Truth Comes Out

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When all of the death eaters had assembled in a circle in their black cloaks, gold masks and tall, pointed hats, Voldemort addressed them.

"Welcome my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet, you stand before me, as if it were only yesterday. I confess myself, disappointed! Not one of you tried to find me." He then started ripping their masks off, and saying their names as he did. "Crabbe! Avery! Macnair! Goyle! Not even you... Lucius."

Malfoy fell to his knees as Voldemort ripped his mask off. "My lord!" He hissed. "If I detected any sign, or whisper of your whereabouts-" He was cut off. "There were signs my slippery friend. And more than whispers." Malfoy got to his feet.

"I assure you, I have never renounced the old ways. The face, I have been obliged to present everyday since your absence - that is my true mask." There was a moment of silence before Pettigrew stepped out of the shadows.

"I returned." He said timidly. Voldemort walked over to him, "Out of fear, not loyalty." Voldemort hissed. Seriously what's up with all this hissing? I mean I'm a parselmouth, but this isn't even parseltongue. It's just pointless hissing.

"Still, you have proven yourself useful these past few months." He waved his wand and a silver hand appeared in place of the one Pettigrew had chopped off minutes before. He looked at it. "Thank you, Master. Thank you." I looked over to see Harry struggling against the statue, trying to get away. I rolled my eyes at his pointless struggling. He came over to me. "Such a pretty girl. What use could I have for you, Jade Black. The most powerful witch at Beauxbatons. You could join me."

"Leave her alone!" Harry shouted wanting the attention. "Ah Harry, I almost forgot you were here."

"I don't need you to fight my battles Potter." Voldemort walked over to Harry. "Standing on the bones of my father. I would introduce you but word has it you're as famous as me these days. The Boy Who Lived. How lies affect your legend Harry. Shall I reveal how I truly lost my powers." He turned to his followers and I untied my rope.

"It wasn't you Harry Potter, there was a girl there. A girl who had power radiating off of her. I went for her first, I remember her eyes staring at me. Her power was so strong for such a small child." Realization flooded the fourteen year old boy.


"Yes Harry, Rose Lily Potter, the daughter your parents neglected for 11 years until she mysteriously disappeared. I hoped she had merely ran away and it would be easy to kill her, or convince her to join my side. But no, Rose Potter had completely been wiped off the face of the earth. No one had heard of her. Most didn't even know there was another Potter. But still I searched, until recently I gave up. But I suppose you'll have to do." He let him down and told him to duel him. "Crucio!" Harry was cast at repeatedly by the curse. I moved around, invisible, while everyone stared at them. I silently stupified the death eaters one by one.

Harry was on the floor. Unconscious. Voldemort looked around and saw that his death eaters were on the ground. He then looked to the grave stone I was meant to be tied to, only to find it empty. I hit him with petrificus totalus. "Oh, Voldemort, will you ever learn. Why fight Harry Potter, you said it yourself he is useless to you. The person you want to fight is Rose Potter. But you know as well as I she no longer exists. On July 31st 1991, Rose Potter no longer existed. You know why? Because her name and life had changed. She was blood adopted. And left her horrible family. She became Jade Black. Even a dark Lord couldn't feel it. Pathetic. I don't intend to kill you Tom Riddle. I might join you. Maybe. Or I might simply get rid of you. But now is not the time. You are naive and you underestimate me. But I can't have you knowing this, or you'll come after me. And that wouldn't be good."

I walked towards him. "Obliviate." I wiped his memory and grabbed Harry's arm and pulled out my wand. "Accio cup." Harry and I were transported back to Hogwarts and he woke up seconds later. "What happened?" Dumbledore ran over to us with Lily, James, Moony and Padfoot in towe. Lily ran straight to Harry. "Oh, my baby are you OK?"

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked us. "The cup was a port key to a graveyard. Pettigrew was there and he brought Voldemort back to life. Voldemort called his death eaters and he tried to duel Harry but Potter was tortured and went unconscious. I managed to escape the rope holding me and summon my wand. Then, when his back was turned I grabbed Potter, and summoned the cup back to us." Sirius gave me a look saying we will talk later.

"My poor baby!" Shrieked Lily. I rolled my eyes as did Moony and Padfoot. "Are you OK Jade?" Remus asked me. "Yeah he didn't cast any spells at me. Oh by the way I think the Graveyard was in Little Hangleton if anyone wants to check it out." Dumb as a door nodded.  "I'll send some aurors over. In the meantime, the 2 of you should go to the Hospital Wing to get checked out. I nodded and went with Sirius and Remus. I told them the real story of what happened and they just laughed.

I was sat in the hospital wing when I heard a familiar voice shouting. "Let me in to see my best friend!" Fleur blasted the door open and I just laughed as she ran up and hugged me. "Oh mon petit bijou! Zank god you are safe."

"I'm fine Fleur." She nodded. "Good."

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