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"Patton, for the last time, I don't do musicals!" Virgil whined.

"Please??" Virgil's best friend, Patton begged. "You have to at least audition, kiddo! If you make it in, it'll be fun! Plus, it's just a school production of Heathers. It won't be that scary. There are a lot of characters and you might not get a huge part and it won't be as scary as you think!"

"Ugh, fine. I really hope I don't make it, though." Virgil wrote his name on the audition sheet in the hallway.

"Oh! God, I'm so sorry!" someone exclaimed as he bumped into Virgil and dropped his binder on the floor.

"No, it's alright, really," Virgil said and picked up papers that fell out of his binder, trying to give some help.

The guy looked up at him and said thanks. Before rushing off to his class, he said, "My name's Roman", and winked.

Virgil bit his lip nervously and tried not to smile at him. He turned to Patton, who he could tell was about to explode inside. He was, too.

When Patton was sure that Roman had left and wasn't able to hear him, he screeched and started bouncing around Virgil excitedly. He squealed so loudly, Virgil was sure that he would go deaf soon.

"HE WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU, VIRGEY! VIRGIL'S GOT A BOOOYYYYYYYYYFRIEEEEEEND!" Patton teased, while his best friend tried to hide his face, which had turned completely red, with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"I don't even know who he is. He's probably just some douche playing a dumb prank on me. Nobody could ever be attracted to me, are you kidding?" he sighed.

The day went on, and Virgil would never say this out loud, but he was secretly trying to find the boy named Roman the whole time. He finally found him, but he was with his large group of friends.

He hated large groups of people. Sure, maybe being with seven other people may not seem like a large group to normal people, but it sure was to him. He gulped and decided to talk to Roman the next day instead of interrupting his conversation.

Then, Roman turned around and smirked at the blushing Virgil. He turned back to his large group of friends again and Virgil started to walk away. Roman chuckled and walked over to Virgil and tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump.

"AH! I mean- hey! Hi- I- Hi, Romano- I MEAN ROMAN! Sorry, I-" Virgil stuttered, but quickly shut up when Roman put his arm around him flirtatiously.

"Hey," Roman said with a smirk and bit his lip. "What's your name, cutie?"

"Uh- I- My name is V-Virgil!" the shorter boy said awkwardly.

dear virgil // prinxiety ✔Where stories live. Discover now