Friends And Family (and update on the future of TWT)

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"Fleur, where do you want your sewing machine?"

"In the spare room, mon petit bijou!"

So much had changed. Fleur and Jade had gone back to Beauxbatons after the tournament ended, and graduated their Seventh Year. They were now back in England, Jade helping Fleur move into her new apartment in Diagon Alley, where she was starting her job as a cruse breaker the following week.

They were unpacking the last few boxes and furniture, before Jade would take Fleur on a tour of Diagon Alley.

"So, our first stop is Gringotts, where you will soon be working, and I need to get some money out of my vault anyway."

The two girls walked into Gringotts, attracting stares.

"Ev'rybody is staring at you."

"You should be used to being stared at, Miss Veela who attracts everybody."

The quarter veela blushed.

"Don't worry about it, just follow my lead."

The girls walked up to the front of the bank, heads held high.

"Name?" The goblin asked the two, not looking up, hearing their footsteps.

"Jade Cassiopeia Black, I would like to extract some money from my account."

"Which account would that be, Miss Black?"

"Ravenclaw please."

"Do you have your key?"

"Indeed I do." The young heiress pulled a silver key out of her mokeskin pouch and handed it to the goblin, who inspected it.

"Everything seems to be in order. If you step in there, Narfang will be with you shortly to escort you to your vault."

"Thank you."

The English girl led her best friend into the waiting room, and they sat down waiting for the goblin.

Not long after, the two friends walked out of the bank - Fleur having started her own account and Jade with enough money in her pouch to last the next few months comfortably.

The two went back to the older girl's apartment, where Jade said goodbye to her best friend and flooed home.

When she arrived into the home she had only recently moved into with her parents after coming back to England, she was met with the sight of her parents sat at the dining table.

"The light of your life has returned!"

"Hi, sweetheart, how was Fleur?" Remus looked up at his daughter.

"Oh, she's great, I helped her get everything set up and open a Gringotts account."

"Lovely. We're having chicken noodle soup for dinner, be down in twenty minutes, alright?"

"Sure." The fourteen year old went up to her room and took a nap, tired from all of the day's activities.

Thirty minutes later, the brunette woke up and sat to eat dinner with her parents.

Halfway through dinner, Sirius spoke up. "Jade. We need to talk to you."

The girl looked at her parents, confused, but shrugged and put her fork down to give them her full attention. "What is it, dad?"

"Now that Voldemort is back, we have been asked to rejoin and old group we were in called the Order of the Phoenix." Sirius looked at his daughter who was waiting for the rest of the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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