Chapter 2

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*Zed's P.O.V* (This starts around the beginning of the movie)

"Hi, I'm Zed and yeah, I'm a zombie. We have come along way," I held up my wrist. "Thanks to the Z-band. It sends a calming pulse to our zombie brains to keep us from going 'zombie'. Also, today is our first day at a REAL school. No more classes in a basement. And I can finally try out for the football team!" I ran to the kitchen, seeing my little sister Zoey.

"Come on, Zander, eat your breakfast," she told the stuff dog she was holding. "That's my sister Zoey. She has always wanted a real pet, but zombies aren't aloud to have them. They still think we'll eat them. So I do my best to make her happy." I look at her and bark. She lights up, "Come here, Zed. Whose a good boy?" I walked over to her, acting like a dog. I dropped to my knees, "Me." "That's right! Good boy, good boy!" Zoey patted my head. I got up and sat at the table as Dad served us breakfast. 

*Your P.O.V*

I was in Addison's room with her. "Y/N, I don't know what to wear and I can't find my wig," Addison said, worry radiating off of her. "Addison calm down, you're gonna be okay," I looked around the room. I saw a blue dress, "Here wear this." She smiled at me, "Thank you." She went to the bathroom as I looked for her wig. She came out as I found it. "Found it," I handed it to her. "Thank you sooo much." She hugged me. She went to the bathroom to put it on. 

I walked downstairs to see her mother and father getting breakfast. "Good morning Y/N," her father said. "Good morning." "Are you hungry?" "No, I ate before I came. But thank you," I said. "Are you trying out for the cheer squad?" "I'm not sure." "I think you should," Addison came up from behind me. "Is that so?" "Y/N, I've seen you do flips and tricks. You are definitely going to make it." I smiled at her. "And Addison, you are going to make it. Just as long as you keep this on," her father said. "Yeah of course." I was a little upset. I think her natural hair looks great, but then again Seabrook hates different. 

We walked out and headed to school. Music started and I realized that I was most certainly not in New York anymore. (You place yourself in where ever you think best)

The song ended and I looked across the fence that separated 'normal' people from zombies. I heard a scream come from beside me and saw Addison's cousin. I looked to the other side and saw a guard, a zombie confused, and another one talking to the guard. "Hey, he didn't harm anyone. It's okay," I told the guard. She huffed and let the taller, long haired boy go. I looked to him and his friend. His friend was cute. 

*Zed's P.O.V*

I looked at the girl that help Bonzo. She was beautiful. "Thank you," I said to her. "You're welcome," she smiled at me. I took in her appearance, she wasn't wear a dress like all the other girls. I liked it, it made her stand out.  I smiled back before I was pulled into the school. 

We walked through the hallway. "This is stupid, separating us like this," Eliza complained. "Come on at least we aren't in some basement," as I said that we walked into a basement. "You were saying." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

*Your P.O.V*

I walked through the halls with Addison, who was walking with her cousin. "Okay, what was your cousin's name again?" I whispered to her. I guess he heard me cause he turned around and gasped. "How do you not know his name?" the blonde next to him asked. "Lacey, it's okay. She isn't from here. It's Bucky,"  he said nicely. "And I also never caught your name." "Y/N." "Well, I hope to see you at cheer tryouts." He walked past a girl as she yelled "Go bottom feeders!" Addison and I looked at each other. "You know cause shrimp eat things off the bottom of the ocean." "You're not wrong," I said walking up to her. "Oh, hi I'm Bree. I've always wanted to be a cheerleader." "No way me too!" Addison said happily. "I'm Addison, and this is Y/N." "Hi," I waved. "What is your first period?" "Geometry." "Same!" We all laughed and walked to class together.

We were walking down the hall when an alarm went off. "What is that?" "It's a Z- Alert!" "We got to get out of here." I looked to see a 'Zombie Safe Room'. "Guys, let's just go in here." I saw them looked past me. Their eyes widened and they screamed and ran. I rolled my eyes and went in the room. When I entered I heard a noise. "Hello?" "Hello?" a male voice responded. "Hello," I said a little bit more confidently. "Why hello." "Hey, don't try anything, Buster. The only thing more dangerous than my right hook is my right foot." "Sorry, this just isn't how I expected my first day at a new school." "You didn't expect to be locked in a Zombie Safe Room?" "Oh no, I expected that. I get stuck in these kinds of things, it's kinda my thang." I giggled, "So does this mean I won't face the wrath of your right foot?" "Yeah, you're safe." "I'm Zed." "I'm Y/N." "So, what are your plans for this year?" "Well, I'm trying out for the cheer squad. You?" "Football, but my dad doesn't think I'll make it." "Oh, that sucks. But I think you can make it, you just need a cheerleader. And hopefully I can be that cheerleader." "I'd want you to be that cheerleader." I blushed, happy that the lights were dimmed. 

The lights came back on and I looked at Zed. He had green hair, pale skin, and chocolate brown eyes. "You're a zombie?" "Yeah. Just wondering why didn't you like freak out?" "I've seen a lot worse, trust me," I said. "Not that you're bad, you're actually pretty cute," I was flustered. Okay I've never done that before, I'm Tony Stark's daughter. "Thanks, you're not to bad yourself." "Thanks," I fiddled with my necklace. "Y/N!" I heard someone yell outside the door. I looked at Zed, "I got to go. Good luck at tryouts." I kissed his cheek and ran out the door. 

"Y/N, there you are!" Addison hugged me. "Are you okay?" Bree asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've been through worse." "Let's go, try outs start soon."

We got to the gym and Bucky started explaining. Then more music started, Here we go again. (you riled up the crowd with Addison)

"I made the team. I can't wait to tell Zed!" I looked at Bree, she looked upset. "Hey, Bree. You okay?" "Yeah, I just really wanted to be a flyer." I looked at her with sympathy. I looked at Addison, she nodded and started talking to Bucky. A few minutes later Bucky called Bree over. I walked with her, "It's okay." "Bree, I'll let you join the squad, as a stand in." Addison, Bree and I squealed, "I'm so happy for you!" My phone started ringing, it was my mom. "I got to take this," I told the girls and ran out of the room.

"Hey, Mom!" "Hi, Sweetie I just wanted to see how your first day was going." "It's going great Mom, I just made the cheer squad." "Really, I thought you hated cheer," she said confused. "Well, I do. But it will help me fit in." "Oh." "Pepper!" I heard my dad yell. "I got to go. I love you." "I love you too and tell dad I love him." "I will, call me later." "Will do." I hung up and walked back into the gym.

*time skip*

It was late and we were with Bucky and the 'Acey's. "All you have to do is egg that Zombie's house," Bucky told Bree, Addison and I. I looked and saw a little girl, a boy and a father about to eat dinner. "Bucky this is wrong, I can't do this." "Do you wanna be a cheerleader?" I thought about it. I looked at my necklace, "Yes." "Then do-" Bucky was interrupted by an older lady. Him and the 'Acey's screamed and he tore out of Zombieland. "I'm so sorry." "You're different, I like you." I smiled, "Thank you." 

I turned to see Addison and Bree in the bush. I heard a door open and looked to see Zed run out of the house. "Zed? Is everything all right out there?" someone, I assume his father asked from inside. He look at me then the cartoon in my hand, "Yeah, there's nothing out here." He looked at me sadly. I looked at the egg cartoon. "Zed wait." He stopped and turned to me, "How could you? I thought you were different." "Zed, let me explain, please," I begged, desperation in my voice. "Okay, you better hurry." "I told Bucky I wasn't gonna egg this house." "Then why to you have eggs in your hand?" I walked to the trash next to him and threw them in the trash. "I don't see any eggs. Zed I would never do you wrong like that." He smiled at me, "I appreciate that." I hugged him and he went inside, "See you at school tomorrow." "See you at school tomorrow."

I walked to Addison and Bree helping them up. "How were you not scared?" "This is nothing close to scary. I also met him before." "He seems really nice." "Hey, back off blondie. He's mine," I laughed, but I was still serious. "Oh don't worry, I like someone else." "Ooo who?" "Not telling." "I'm gonna get you to tell me." "You think?" "I know." We talked the whole way home, dropping Bree off at her house. 

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