


"Viktor Krum." I blushed. "What? Viktor doesn't think of me like that." She smirked. "Ah, my young apprentice, there is still much you must learn about the male species."

"What do you-" I was interrupted by a banging coming form a broom cupboard next to us. I pulled out my wand and whispered, "Alohomora." Inside, was a boy who looked about my age, with a Gryffindor tie on. "Oh, thank you," he said, "I've been stuck in here for hours."

"Why? What happened?" Fleur asked, the concern evident in her voice. "It was Harry Potter. He's been bullying me since first year." I growled. "Why that little-" But I was interrupted by Fleur asking, "What's your name?"

"Neville Longbottom." He replied timidly. "I'm Fleur Delacour and this is-" Neville interrupted, "Jade Black. Yeah, I know. Potter was pretty upset that you beat him in the task." I smirked. "So Neville, why haven't you told anyone about what Potter is doing to you?" I asked. "I tried, but the teachers always take his side, because he's the Boy Who Lived." I frowned, remembering that the same thing happened to me before I moved to France. "It's ok, Neville. But why don't you ever stand up to him?"

He mumbled something I couldn't hear. "Pardon?" Fleur asked. "I'm not very good at magic." He said, louder. "Let me see your wand." He pulled out an old, weathered wand with unicorn hair coming out of it. "Neville, I'm no wandmaker, but I'm pretty sure that this wand didn't choose you." He shook his head. "It belonged to my dad. My grandmother gave it to me before I started Hogwarts, because it's very powerful." I shook my head. "It might have been very powerful for him, but it didn't choose you." He slanted his head. "But your wand didn't choose you either. I read it in the Daily Prophet." He said. "Yes, but Merlin made my wand because he knew it would suit his heir. You need to get your own wand, Neville. If your wand chooses you, it will be in sync with your magic, it will work better for you than it could for anyone else. When you have the perfect wand, that suits your personality and magical core, your spells will have twice as much power in them and it will help you to produce non-verbal spells."

"I never thought of it like that." I smiled. "Why don't you owl Ollivander and see if you can floo there at some point to get your own wand." He slowly nodded. "Yeah, thanks Jade." I smiled in response. "Why don't you go see Professor McGonagall to ask if you can use her fireplace."

"Thanks Jade, Fleur."

"No problem, do you want to hang out with us by the lake later?" I asked. "Um, sure."

"Cool, see you later." As he left the closet, I saw Fleur stare after him. "Does my veela friend have a crush?" She blushed. "Non," she lied. "Riiiiight. Don't worry your secret is safe with me. Although, you could ask him to the Yule Ball."

"What? Non."

"Have it your way." We walked back to the carriage to do our homework.

Over the next couple of weeks, Fleur and I got to know Neville more and started tutoring him now that he had his own wand. It was cherry wood, 13 inches with unicorn hair. Neville has become so much more confident, he's improved in all his classes and even worked up the courage to ask Fleur to the Yule Ball! Now we both have dates. Oh yeah, guess who asked me? Viktor Krum!

It was Thursday and I was sat in the library studying for my N.E.W.T exams, when Viktor walked over with a red rose and asked me to go to the ball with him. Of course I said yes, which resulted in practically every girl at Hogwarts sending death glares at me. Honestly, if looks could kill, I would be dead 200 times.

Currently, Fleur and I are shopping in Hogsmeade for accessories for the ball, because Fleur will be designing our gowns. We're meeting Neville and Viktor at the Three Broomsticks in 10 minutes for a butterbeer. I'm wearing a grey roll neck jumper, blue skinny jeans, a nude scarf, long winter boots and a blue coat.

So far, we've both bought shoes and earrings, now looking for a small clutch to go with our colour themes. Fleur's outfit is mostly red and mine is dark blue. Yesterday, Ron Weasley tried to ask Fleur to the ball, and embarrassed himself in front of practically all of Hogwarts. Harry Potter even tried to ask me! Which is kind of weird considering he used to be my brother.

After dinner, I opened the egg for the first time. "Are you ready?" I said to Fleur. She nodded her head. I cast a silencio and opened the egg. Immediately, a horrid kind of wailing came out, which I recognised as Mermish. I couldn't quite decipher the message, so I headed into the bathroom and opened the egg underwater.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this:

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour- the prospect's black

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

I came out of the bathroom and told Fleur what the clue meant. "What does it mean by, we've taken what you'll sorely miss?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I think it means that they will take something extremely important to me, and put it in the lake."

"Like what?" Realization dawned on me and I replied, "You."

"Me? What 'ave I got to do wiz it?"

"They wouldn't take a material item, you're my best friend, my only friend. It would be either you or Viktor. But Viktor's a champion."

"Oh. So what will they do wiz me?"

"They'll probably put a preservation spell on you and tie you up underwater. Which means, I'll need to be able to breathe underwater. Maybe Neville can help. Surely there's a plant that lets you breathe underwater."

"I do not know. Let's talk about this more tomorrow." I nodded and went to bed.

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