Chapter 6

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*Your P.O.V*

Addison and I walked through the door, laughing. "What's so funny?" "Oh, Y/N just told me this really funny joke." "Are you girls hungry?" Missy asked. We shook our heads, "No, we ate before we came home." "All right." 

We walked upstairs, "I call the shower!" I laughed as Addison ran to the bathroom. I sat on my bed and pulled my phone out. I unlocked it and pulled up my contacts. I scrolled through, stopping on the right number. I pressed the contact and let the phone ring. "Hello?" The tired voice came through the phone. "James, did you stay up all night last night?" The super-soldier groaned. "Since when did you become my mother? Or Steve?" I laughed, "I'm not your mother, or Steve, I just want to make sure my Tin-Man is okay." "I'm doing just fine. How are you doing?" "I'm doing good." "Well that's good. How's school going?" "It's going great, actually. I'm a cheerleader," I said. "Oh wait, you're a cheerleader?" "Yeah." 

He laughed, "What's so funny?" "Nothing I just never thought you would be a cheerleader." "Well I didn't either. But it helps me fit in." I heard him sigh, "You don't have to be a cheerleader to fit in, Y/N." "At this school you do." "Well that's dumb." "Tell me about it. But Zed makes it better," I said. "Who's Zed?" My eyes widened, I hadn't told him about Zed. "He's my boyfriend." "OOOO, you got a boyfriend? Hey everybody Y/N's got a boyfriend!!" "James Buchanan Barnes! How dare you!" I heard voices in the background. "She does? Oh no, not my little girl!" I heard my dad yell in the background. "I got to Buck! Bye!" I hung up and let out a heavy breath. 

"What's wrong?" I looked up to see Addison towel drying her hair, "My uncle, he's being a jerk." "Oh," she laughed. I got up and went to the mirror. I took my necklace off, I just looked at myself. 

I sighed and ran a hand over my reactor. "Y/N, are you okay?" Addison walked up behind me. I looked at her in the mirror, "I just don't know what Zed sees in me." She shook her head, "I do." Before I could ask her what it was my phone went off. I went over to it, seeing who it was. I groaned, it was my dad. "Who is it?" "My dad." I picked up the phone, "Hi, Dad. Did I ever tell you how cool of a dad you are?" "Yes, but you haven't told me about your boyfriend." "Dad, please don't do anything irrational." I could see the eye roll, "Oh come on." I groaned, "Dad, please I really like him." I heard him sigh, "Okay fine, but I do wanna know more about him. Tin-Man said his name was Zed?" I smiled, "Yeah. Well he's tall and strong. He plays football. He's super super sweet. And he's a zombie.." I heard Addison suck in a breath, waiting to hear my dad yell at me through the phone. 

"Really? Well, Tiger, I'm really happy for you. It sounds like he makes you really happy." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "He does, he really does." "Well, when can I met him?" I hadn't thought about that. "Um, well the homecoming game is in a few weeks you can meet him then." "Great sounds good. See you then. Bye, love you." "Love you too. Tell everyone I said hey and that I love them." "Will do." We hung up and I smiled. "He approves!" She squealed and we jumped up and down. "I can't wait to tell Zed." 

*Time Skip*

I woke up in a cold sweat, panting heavily, "Ugh, another nightmare." I got up and looked at the clock, 3:30. A groan escaped my mouth as I walked to the bathroom turning the shower on, to shake the nightmare. "Miss. Stark, you are getting a call from Dr. Banner, would you like me to answer it," FRIDAY asked. "Yes, thank you FRIDAY." I turned the shower off, not wanting to waste water. "No problem, ma'am." She answered it and the scientist came through, sounding tired. "Hey, Y/N, I'm sorry if I woke you." "You didn't, I was actually already awake," my voice was shaky and I sounded weak. "Y/N, are you okay?" Bruce asked fully awake now. I wiped the tears I hadn't realized had fallen. I coughed, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I said it to reassure myself more than convince him. 

"Alright, but I need your opinion on something." "And that is?" "I don't know what to do about your dad." I raised an eyebrow, "Okay, what is he doing?" I could tell he was lying, something happened. "He is just being really annoying and I can barely take it." "Bruce, what happened?" I heard him sigh, "You caught me." "Now, what is really going on?" "I was up in the lab and FRIDAY came over saying that you were in distress and that Tony needed to talk to you but he is passed out. So I decided to call you." Now my cover was blown. I let out a shaky sigh as I remembered the nightmare. "Bruce, it was bad," I said as I finally let the levee break. "Hey, hey Y/N calm down. It's okay it was just a dream," he said soothingly.

I slowly breathed in and out. "Better?" "A little," I still sound shaky and weak. "Do you want to talk about?" I thought about it, "Yeah, I just need to go outside." "Alright, I'll wait." I turned the bathroom light off and ran out. I left a note for Addison and then headed downstairs. 

I ran out the door, making sure no one was outside. "Wait, it's 3:30, no one is awake." I ran to the barrier and got Bruce's attention. "Hey, you still there?" "Yeah, I'm here." I let out another shaky breath, "It's alright Y/N, just start talking." I did just that, telling him everything.

*Zed's P.O.V* his dream is the same as yours just a little different

I sat in the living room with Y/N, she was curled up next to me. "Zed?" "Yes, honey?" She fiddled with the ring on her left hand. "I need to tell you something." I became nervous, "Well, what is it sweetie?" "I'm pregnant," she said, sounding nervous herself. I smiled and stood up, bringing her with me. "Really?" She mimicked my smiled, "Yes, really!" I got on one knee looking at her stomach. "You better not give her too much trouble," I scolded the unborn child. She laughed as I stood up. "Well they are your child, so that's going to be difficult." I faked hurt, "Ouch."

She laughed and slapped my arm. I looked at her a smile taking over my features, how was I so lucky? She looked at me, "What?" I leaned my forehead against hers, "I love you." She smiled and kissed me, "I love y-" She was cut short by something. Her face contorting in pain, she looked at her stomach. I looked as well, blood was seeping through her clothes. I looked behind her but no one was there. Her legs gave out from underneath her, I caught her before she hit the ground. "Zed, I'm so sorry," she coughed. "No, don't say that. It wasn't your fault," I felt the tears sting my eyes. "Baby, I'm not going make it," she coughed again, blood staining her chin. I knew she was right I just didn't want to believe it. "No, don't say that babe," I applied more pressure to her wound. "You're gonna be just fine." I couldn't hold tears back after she spilled hers. "I love you Zed, so much."  "I love you too Y/N, so much," I rested my forehead on hers. "We were someday. We were something extraordinary.  We did it baby," she said, holding my face in her hands.

"I know it might be crazy, but did you hear the story?" She smiled as I started singing, "I think I heard it vaguely." "A girl and a zombie." "Oh tell me more boy.  Sounds like a fantasy."  "Oh, what could go so wrong with a girl and a zombie?" "You're from the perfect paradise, and I'm living on the darker side." "Ooo, I've got a feeling if you get to know me."  "Right from the start you caught my eye and something inside me came to life." "Ooo, I've got a feeling if you get to know me."  "Someday. This could be, this could be ordinary." "Someday, we became something extraordinary."  "You and me side by side out in the broad daylight. If they laugh we'll say, 'We're gonna be someday.'" "We're gonna be someday, someday, someday." "We're gonna be someday." "We're gonna be someday."  (sang like the ballad)

When we finish the song, she pulled me in for a kiss. We pulled away and I checked her pulse. She was gone and she used her last breath on me. Tears flooded my face, "I love you Y/N, so much." 

I woke up with tears running down my face. "I need to go find Y/N." I got up and ran out the door. 

Different Worlds, Same Heart (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now