♡ 27 - valerie the mom ♡

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(a/n: read to the end of this chapter to see the cover of the sequel that ive been planning ever since i came up with the ending for this :))) i hope y'all read it when this ends lol)


The next two days were spectacular. Virgil felt super prepared and confident during show.

There was something that was still bothering him. He wanted to talk about it to someone but he didn't want to seem weak. He knew Roman thought he had it under control and he could take it, but he couldn't.

Seeing Hellen around made him terrified, but he made an angry expression and scoff at her to keep from breaking down.

What was even worse was that Valerie had no idea what Hellen was doing. Valerie and Hellen were always together since they were best friends.

If Virgil told Valerie, Valerie would tell Roman, and Roman would tell Patton, and Patton would tell Logan, and Logan would tell a teacher, and the teacher would tell the principal or vice principal, and whoever the teacher talked to would talk to Hellen about it and get her in trouble.

Which would get him in trouble with Hellen because she'll murder him.

At the end of the last performance, they all bowed together holding hands.

Brianna and Rosemary were standing on both sides from Hellen, and they didn't hold her hand, leaving Hellen awkwardly bowing and breaking the line. Virgil smirked.

The lights turned off and everyone hurried off the stage.

Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist from behind him and Virgil smiled.

When he saw Hellen getting closer, his smile disappeared and he turned to Roman. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, okay? Can you wait here for me?" he asked.

Roman nodded. "Of course!"

Roman pulled out his phone and texted his mom.

Mom 👼

Roman: Hey mom!

Mom 👼: Roman! You did amazing!

Roman: Thanks ❤

Mom 👼: Are you ready to leave now?

Roman: Not yet. I'm waiting for Virgil, he's in the bathroom.

Mom 👼: Okay! Just text me when I can come to get you. Is Virgil getting a ride with us?

Roman: I'm not sure, but I'll ask him when he gets out. If he does, I don't know if he wants to go to his house or ours, but I'll ask that too if he wants to get a ride.

Mom 👼: Alright, love you Roman

Roman: Love you too Mom 🌈

He tucked his phone in his jacket pocket, the jacket that was too big for his short boyfriend.

Hellen walked up to him. Roman rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" he groaned.

"Where did Virgil go?" she asked.

"Why do you want to know? So you can insult him?"

Valerie walked up behind Hellen but didn't say anything. Roman was about to greet Valerie, but she put her finger over her lips so she could listen to the conversation without Hellen knowing.

People had said to Valerie that Hellen was mean to Virgil, but she wasn't there when it happened so she didn't know about it. Today, she was going to see if the rumors were true.

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