Day 29

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God biggest rules are to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength and to love others as yourself. God created all the amazing things here on Earth, He came and died so that you can be free, He created you and loves every part of you, there are many reason to love God. For me the biggest one is always that He loves me, He knows everything about me and still loves me enough to die even though I'm constantly unfaithful to Him, that's why I love God. To love others as yourself you first have to love yourself, it's not overlooking your flaws or being self absorbed but acknowledging how amazing you can be. A lot of people have low self esteem and you shouldn't because you are beautiful, maybe not the way the world sees it but in the ways that matter, you don't need to be perfect we all have a lot of flaws but don't let that stop your love for yourself. Love others no matter how difficult they are, you can't know what they're going and how a little bit of love could change them. You don't have to go out of your way to spend time with everyone but be kind and care about them no matter who they are.

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