The Yule Ball

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It was finally Christmas and Fleur and I were opening our presents. I had opened Fleur's present which was a broom that wasn't even on the market yet that she got from her dad. Fleur's father is a French broom manufacturer and makes the fastest brooms in the world. I hugged Fleur and opened Viktor's present - he got me a necklace with a note saying:

Hope to see you wearing this tonight.


I chuckled and gave Fleur the note to read. " 'E iz so sweet." I smiled in response and handed Fleur her present. I bought her a muggle sewing machine and a book on patterns and fabrics to help her with her designing ambition. After Fleur had opened my present, I picked up the one from Sirius and Remus and read the note.

Our Dearest Jade,

Remus and I are so proud of the woman you've become, and we couldn't ask for a better daughter. I know it hasn't always been easy, but you always persevere and try your hardest and that is why we love you.

All our love,

Padfoot and Moony

P.S It only comes off if you take it off.

I unwrapped the small package and saw a black box, probably for jewellery. I opened the box and saw an opal ring, inscribed with Toujours Pur. I smiled, and a tear slid down my cheek. "What is it?" Fleur asked. "It's the Black Family Heiress ring." Her jaw dropped. "Isn't zat a big deal for your parents?" I nodded. "It shows that they respect my life choices and trust me to make the best decisions for our family. Heiress' don't usually get this ring until their 16th birthday."


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"I know."

"So 'ave you opened Neville's present?" I shook my head. "He says he needs to give it to me in person. Have you opened your present from him?" She nodded. "Well?"

" 'E got me an 'andbag."

"Is it the one you were ogling in Hogsmeade the other day?" She nodded and I said, "Wow, Fleur that is a step up. You've got a boyfriend that listens to you as opposed to just staring at you." She pushed me and we both changed to go meet up with Neville to get my present.

When we got there, he was staring at something in his hand and when he saw us, put it in his pocket and said, "Jade, Fleur. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Nev. So, where's my present?" He snapped out of his daze, staring at Fleur. "Oh, right." He pulled a slimy green plant out of his pocket and said, "I thought about what you said, talked to Professor Sprout, and discovered gillyweed. It lets you breathe underwater for an hour by making you turn half fish. You can't have it now though, because it works better when you pick it fresh." I nodded my head. "Got it."

"Oh, and don't tell Viktor, I only have enough for one person, and even though you are in a relationship, this is still a competition." I nodded. "Right, I won't tell Viktor." He smiled. After hanging out with Neville a little longer, and having a small lunch in the Great Hall, Fleur and I went back to the carriage to get ready for the ball.

It was 7.30 pm, and Fleur was currently doing my hair for the ball. We had Madonna on the stereo and were jamming out extremely loudly. "Seet steel!" Fleur scolded me playfully when she was doing my eyeliner. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued dancing. "When are we meeting Vik and Nev?"

"Neville vill meet me at ze Great Hall,, and you must go over to ze Durmstrang ship to meet Viktor." I nodded and said, "Are you finished yet?" She chucked and said, "Almost, mon petit bijou. Aaaaand, done!" I smiled at her, stood up, then looked in the mirror. "Oh, Jade, you look stunning."

"As do you, Fleur." She smirked, "Viktor vill not be able to take 'iz eyes off you," I blushed at the compliment, "And neither will every other male at ze ball, except Neville of course." I chuckled and asked, "What's the time?"

"Quarter to 8."

"Oh, crap, I've got to get to Durmstrang. Where are my heels?"

"Zey are by your bed."

"Fleur, you're a bloody lifesaver!" She shrugged and replied, "I know. Go, get 'em girl!"

"Bye!" I called out the door as I struggled to put my heels on, "Don't ruin your hair!" Fleur called after me. I flashed her a thumbs up and checked my watch, seeing that I had enough time to walk to the ship, slowed down and clutched my purse nervously. Eventually, I arrived at the Durmstrang ship, where Viktor was waiting with the other boys. "J-j-jade, you look beautiful." I blushed, "Thank you, Viktor. Thank you for the necklace, it's gorgeous." Just then, Karkaroff came out and shouted, "Now that Viktor's date is here, we can leave. Viktor and Jade are at the front, the rest of you stay behind."

Viktor held his arm out to me and I took it. We walked to the Entrance Hall, and strode in as a group, I got a few gasps from the other Beauxbatons girls, and wolf-whistles from the Hogwarts boys. I saw my ex-brother with a ginger girl I didn't know, and his friend, who might've been the girl's brother, with the annoying bushy haired girl I met at the feast. The music came on, and Viktor led me out on to the dance floor.

We danced and danced, taking no thought of anyone around us. Viktor was so graceful, and I was surprised with myself that I could dance in heels. The night wore on, and soon Viktor and I went to sit at the Head table for the feast. Dumbledore showed us how to get our dinner, and I said "Roast Chicken" at the same time Viktor said, "Beef Vellington." Immediately, our food appeared on our plates and we started eating. I made a mental note to thank the house elves for this later. Viktor told me about how beautiful the Durmstrang grounds are, while I discussed the Beauxbatons palace with him.

Eventually, after hours of dancing, the night ended, and I parted with Viktor. Fleur and I spent the rest of the night recounting our events of the evening, and watching Cinderella for the 10,000th time.

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