Day 58

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Don't be afraid of being too Christian. That doesn't mean brag about all the Christian stuff you do or how spiritual you are. It doesn't mean go around telling people you're a Christian and acting as if you are better than non-Christians. Let your actions tell people that you are a Christian, as a Christian you should act different than everyone else. Not like an exclusive group that people have to have their lives put together to be in but a kinder, more loving, hopeful, joyful, not perfect but striving to live a good life. That is a way to witness for God just try to live His way. If someone asks you about it then tell them about why you act different. It's easy to hide all of the ways you're being Christian to avoid getting made fun of or to look stronger and cooler. If people think less of you for your faith then they opinions aren't important and you don't need to be hanging out with them. I know that's easy to say and a lot harder to live it out and this is something I struggle with too but we shouldn't be afraid of letting people know we believe in Hod and are Christian.

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