Moldyshort's Revival

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I looked at Harry and saw he also had no clue what was going on. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah." I looked around more, and figured out we were in a graveyard. "Harry, get back to the cup!" I warned.

"Get back to the cup! This is a trap!"

"And leave you to take all the glory? I don't think so." I was about to reply when a figure came through a door.

There was a man holding an odd child-like form. "Kill the spare!" The form hissed. The rat like man raised his wand on me, and started to utter the killing curse when I jumped at him and knocked the wand out of his hand.

As I got closer to him, I saw his facial features, and I realized he was Peter Pettigrew. "You." I snarled. "You coward! You went back to Voldemort! They were your friends and you betrayed them!"

We wrestled on the ground and I pulled out my wand. But he knocked it out of my hand turned grabbed his from the ground, "Incarcerous!" I was bound by ropes and he raised his wand again. "Avada.."

"Stop! The girl could be useful!" Shouted the foetus creature I know realized was Voldemort. He raised his wand again. "Silencio!" I opened my mouth but no words came out. Pettigrew dropped Voldemort into a cauldron in the midst of the graveyard.

Then he proceeded to do some creepy ritual about a bone from a father and dropped that in the cauldron. What the hell? Then, Pettigrew cut off his hand and put that in there. Seriously? How far will he go for Moldyshorts? He also said something about blood of the enemy, and went over to Harry and cut his arm. I inwardly gasped. I may hate the guy, but I don't want him to get hurt.

He put the blood from the knife into the huge cauldron. "The dark lord will rise again!" All through this Harry was screaming in pain. Who could blame him really? Pettigrew just slashed his wrist.

After that, the cauldron burst into flames and a figure appeared. A dark cloud of mist surrounded it and formed Voldemort.

After Voldy had gotten used to his body, he went over to Pettigrew and hissed at him. "Hold out your arm Wormtail." Pettigrew then muttered something I couldn't hear and I took their distraction as an opportunity to get my wand. I non verbally summoned my wand and kept it out of their sight.

Next thing I knew a cloud like skull had formed in the sky and I knew this only meant one thing. Voldemort had summoned his death eaters. And we were in deep shit.

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