Day 46

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Somethimes you feel empty and hollow. There might be any reason to or something could've happened but you just feel hollow. Remember your home. In a land without sadness with you Father who loves you perfectly and unconditionally. You are so loved and you have a perfect place for you once you're gone from this world. Sometimes we all experience that emptiness, it's the emptiness Jesus came to Earth to fill. An emptiness that's been inside people since Adam and Eve ate the apple. An emptiness that people have tried to fill with money, possessions, relationships, and virtually anything else but it is still there and as strong as ever. Know that God loves you and He is living water which is the only thing that can fill that hollowness inside of you. Pray to God about it, trust in Him, and give Him your burdens. This doesn't mean the emptiness will go away forever but when you start to feel it talk to God and that can be really helpful. Tell Him how you feel and then sit in His presence and let His peace and love wash over you.

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