♡ 58 - a not so warm welcome ♡

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*tw: violence (no blood), harassment, homophobic slur*

Hellen sat on the park bench while trying to calm down. She pet some dogs passing by and took some pictures of herself and some flowers.

Soon, it was 5 pm. Two more hours until she'd see Valerie.

She texted Virgil for a while because he had waken up and was watching Friends with Roman.

And it was 6:45 pm before Virgil had to say goodbye quickly because his phone died. When they said bye to each other, she looked up from her phone and almost dropped it.

Ohhhhh​ no.

A tall, dirty blond haired man with a tired and angry look was walking around. He scratched his beard and rubbed his eyes, that were slightly red, probably from weed.

Hellen could recognize him from anywhere.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

She picked her bag up off the bench and bolted.

She thought she had gotten away, until she heard a yell.


She ran even faster than before, not knowing where she was going, but as long as it was away from him, she'd be fine.

While she ran fast, he ran faster, and soon, the only way she could go was across the street. And the only way to get across the street was to jump over all the moving cars, but she wasn't in a badass action movie.

Large arms wrapped around her, pulling her away, and she felt as if she was suffocating.

"Where do you think you're going?" the man hissed. Hellen could smell the alcohol when he spoke.

"Let me go!"


"LET ME GO!" (a/n: if you love me let me gooooooo- not a good time, I get it)

"You never came home and you deserve to be punished."


"Where have you been staying?!"

"I won't tell you!" She used her hands to try to get his arms off her, but he was too strong.

"I'm your father! Why can't you be a good daughter?!"

"Why can't you be a good dad?! Get the fuck off of me!"

"Not until you tell me who you've been staying with! It better not be one of those fags."


"Then it was, wasn't it?!"

"N-No!" she screamed. "Get off me, Dad! Please!" Why wasn't there anybody around? Why weren't the people in their cars helping?! Why did nobody ca-

"GET OFF OF HER!" someone screamed and punched Hellen's dad in the face, causing him to fall over, and then kicking him between his legs.

Hellen's dad was curled up and groaning in pain.

"Who the hell was that?!" the person asked. A girl voice.

"Doesn't matter..." Hellen rubbed her neck, which hurt from the man's arms strangling her. She kept her head down so the girl who just saved her wouldn't see her crying like a pathetic loser.

"Of course it matters! That dude looked like he was going to kill you!"

"I'm used to i-" She slapped her own hand over her mouth. She revealed too much.

"This has happened before?" The girl's voice was now softer.

Hellen nodded.

The girl put her hand under Hellen's chin and lifted her head up.


"I was on my way to the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet." Valerie gave her a sad smile.

"Really? I thought- I thought you were just pranking me. I didn't believe you'd actually come. I thought you'd probably just leave me waiting there for an hour as revenge or something..."

"You weren't nice to me and my friends, but I wouldn't do that to you."

"Why not? I'm a piece of shit."

"Oh, Hellen. What's happened? Why aren't you like the way you were before you met Virgil? You were so great! What happened to you?"

Before Hellen could stop herself, the whole story spilled out.

How Jade got kicked out, how her mom left, how her dad beat her up, how Gabriella got rid of her for no reason, how she lied to her dad, how Valerie was her only friend and why she did everything she did. She told her almost everything she had told Virgil.

You know, except for the being in love with her part.

"And that's my dad you just fought," Hellen cried.

Valerie's eyes widened. "You never told me this! How long has your dad been... you know?"

"S-Since I was a little kid."

"Oh, that must've been awful. I'm sorry."

"It's nothing. Whatever."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Hellen thought about it and then shook her head. "I only talk to Virgil about it. 'm sorry," she mumbled.

"That's okay. I understand. But, why didn't you say anything while we were friends? I could've helped you!"

"You were too important to me. I didn't want to risk losing my only friend because she might think I'm weird."

"No way! You must have had other friends, right? You're exaggerating... right?"

The blonde shook her head. "I'm very serious when I say you were my only friend. And now Virgil's my only friend."

"That's why Virgil wouldn't tell us anything."


"I'm so horrible! We all got mad at him for not telling us what you told him, but it was so important to you!"

Hellen looked into Valerie's large, brown eyes and her heart began to pound the way it did every time she looked directly at her. Valerie looked like she was about to cry, and her eyes were glossy.

Hellen gulped and took Valerie's hands in her own. "You're not horrible. You wanting to know was normal. I want to know stuff all the time." Wow, I am shit at comforting people, she thought, mentally slapping herself.

Valerie sighed. "Thanks... Do you want to go get some coffee now?"

Hellen let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah. I'd like that."

"Do you want to... call the police? On your dad?"

"Um, yeah. While he's still unconscious over there. I never did it before since, well- since I never had someone around to help me."

"I'll be here! Just like I was before."

And that's when Hellen kissed her.

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