Day 156

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If someone doesn't want to hear something then they won't. Humans are very stubborn creatures and we do everything we can to fit the reality that we want. We will deny facts with the same roundabout arguments that stand on a couple points when the facts out weigh what you're saying. This is why it's so hard for people who aren't Christian to believe in God. Because people are stubborn they will block of any logic the other side has and stick to what they believe. It's impossible to witness to somebody who won't listen to what you're saying. I'm not saying that will just walk away from the conversation but they will just not hear what you are saying. Sometimes God is the only way they will open up their minds to hear the good news and there is nothing you can do. I encourage you to still try and live those people who won't hear your arguments show them a good example of a Christian without forcing Christianity on them. But be very careful if you're friends with people you are trying to be a good influence to that they don't become bad influences to you.

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