Chapter 9

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*Time Skip to Homecoming*

I stuttered in my seat waiting to see the end of the game. We were neck and neck and we were so close to winning. "If you keep doing that you're gonna fall off," my dad said. "I'm sorry I just really want us to win," I said turning my attention to him. "I understand you want your boyfriend to win over the hearts of the town," he said. I rolled my eyes and turned to see Zed make the winning touchdown.

I jumped up and cheered. I ran down to the field to congratulate Zed but I saw everyone run in fear. Then I noticed Zed go after Bucky and I knew nothing good was happening. I saw the 'Acey's' standing in fear as Bonzo and Eliza walked to them. "What did you idiots do?!" "Bucky want to ruin Zed's reputation so we hacked the Z-Bands and now the three of them have gone full zombie!" Lacey said as the ran away. 

My eyes widened and I pressed my bracelets, being enclosed in the suit. "Y/N what are you doing?!" I turned to my dad, "I have to stop Zed." "He's gone full zombie he could hurt you!" "Not in the suit he can't." I turned and went the direction Zed took off in. 

I saw Zed slowly going towards Bucky, "Zed!" I landed in front of him. He roared and I instantly took suit off him to show him I wasn't a threat. I slowly walked to Zed, "Babe, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you. Zed, you have to stop." He didn't say anything as he pushed me out off the way. I hit a support pole and before I blacked-out I saw Zed get zapped by a police officer.

*Time Skip to after 'Stand'*

*Zed's P.O.V*

I got off the truck that brought me back to Zombieland. I have no clue what happened and the last thing I remember before I was brought here was throwing my girlfriend into a pole. "Zed! Zed! What were you thinking? You could have been killed!" I looked at my dad, "I just wanted everyone to love me.." Y/N, must hate me right now.. "It doesn't matter Zed, cause I love you. Just the way you are," my dad hugged me. I felt a wind on my back and heard metal hit the ground. I turned to see Y/N taking her helmet off. I instantly hugged her.

We pulled away and I saw a cut on her cheek. My eyes widened, "Y/N, I'm so so sorry. I mean you probably hate me now but-" She put a finger up to my lips, "Zed, I could never ever hate you." She grabbed my hands as her suit retracted into her bracelets. "I love you! Nothing and I mean nothing can change that." I smiled at her and pulled her into a kiss. "Okay that is extremely cheesy," I heard someone say.

*Your P.O.V*

I pulled away from Zed and turned to Sam. "Oh shut it Birdy," I said as I hugged Zed. We all shared a laugh. 

We all went inside Zed's place and caught up before they all had to leave. "You know the Z-Bands would really help Brucey over here with his anger problem," Natasha said. Bruce glared at her and we all laughed. "Well I think we should get back to the tower, it's getting pretty late," Steve said as he stood. My dad and I groaned. "Really Steve? Man you are old," I said as I stood to hug him. Everyone laughed and we said our goodbyes.

Zed looked at me sadly, "Guess you're heading home too huh?" I shook my head and smiled, "Nope I'm staying here. I don't think that they want my back after I still want to be with you after today. So I'm staying here.... If that's okay with you guys." They all nodded. "But don't we need to get your stuff here?" Zed said tilting his head like a confused dog. "I already thought about that. Before we came here we got my stuff here so yeah." He smiled and hugged me again. I smiled and buried my face in his chest.

*Time Skip to after the competition cause I'm lazy* 

We all gathered in Zombieland having a blast when I heard music. "Oh no singing!?" My dad yelled. I laughed, "Get used to it dad!" He groaned and we started singing. (Instead of Addison it's you)

We all cheered and had a group hug. I smiled at Zed, "Gar Gar Zaga." He smiled back, "I gar gar zaga you too." I kissed Zed and he dipped me. "Okay that was really cheesy," I laughed. He shrugged, "I know." I kissed him again and we hugged. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

                                                             The End.

(a/n: I hope you guys like the story. I know it's probably really bad but I tried.)

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