♡ 52 - sunflower ♡

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(a/n: song is sunflower by rex orange county and holy shit i love it a lot)

While getting ready for school, the two talked it out and Virgil calmed down.

"Thanks... For understanding, you know?" he said.

"I know what it's like not to be understood. It feels like shit. I'll be here for you. You know... Just like you were for me." She smiled, while finishing applying her eyeliner.

Virgil was brushing his teeth while Hellen was doing her eyebrows. She liked makeup, but she didn't have much money for it, so she only wore cheap eyeliner, mascara, sometimes eyebrow things, and very, very occasionally, lipstick.

She was subconsciously singing quietly to herself.

"I want to know, where I can go, where you're not around, and I'm feeling down... Woah," she sang, forgetting Virgil was there.

"I don't wanna see you cry. You don't have to feel this emptiness. She said I love you til the day that I die. Well, maybe she's right..." She skipped a lot of the song after that. "You know you need to sleep and dream a dream of you and I, 'cause there's no need to keep an open eye. I promise I'm the one for you, just let me hold you in these arms tonight. I'm lucky to be near you, see it in my face... Back when I fucked my shit up too many times, why would I let myself get down in the first place?

"Tryna keep my mind at bay, sunflower still grows at night, waiting for a minute til the sun's seen through my eyes. Down, down, d-d-down, diggy down down, do do do... Waiting for a minute til the sun's seen through my eyes." She bopped her head to the beat with a grin.

Virgil applauded her when she stopped singing. She snapped out of it and smiled, thanking him.

"You're a good singer!" he said.

"Well, I am in musicals quite a bit. I kinda have to sing at least decently," she joked.

Virgil laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Anyway... You almost ready?"

"Yeah. I'm just going to get a hair band."


She came back with her hair tied in a neat ponytail, looked at her reflection at different angles, and nodded to herself. "I'm ready now."

They put in their backpacks, got into his mom's car, and rode to school.

Virgil was with Patton because Patton wanted to show him a cute bird he saw. Hellen was just listening to music alone in the corner, but he'd come back to her after Patton was done babying the bird.

He turned around when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. "What do you want?" he asked rudely when he saw who it was.

"I wanted to talk to you," said Roman.

"Yeah, I think you've done enough talking, Ramen."

Patton looked back and forth at the two, and then remembered what Virgil had texted him at 5 am earlier that day.

Virgil hadn't said what happened in he text, but he had mentioned the COOL RANCH DORITOS and Patton knew him too well and he immediately understood.

And so he punched Roman in the face.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Roman rubbed the area Patton had hurt him in.

"Sorry, but you hurt my son, and nobody hurts my son," Patton stated, like he was a news reporter.

"I just wanted to apologize!" Roman protested.

Patton crossed his arms over his chest. "And for what, exactly? Tell that to Virgil. And if your apology isn't sincere, I will not hesitate to physically fight you."

The three stayed in awkward silence.

"Well?" Patton asked impatiently. "Are you going to say something, Roman?"


"So say it."

Virgil was starting to get a bit impatient, but not as impatient as Patton was.

"Look, I don't know why I did what I did. At first, I yelled because I thought maybe she was just tricking you so she could hurt you again, because she never really liked you anyway. I care about you a lot, and that's not an excuse for being such a jerk, but I guess you argued back and I started to realize I should give her a chance. I still don't completely trust her, but I'll always try to support you! I guess I didn't want you to be right, because that would mean I lost the argument, you know? Well, probably not. What I'm saying is kinda really fucking shitty, but please forgive me? I would've given her a chance in the first place if I didn't care so much about being right and winning, and I'm sorry. I should stop doing that." Roman winced at everything he'd just said.

"Language," Patton scolded.

Virgil didn't know how to respond. If he forgave him right away, something might happen again like the last time, but also they'd be back to normal faster and they could talk things out next time, since Roman is trying to fix his problem.

After a very long two minutes of him debating with himself, he said, "I forgive you."

"Thank God! Because I-"

"On one condition."

"Okay... I'll do anything!"

"Hellen's going to be part of our friend group now."

"What?! But what if-"

"Roman, you just said you were getting better, and this can help you even more! She's actually amazing, so quit worrying! Dear God, it's usually me that's over thinking everything!"

"Okay. Sorry," Roman quickly apologized.

"Stop apologizing, you dork," Virgil joked and gave him a hug. "I already know you're an idiot."

Patton beamed and gave them a thumbs up before heading into Logan's direction.

Virgil and Roman went to sit with Hellen.

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