Chapter 8: Bonding With The Dog

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It has been several days later and Elizabeth still hasn't left yet. My hatred towards the curly haired girl has grown rapidly over the past 5 or so day. Not once has Ciel taken much notice of me, for he'd have his full attention on our... cheerful... visitor. "I want to see Ciel... I really do... But that curly haired twit keeps getting in the way..." I huffed angrily. I paced back and forth in my room. "What to do, what to do..." I repeated a couple times. I instantly raised my head and clapped my hands together. "You know what. I'm going to see Ciel whether she's there or not..." I said to myself and made my way to my door.

I quietly walked through the hallways, looking for Ciel's office. I smiled when I saw his door, only to see it opening. "Cie-" I stopped when a tall man walked out. "Oh, Sebastian. It's you." I let out an embarrassed laugh. Sebastian turned to me. "Lady Eve, What are you doing out here?" He spoke, a bit of shock in his voice. "I gave him the best smile I could. "I came to see Ciel. Is Elizabeth with him?" I asked curiously, hating myself for repeating that name. Sebastian looked at me. "I'm afraid not. I haven't seen Elizabeth yet today." He explained. A spark ignites inside me. "Really??" I asked with a happy tone. I gasped then cleared my throat. "I mean... Really..? That's too bad." I said with a sadder tone. The man in black that stood before me with a smile. He reached up to his face and placed a finger on his lips. "Go see Ciel while you still have the chance, alright?" He said to me. I quickly flashed the dark butler a smile. "Alright." I responded and headed to Ciel's office.

I gave the door a knock and waited for a response. "Come in..." I heard the familiar voice of the earl, though it had an annoyed tone to it. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. "Ciel...?" I spoke up slowly. Ciel instantly straightened up, clearing his throat in surprise. "E-Eve! It's you!" He gasped, standing up almost instantly. I gave him a smile then looked around the room. "W-Where's... Elizabeth...?" I hated myself for speaking that name. I heard Ciel sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose, walking around his desk. "She's in the circle room trying to find the corner..." He laughed lightly. I admit, I laughed a bit myself.  "Do you not like her?" I tipped my head, keeping an eye on the earl walking in front of me. Ciel stopped suddenly and  instantly shook his head. "Oh heavens no... She's awfully annoying... And extremely clingy..." He explained, letting out a sigh in annoyance. "But I guess I'll have to deal with it..." He mumbled. I frowned a little after hearing Ciel's explanation. "It's not like I wanted to become her fiance, I was forced to do it." The young earl added. I lifted my head and met his soft, blue eye with mine. "So, it was an arranged marriage then, am I correct?" I asked him. Ciel responded with a nod. 

"I understand..." I said slowly. Ciel held his hand out slowly. I quietly looked down at his hand then back up at his face. "Would you care to play a game of chess?" He asked with a smile. Honestly, I couldn't help but smile. I quickly gave the earl a nod. "Of course, Ciel." I said, gently placing my hand on top of his and standing up to meet him eye to eye. Ciel lead me over to the small table and pulled a chair out for me. "Thank you." I said and shyly dipped my head as I sat down. Ciel pushed my chair in a little then sat down across from me. We gave each other a warm smile then began playing.

Our game when on for quite a while as we continued to talk. "I'm surprised Elisabeth hasn't given up on finding the corner." I laughed lightly, moving a chess piece. Ciel let out a quiet laugh. "I'm surprised Sebastian hasn't let her out." He said then set his chess piece down. "Checkmate." He smiled. My eyes widened and I inspected the board. "Really?" I gasped. Ciel propped his elbows up on the table and rested his chin on his hands. "I've never lost." He explained. I shook my head and looked up with a warm smile. "Congratulation's Ciel. That was a wonderful game." I told him as I stood up. Ciel stood up as well, walking towards be. "I do hope we can play again sometime." He said to me. I felt my cheeks slowly grow warm. 

"Alright, Ciel." I replied with gave a small dip of my head. "I look forward to it." I said and quietly began to make my way to the door. Ciel turned quickly and grabbed my hand. "Eve... Wait...!" He gasped. I stopped when I felt Ciel's hand quickly wrap around my hand. "Hmm?" I quietly turned around and looked Ciel in the eye. Ciel blinked and stood still for a moment. "I..." His cheeks flushed red and he quickly looked away. "May I ask you something...?" He asked me, quietly looking at me through the corner of his eye. I tilted my head slightly, confusion written on my face. "Sure, Ciel." I gave him a nod.

Ciel shook his head then he cleared his throat. "Why didn't you come see me much this week...?" He asked me curiously. I paused a minute then looked at the ground in silence. "..." I let out a quiet sigh. "Well... It was... Because you were with, Elizabeth so much. She was constantly drawing your attention to you, so I never got a chance to see you." I explained quietly. Ciel looked at me with a gently look in his eye. "And... How did that make you feel, if you don't mind me asking you." He added the last part after a short pause. I felt my cheeks grow warm and I kept my eyes locked on the pattern on the floor. "Well, I did feel a little jealous." I replied quietly. This comment made the boy in front of my give a small chuckle.

"You were jealous?" Ciel repeats what I had just said to make sure he heard me correctly. My only respond was an embarrassed nod. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms hesitantly wrap around me, causing my eyes to grow wide and my cheeks to fill with a rosy blush. "That proves how you feel about me..." He smiled warmly. My heart began to flutter so suddenly, I hope he couldn't feel my heart beating rapidly. All I could do at this moment was stand there in shock.

"C-Ciel.. I-"

"My lord..." We both snapped our attention to the wooden door. Ciel cleared his throat and quickly unwound his arms from around me and brushed himself off. I quickly dusted off the dress I was wearing and waited for Sebastian to enter the room. "Has Elizabeth still not returned...?" He asked suddenly, instantly switching my my mood from beyond happy to annoyed. 

Of course Sebastian... Just when I was getting to the point of bursting with joy, you have to go and bring up Elizabeth... I heaved a sigh and remained silent. "No, she hasn't returned." Ciel spoke up. "Maybe she's having a blast by herself for once.. Or perhaps she's anno-" The earl cleared his throat, correcting himself. -playing... With the servants." He said.

Sebastian glanced at Ciel then slowly walked over to him. I slowly let my eyes follow Sebastian as he stood in front of his master. He slowly leaned forward and fixed Ciel's bow tie. "Is that so, my lord?" He glanced up and looked his master in the eye. 

"Of course It is." Ciel hissed slightly. "Now, go and bring us some tear or something..." The boy brushed his butler away and walked towards a chair, sitting down in silence.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed then quickly exited the room. I couldn't help but giggle a little at Ciel. 

This right now, is how it should be around here... A manor without annoying problems.


Finally! Oh my goodness that took forever. DX I'm sorry for making everyone wait... But My internet has been acting up lately... 

But anyways... 4,000+ reads?! 180+ votes?! Is this honestly THAT good? (Not that I'm complaining)... I didn't think My work would be this good. Thank you all sooooo much. I appreciate it! ^-^

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