Chapter 1

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*Your P.O.V* (you woke up extremely early so you could get to your friends house)

I was woken up by my alarm going off. I groaned, "FRIDAY! Turn the alarm off please." "Yes, ma'am." The AC/DC stopped playing and I got up. "Thank you, FRI." "Miss. Stark, your father has breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen." I smiled, "Thank you again, FRIDAY." I went to the kitchen to see the Avengers. 

"Hey guys," I waved to them. "Good morning sweetie," my father kissed my head. "Good morning dad." I sat at my seat at the table, "Thank you for the breakfast dad." He smiled, "No problem, I had to send you to school with a good breakfast." I forgot the first day at my new school was today. "That's right you go to school today," Steve said. "Yeah, I have to leave until my next break," I became upset. I didn't want to leave them. I need them. "Y/N, Tiger, it's going to be okay," dad said. "But how am I supposed to make it through the year without you guys?" "Y/N, Tiger, we aren't going anywhere. We will still be here when you need us," Dad said. "Yeah we will help you with anything," Natasha told me, hugging me. "And we are with you," Steve said, pointing to him and Bucky. "Till the end of the line," they finished their iconic line together. I smiled, they were right. I still had them, just not physically. I hugged them and excused myself to go get ready.

(This is were you technically introduce yourself.)

"Hi, I'm Y/N Stark. As you've guessed, I'm Tony Stark, THE Iron Man's, daughter. But that's not important. What's important is me going to a new school. With my dad being a target for a lot of people, I'm in a lot of danger. I have to go to Seabrook, a place that is only known for Cheerleading. Also known for a big zombie outbreak 50 years ago. I have also heard this school is all about being perfect and hates different people. So I've made this," I tapped my necklace, exposing my Arc Reactor. 

"I was born with a heart problem, so my genius father made this for me. But I have made a necklace that disguises it. So I look 'normal'." I rolled my eyes and continued to get ready. I put on a pair of light pink ripped jeans, an AC/DC shirt, a light green hoodie, and my black converses. "Seabrook maybe the most annoying place to be, but if it keeps me safe and hides me from guys trying to get back at my dad, it's perfect."

I walked to the kitchen seeing all the Avengers waiting. I smiled, "Guys." I felt the tears prick my eyes, again. "Oh, Y/N, don't cry. We will still be with you," Wanda hugged me. I smiled at her, but then immediately frowned. What if they go on a mission and don't make it back? What I'm I gonna do? I looked Wanda in the eyes, I knew she knew what I was thinking. "Wanda?" "Y/N, that won't happen." I smiled, "Promise." "Promise," she hugged me again. We pulled away and I looked at the three soldiers in front of me. "I'm gonna miss you guys," we had a group hug. "We're gonna miss you too," Steve said kissing my head. "What I'm I gonna do with out my little buddy," Sam ruffled my hair. I glared at him, "Right, sorry." I turned to Bucky, "I think I miss you the most, Tin-Man." He smiled, "I'm gonna miss you too, Metal Head." I laughed and hugged him tight. "So she can call you Tin-Man, but I can't?" Dad said. "Yup."

I moved to Thor, he came all the from Asgard just to wish me farewell. I looked up at the god, he had tears in his eyes. "Oh, Thor, you big oaf, you're gonna make me cry," I hugged him tight. "Lady Y/N, I want you to know that I will make sure Heimdall keeps a close eye on you, and alert me if you need help." I smiled at him. "Also I have something for you," he walking to his cabinet. I looked at everyone confused. They all just shrugged.

Thor walked back with a wrapped box. He handed it to me, "What is this?" "Open it," he replied, smiling. I pull away the wrapping paper. "A box of your favorite Poptarts! Thor!" I jumped and hugged him. "A box of Poptarts may seem like an odd gift, but it means the world to me that it came from Thor." 

I released Thor and moved to Clint and Natasha. "My two favorite assassins," I hugged them. "Our favorite Stark." "Hey!" "Oh shut it Tony," Natasha said. I laughed, "I gonna miss that." "But we won't be far," Clint said. "I know, but who am I gonna play Mario Kart with?" "We can play online." "But, just make sure that if anyone tries anything, show them what your aunt taught you," Natasha said, hugging me. "Most definitely." I moved to Bruce, "Bruce, I'm gonna miss you."  "I'm gonna miss you, too." He hugged me. "Can I still call you if I need help with homework?" "Of course you can," he smiled as we let each other go. I looked at Vision, "Miss. Stark, I still don't understand emotions very well but, I will miss you. Your quirks will be missed around the tower." I hugged him, and he hugged back. "I'm gonna miss you too, Vision. I'm gonna miss your uplift speeches." "Well, if you ever need one, you can always call." "I most definitely will." 

Finally I looked at my mother and father. My mother was in tears, and my dam broke. Tears cascaded down my face, "I'm gonna miss you so much Momma," I cried hugging her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you too Sweetheart."  Her tears hit my neck, "I'm calling you everyday. Right before I go to bed." "I'll do the same,"  she pulled back and put her hands on my shoulders. "Cause I know you, you're just like your dad, you'll stay up late to finish your homework." I nodded and wiped my face, smiling at her. She wiped her face as I looked to my dad. "I'm gonna miss you Tiger,"he put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you too Dad," I smiled at him. We both just looked at each other for a moment. "Oh come here," he pulled me to him in a tight hug. I felt his tears hit my hair. "I love you Tiger, so much." "Dad, you make it sound like your dying." "Well, my whole world is leaving me, I basically am." "Dad, I love you so much. I wouldn't know what to do with out you," I cried into his shirt. He hugged me tighter and whispered in my ear. "Come to the lab, I've got a present for you."

We walked to the lab and my dad gave me two bracelets, I put one on each wrist. "Dad, where did you get these?" "I made them, press the buttons." I pressed both the buttons, and I was enveloped in a suit. "Dad, how did you make these?!" "Shuri, she helped me." I pressed my wrist again and the suit retracted into the bracelets. "This is amazing! Thank you dad!" "Don't just thank me, it was Shuri's idea. I just agreed to it." "FRIDAY?" "Yes, Miss. Stark?" "Call Shuri, please." She called her, "This is Shuri." "Hey, Shuri, it's Y/N. I just want to call and thank you for the bracelets." "Oh, hello Y/N. You're welcome, I hope you like them. They'll come in handy." "I love them. Again, thank you." I hung up and looked st my dad. "Let's take this party to Seabrook."

"If you're wondering how I'm gonna get all my stuff there. I sent it there already. I'm also staying with my online friend Addison." I walked back to the rest of the Avengers to find them at the door. We walked to them and had a group hug. I realized Rhodey wasn't there. "Dad, where's Rhodey?" "He's outside, he's flying with us." I got all giddy and ran outside. I saw him there in his War Machine suit. I hugged him, "Rhodey!!!!" "Hey, Y/N. You ready to go?" "Yeah but Dad still needs-" I looked at my dad realizing his suit was on him. I was confused, "How?" "Did you think that I was gonna give you a cool bracelet suit and not get one for me, you are greatly mistaken." I laughed and pressed my bracelets, "I'll talk to guys later." I waved to everyone and saluted them. Taking off, we headed for Seabrook.

*Time Skip*

We landed in front of Addison's house. I turned my bracelets off and hugged my dad and Rhodey again. "I'll miss you guys." "We'll miss you too. But, I'll be there, the whole time." "How?" "I'm letting FRIDAY, switch between you and the house. She'll be in your phone and she is in those bracelets." "Yes!" He laughed, "I'll talk to you later, bye." He lifted the face plate and kissed my forehead. "I love you Tiger." "I love you too Dad." I looked at Rhodey and saluted him. We laughed and they took off as I rang the door bell. Pressing my necklace as well.

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