♡ 46 - virgil's mom is a queen ♡

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Virgil was unusually happy. He'd filmed more videos and went on that triple date. He didn't worry about anything.

Until a week later.

He went home after a long day of school, threw his backpack onto a chair, and flopped down face forward onto his bed.

He woke up when he heard his phone vibrating. It was a call from his mom, which was strange, since his mom rarely called him.

"Hey, Mom."


"Why did you need to call me? You don't usually call me."

"I was sent an email by your guidance counselor, Mrs. Ebony, and I think you should see it. We need to talk about it soon."

Virgil went silent. "...can you forward the email to me? It's virgilm322@gmail.com"

(a/n: 322 for march 22nd-)

"Of course! But when I get home, you can't avoid any questions, okay?"

"Alright, alright. See you later, Mom."

"See you, Virgil."

He hung up, and soon enough, he got an email.

And when he read it, he nearly dropped his phone.

Two hours later, he looked out his window and saw his mom coming home and unlocking the door.

He locked himself in his room and sank down in the corner. He didn't know what questions his mom would ask, but he knew this wouldn't end well.

He heard the front door open, so he put on his headphones and played Girls by Marina and the Diamonds so he could pretend not to hear when his mom knocked on his door.

She was patient for the first minute, but she started knocking louder and faster, and Virgil finally gave in. He put his headphones on his shoulders and realized he was shaking slightly.

Don't you fucking dare have a panic attack in front of Mom, he ordered himself, and tried to keep his shit together when he unlocked and opened the door.

No greeting.

Just the question, "Was it all true?"

There was a long pause, and the teenager was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

*flashback of the email*

Hello Virgil's mother,

I hope I have the correct email address. I'm the guidance counselor and I'm emailing to inform you about some issues with your son, Virgil.

He told me that a girl named Hellen had been bullying him. Hellen is a girl who sent everybody in the school an email with a link to all of Virgil's secret YouTube videos. I listened to the things he wrote, and he seemed to be very emotional and in need of help. I let him miss a class and come down to my office.

He got very defensive, angry, and disrespectful. He ran off into the bathroom and I followed him. He cursed and yelled at me when I was trying to help and I gave him some advice. I suggested that he write letters to people he wanted to write to as a way to calm down, since, by watching his videos (that are now deleted), I assume he enjoys writing.

I worry about him. I want him to get better but he won't give me proof that he wrote those letters, so I'm not sure if he's even trying to get better.

I believe you should talk with him. He probably hasn't told you much about what's been happening in his school life. I think you can really help him, or get someone who can help him.

Mrs. Ebony

*switch back to present time*

Virgil finally opened his mouth, and when he did, words flooded out and he couldn't even control them. He told her everything, from when he started dating Roman, to when he started getting bullied by Hellen, to when the Heathers cast tried to attack Hellen, to when Hellen was bothering him and Valerie and he dumped water on her, to after the talk with the principal, to when he got beat up, to when he started writing and decided to make a YouTube channel anonymously, to when his friends found out about the account and they made videos together, to when Hellen found the older videos on the channel and sent an email to the entire school including the teachers with a link to them all, to his panic attack in the bathroom that Patton helped him through, to how he deleted them, to his meeting with Mrs. Ebony, and so on.

When he finished his nervous rambling, his mom looked stunned at how little she knew about what was going on.

"But really! I'm so much better now! Those videos were pretty old and almost all the new ones are with my friends and I'm not feeling as worse as I did before!" He was ready for her to yell. He was ready to be called pathetic and stupid for keeping almost every detail of his school life a secret from her.

But instead, he got a hug.

"Virgil, I'm so sorry all that happened to you. Don't listen to Mrs. Ebony if you think you're getting better. It seems like your friends get you through almost everything, so continue doing what you're doing, and if you do think you need professional help, don't be afraid to tell me."

He hugged her back. "Okay. Thanks, Mom. I'm so lucky to have someone so understanding."

"Anytime, Virgil. We don't talk as much as we used to, but that doesn't mean I stopped caring. You can tell me basically anything."

Virgil grinned. "Thanks, Mom."

That evening, Virgil and his mom wrote an email back.

Hello Mrs. Ebony,

After speaking with Virgil, I now know that the videos he made that worried you were posted long ago, long before Hellen Reaves found out about them. There's nothing to worry about because his friends and boyfriend quickly helped him get better, and you being a bit invasive and rude to him ruined everything.

Virgil is perfectly fine, and him and I would both appreciate it if you wouldn't bother him so much, since he has it under control. No, I will not take him to therapy unless he feels he needs it. It's not your place to state what you think he needs, unless you are FULLY aware of every detail that has happened during the school year so far.

The one thing I agree with you on, is that writing letters will calm his anxiety, since he does enjoy writing. However, I'd like it if you didn't push him to show you. If he wants to write them, he'll write them, and if he wants to show you them, he'll show you them. If you should know, I've read over a couple of letters he's written, so there's no need to give him detention or whatever you said in the emails sent to him. (He showed me.)

Liliana Miking

P.S. hello this is virgil speaking i would like to inform you that you are a pRick and i hope ya lose ya job m888888

When they finished, his mom clicked the send button and hugged Virgil tightly.

"You're amazing, Mom! Thank you so much."

"I'd do anything for you, Virgil."

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