Final Task

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A/N Imagine she is wearing the same hoodie Fleur wore with the Beauxbatons logo

It was finally here. The day I've been worrying about since my name came out of the goblet, is finally upon me. The day that I prove to myself, and my family, that I am better than my ex-twin brother.

Fleur woke me up at about 7 in the morning to get me ready for the task. I had noticed that over the past few weeks, a maze had begun to grow on the quidditch pitch, so I assumed we would have to navigate our way through against some sort of obstacles.

"Jade, get up!" She shouted in my ear. I groaned, "10 more minutes." She sighed. "Your dads vill be 'ere in 2 hours." I shot up. "What?" She rolled her eyes, "It's the Final Task, Sirius and Remus vill be 'ere after breakfast." I jumped out of bed and ran into the shower.

I came out 20 minutes later, fully dressed and showered. I put my trainers on and went to breakfast with Fleur. We were sat at the Ravenclaw table, enjoying croissants and laughing at Harry basking in the attention he was getting. "Are you ready?" Fleur asked me. "I've been under so much stress recently with practising for the task, and studying for the NEWTs, I can't believe it's almost over. And in just a month's time, we'll be on holiday in America before getting an apartment together and going into our chosen professions." She nodded. "So, what exactly are you going to do when we leave school?"

"I've decided to join the ministry as an auror." She smiled at me and we carried on eating. "Mademoiselle Black, ze champions are congregating in ze chamber off ze Hall after breakfast." I looked up to see Madam Maxine standing over me. I nodded, "Oui, Madame. Au revoir, Fleur. I'll see you later." She gave me a hug. "Good Luck, don't die. And say hi to your dads for me." I waved at her and walked into the antechamber where I saw 2 men talking with their back to me. They turned around and I saw the faces of my dads. "Jade!" I ran into their arms. "Oh, Paddy, Moony, I 've missed you so much." They grinned from ear to ear. "Not as much as we missed you, sweetheart."

"Ahem." I heard a cough and turned around. There stood Harry, James and Lily. Sirius looked at them. "James, Lily."

"Sirius, Remus, we haven't seen you in 3 years."

"We've been busy raising our daughter." I smiled at my dads and put on a false smile for James. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jade Cassiopeia Black-Merlin."


"It's a selective thing." They shrugged and turned their attention back to Sirius and Remus. I tuned them out and looked around the room and saw Viktor talking with his father in Bulgarian. I turned to Sirius and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to Viktor. "Dad, you remember Viktor." He nodded. "Well, he and I are dating." I closed my eyes waiting for the blow. Then, Remus walked over. "What's going on?" Sirius smiled at him. "Our daughter, has a boyfriend." His jaw dropped. "Jade, that's wonderful news!"

"Really? You're not gonna kill him?" He laughed. "If I did, I'd probably be the biggest hypocrite on earth." I laughed, "Thanks, Dad."

I talked with my parents for hours, until it came time for dinner. "So, Jade, how do you think you did on your exams?" Remus asked. I opened my mouth to answer, when James Potter cut me off. "I thought champions were exempt from end of year tests."

"They are, however Jade had to take her NEWTs in order to become an auror."

"NEWTs? She's only 14!" Lily piped up. "I skipped a couple of years." The table went silent after that and we ate our dinner. As the enchanted ceiling over our heads began to fade from blue to a dusky purple, Dumbledore stood up from the staff table, and silence fell over the entire hall. "Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes' time, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch pitch for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the champions please follow Mr Bagman down to the stadium now." I stood up and followed the other champions to the pitch.

Ludo Bagman cast a Sonorus charm on himself and began to speak, "Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! In first place, on 94 points, is legendary quidditch seeker, the best and youngest in the world-" I winked at Viktor and he rolled his eyes playfully. "-Jade Black of Beauxbatons Academy." I looked up to see Fleur cheering me on and the other girls from Beauxbatons reluctantly doing the same under the glare of Madam Maxine. "In second place, on 87 points, is Viktor Krum! Following him in 3rd place, with 80 points is Cedric Diggory!" There was a huge cheer from the yellow and black section of the stands. "And finally, in 4th place, also from Hogwarts school, the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter! With 32 points." The crowd cheered and I rolled my eyes.

Eventually, the task began and I entered the maze. As soon as I stepped foot in there, I got a bad feeling. First, I encountered a Blast-ended skrewt, which quite frankly, have no place on earth or any use. I quickly defeated the skrewt and moved on.

After about 2 minutes of aimless walking, I remembered the Point me spell and tried it. I followed the light and it led me to a horrific scene. Sirius and Remus were lying dead on the floor, but after a few seconds of staring at the sight, I shook my head and shouted "Riddikulus!" The image changed into them turning into worms and wriggling around.

I followed the spell again, and it led me to a clearing, where I took a sip of water and rested for a second, until I heard a scream not too far away.  I followed the voice and what I saw before me was horrible.

Viktor was standing over Cedric, torturing him "Viktor!" I shouted. He looked at me, and I could see he wasn't himself, his eyes had glazed over. As he was about to turn his wand on me, I shouted "Petriificus Totalus!"

He was frozen over, and I had no idea what to do with him, so I sent red sparks into the air, and turned to Cedric. "Are you OK?" I asked him. He shook his head, " I can't walk." He tried to stand up and groaned in pain. I sent up more red sparks and went on forward.

I kept going until I met a sphinx. "Do you have a riddle for me?"
"Indeed I do, Heir of Merlin. What came first, the chicken or the egg?" I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "A circle has no beginning." I replied. The creature stood up and moved out of my way.

I walked on, and finally came in sight of the cup. I walked towards it, and heard a scream. There was only one other person in the maze now, but, despite my strong hatred of him, I turned back and walked a few metres to find Harry fighting with an acromantula. "Diffindo!" The spider was cut and Harry had a huge cash on his leg. He stood up and I walked away from him, going back to the cup.

He was quickly limping after me. I went to grab the cup and saw a split second later that Potter had tried to grab it at the exact same time as me. I felt a tug on my navel, and realization dawned on me that it was a portkey. I thought we would end up in front of the maze, but instead we landed in a graveyard. What? Why are we in a graveyard? Is this part of the challenge?

A/N Sorry I haven't updated recently ☹️ And sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes there's also probably typos

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