Chapter 6: Twice the Feeling

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400+ Reads after posting one chapter? Wow, you guys must really like this story~! ^-^ I'm glad you all like it so much. I'll try my hardest to work on Chapter 7 this weekend, seeing how for me it's a four day weekend! :P But I make absolutely NO promises that it will be published. >.<

But, anyways. I hope you guys really enjoy this. Feel free to Comment/Vote/Follow. And if you follow me, you will get a follow back. :) Happy reading~!!


Sebastian gently set me on my feet once we entered the manor. I was suddenly surrounded by three panicking servants. "Are you alright, Lady!?!" The gardener asked first. "You weren't hurt were you!?!" The maid chimed in. I remained perfectly still, only letting out a frustrated sigh for being crowded. I was just about to speak up when I heard Ciel clearing his throat. The three servants whipped their head over to the grand staircase. I flickered my cool gaze up to the earl standing at the top of the stairs, leaning on a walking cane. "Tch... Give the poor lady some space." Ciel instructed once all the attention was on him. Finnian, Mey-Rin and Bardroy all stood up straight. "Yes, sir!" They all chimed at once, quickly scrambling off to the side. I watched as the Earl trailed down the stairs, keeping his eye on me. "Clearly she's hurt, if you haven't noticed her hand already..." He explained as he reached the bottom step and began trailing towards me. I flinched and raised my right hand, locking my eyes on the make-do brace that Alois made for me. "Oh..." I whispered, feeling my cheeks growing warmer. My eyes widened when Ciel gently took my hand and examined the brace. "I see someone already attempted to help fix your injury... But this brace won't do you any good seeing how you can still move your wrist." Ciel explained, looking me in the eye. He turned his head towards Sebastian. "Sebastian. Fix up Eve's wrist properly, will you...?" He ordered. I turned my head and focused on the tall man in black as he bowed. "Of course, my lord." He replied, standing back up. "If you would kindly follow me, Madam, I will be happy to attend to your injury." Sebastian gave a smile. I looked at Sebastian for a moment, then I glanced at Ciel out of the corner of my eye. I smiled a bit, giving the ravenous butler a nod. "Alright, Sebastian." I replied to him. "Splendid, we'll get right on it." He explained, leading me off.

I let a sigh escape my lips as I was escorted away. "Sebastian... If I may ask. Where is my butler?" I questioned him. I watched the tall butler opening a door, gesturing towards it. "You butler will be back soon. She went out to fetch something from the markets." He explained, his crimson eyes followed me as I trailed inside the smaller room. "Please, have a seat." Sebastian's voice flowed into the room while he closed the door behind him. I hesitantly nodded, shuffling over to the tall table. I stepping up on a wooden stool and sat on the cushiony mat. Sebastian turned around with rounded glasses, pushing them up with his fingertips. "Let's have a look now, shall we?" He said with a cheerier tone in his voice. I gave Sebastian a funny look when I heard him. I laughed a bit as I slowly raised my injured wrist. "Here..." I murmured, trying to keep a straight face as best as I possibly could. Sebastian strode over and set a small box down beside me. He smiled as he gently unwrapped the brace. "Tsk tsk tsk.... This wrist brace won't do at all." He sighed, tossing the only brace off to the side for now. "Now, please hold still, hmm?" He said slowly, opening the box and rummaging through it. He pulled out a long cream colored bandage, swiftly unravelling the long material. He gently took my hand again and began to wrap the bandage around, keeping her wrist as straight as possible.

I remained completely silent as I kept my eyes locked on Sebastian's quick movements while fixing up the brace. I smiled when Sebastian finally finished up. "Thank you, Sebastian." I told him, my eyes flickered to the new brace. Sebastian returned my friendly smile. "Anything for you, Miss Eve." He said slowly. I slipped down off the cushiony table and calmly walked over to the door, taking the brass knob in my hand. I pulled it open and went off to explore areas that were unknown to me. I let a sigh escape my lips as I pushed my hair away from the back of my neck, revealing a glowing mark. "Lydia.... I order you to return to the manor immediately." I ordered, unaware of Ciel standing in front if me. "Did you just order your butler to return to the manor...?" Ciel spoke up suddenly. I gasped, dropping my golden locks over my neck. "Did I....?" I said nervously, trying to hide the mark. "I don't know what you're talking about, Ciel..." I frantically spoke. A squeak rose from my throat. l as I felt Ciel's fingers gently brush against my neck as he pushed my golden locks aside. "This mark." He said slowly. "Do you have a contract with your butler...? Which would make her a demon...?" The earl asked me curiously, examining the violet mark. I heaved a sigh. "Yes, Ciel. I cannot lie to you." I whispered, a light blush filled my cheeks. "If we're speaking of contracts...." I spoke up again. "You have a contract with Sebastian, do you not...? And I have a feeling your contract is under that eye patch if yours." I explained, turning around to face Ciel who wore a grin. "So you've figured it out have you?" He said slowly. I flashed the earl a grin. "Indeed I have. I had a feeling Sebastian was a demon.... Lydia was there to prove it." I said. "And you also gave Sebastian an order, which gave me the idea you two had a contract together." I explained as I paced back and forth. "Don't get me wrong, Ciel. I know of another person who has a demon butler as well." I said. "Oh? And who might that be...?" The earl asked me, keeping his eye on me. "Alois Trancy." I told him, turning on my heel suddenly to see his eyes narrowed. "Did I say something wrong...?" I curiously asked him, walking over to him, being very light on my feet.

"I'm not to fond of Alois Trancy..." Ciel said lowly. I felt my heart sink just a bit when Ciel's words filled my ears. "O-Oh..." I stuttered. "Sorry for bringing it up then..." I said quietly. Ciel shook his head raised his hand, placing his fingertips on his forehead. "Don't worry about it..." Ciel let a sigh escape his lips. I kept my mouth sealed, only opening them to let a gasp slip out when I heard someone speaking beside my ear. "You called, my lady?" The familiar chime of my butlers sweet voice filled my ears. "Oh, Lydia. It's only you." I sighed, placing a hand on my chest, regaining my breath. "Please don't scare me like that..." I exhaled shakily. Lydia gave me a sweet smile and nodded. "Very well, my lady. Whatever you wish." She said, standing up straight. She quietly walked over to Ciel, her smile slowly faded. "I'll be taking my lady to her room now." She explained, turning around. "Excuse us." She said, leading me off. I glanced over my shoulder at Ciel as he began to vanish from my vision the farther we went. I turned back around with light pink cheeks, quickly turning the corner with my butlers assistance. "Ly-" I started, stumbling over my feet. "Ly-Lydia!" I said quickly, only to have the butler take no notice of me. Slowly growing furious with my butler, I planted my feet to prevent her from pushing me along. "Lydia! Quit pushing me! That's an order!" I snapped, anger lingered in my voice. Lydia instantly stopped in her tracks. "As you wish, my lady..." Lydia said slowly. She bowed in front of me though I took notice of her. I furiously let out a huff as I stormed off to my room. "You called for me, my lady...?" I heard Lydia say as she quickly followed after me. I glanced over at Lydia, my blue eyes narrowed furiously. "I changed my mind." I snapped, stepping inside the large room. "Stay out here..." I muttered, closing the large, wooden door quickly. I turned around and pressed my back against the door, slowly sliding down until I sat on the floor.

"I don't understand why everyone is acting like this... This couldn't be my fault, could it? I mean, it wasn't even my fault I was kidnapped by Alois' butler..." I spoke to myself as I slowly looked up at the ceiling. I thought back to what happened at the Trancy estate. A light blush filled my cheeks as I thought back my time at with Alois. Every memory I had swirling in my head was filled with Alois' warm, friendly smile. I couldn't help but smile as I slowly pushed myself to my feet again. I strode throughout my bedroom, thinking of Alois. I came to a halt when my mind completely flipped around. I now had images of Ciel whirling around in my mind from moments before. I can still feel his cool fingers brushing up against my neck to push away my golden hair as he examined my mark. My cheeks filled with the same pink tint as my lips twitched into a smile. I fell back on the large bed, my golden curls fanned out across the silky sheets. I cupped my cheeks, trying to hide my blushing cheeks, though no one was in the room with me. I repeated the names in my head:

Ciel Phantomhive

Alois Trancy

Ciel Phantomhive

Alois Trancy

"Ciel Phantomhive."

"Alois Trancy."

I spoke the two names aloud one once. An image of each of them flowed into my mind every time I repeated their name. They both wore the same friendly smile. I sighed and rolled over on my stomach, laying my head on a pillow.

"So... Which do I choose...?"

Twisted Love (Ciel Phantomhive x Eve Fraile x Alois Trancy)Where stories live. Discover now