Chapter 4

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*Your P.O.V*

I followed Zed down the hall as he led me somewhere. "Zed! Where are we going?" "You'll see." We ran a little farther before Zed pulled me into a room. I looked around, I recognized the room. "Zed, this was where we met." "This is where I met the best thing to happen to me," he said, looking at me. I smiled at him. (you instead of Addison)

"I got to go to class," I said, letting go of Zed's hand. "Me too, see you at the game?" "You know it."

*Time skip to the game*

I sat there looking at the scoreboard. "Man, this is not starting out good. It's half time and were losing." "Well, Seabrook has never really been a good football team," Bree said. "It's not that it just seems like they don't try." "'Cause most of them don't," Addison said. 

The buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the half. The football team ran by us and I caught Zed at the end. "Hey, what's going on out there?" "I don't know, it seems like they've given up." He ran to the locker room before I could say anything.

*Zed's P.O.V*

We got to the locker room. "Guys, what was that?" No one answered. He grabbed some chalk, "I'm gonna say this one time. ONE TIME! You guys got to go up! Go UP!" he said as he drew on the board. Everyone nodded and left. "Zed, what is going on out there?" "I don't know Sir." "Where is that strength I saw at the pep rally?" I was about to respond but Principal Lee walked in, "Zed, we had a deal and you aren't holding up to your end. Win this game or it's back to the basement." She walked out, "Coach, the strength, it was my Z-Band it-" "Great use that!" He ran out.

I ran out noticing some time left on the clock. I got Eliza and brought her behind the bleachers. "Eliza, I need you to hack my Z-Band." "You what?! Zed that's extremely dangerous!" "'Liza, please if I don't win this game it's back to square one for us," I begged. She thought about it. Rolling her eyes, she agreed. She did some things on her computer, "There, but what ever you do, do NOT swipe right." I nodded, "Got it." "Now go win that game." I ran back to the field. 

*Your P.O.V*

The boys ran out and we cheered. "Let's go Mighty Shrimp!" I cheered. "That's a weird name don't you think?" I heard someone say. Where is that coming from? Oh yeah, I put my blue tooth in. "Dad?" "Ding ding ding, 10 point to the superhero in a cheer outfit!" "Oh shut it," I rolled my eyes. "Look up," he said. I was confused but looked up anyway. I say my iron clad father flying above the football field. "Dad what are you doing?" "Supporting my daughter from the sky." "Mhm, well I got to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye, I love you." "I love you too Tiger." With that he flew off. "Who was that?" Bree and Addison asked me. "My dad." "Oh that's so cool." 

*Time Skip*

The last few seconds of the game ticked away, we were ahead. All thanks to Zed. The timer went off, everyone cheered. The players ran off the field. I met Zed half way, I jumped into his arms not caring who saw. "I'm so proud of you Zed," I said hugging him tight. "I had help," he said looking me in the eye. I smiled at him. "Hey, there is someone I want you to meet." I followed him through the crowd. 

We walked up to an older guy, I assume his dad. "Dad!" He turned around, "Zed! I'm so proud of you! You did great!" "Thank you!" They hugged. "Dad, there is someone I want you to meet." Zed turned to me, "Dad, this is Y/N. Y/N this is my dad." "It's nice to met you, sir," I greeted with a smile, shaking his hand. "Being the daughter Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, you learn how to properly greet people." "It's nice to meet you too. Now I can finally put a face to the girl Zed always talks about." I blushed. "Dad, you're embarrassing me," Zed groaned. 

"Y/N!" I turned to see Addison. "We need to go!" I nodded, "I'm so sorry to cut this short, but the family I'm staying with needs me. Again, it was great meeting you Mr. Necrodopolous." "It was great meeting you too Y/N." 

I walk to Addison, "So you and Zed?" I blush once again, "Awe, someone's blushing!" "Addison, quit!" She smirked, "I win." I rolled my eyes, "You're such a kid." "You girls ready to go home?" Missy asked. Addison and I nodded.

*Time Skip*

I sat in the bedroom Addison and I shared. "Y/N?" "Yes?" "Tell me how you do it?" "Tell me how I do what?" "How are you so confident?" I thought about it. "Addison, I may look confident but on the inside, it's constant worry. Plus if I was confident in who I was, would I wear this necklace?" I took it off, deactivating it. "But still, when you were told that Bucky wouldn't like you hanging out with Zed, you did it anyway. It takes guts to do that." I took what she said into consideration. "Addi, I know people that can't compare to zombies. I know people that are 'weirder' than zombies." She sat there letting my words sink in. 

"Addison, I'm not saying you have to do this but what I want you to do is when you feel comfortable, take that wig off. Show them who you really are, how beautiful you really are." "Oh no, Y/n I can't do that. I will never be able to cheer. Jackson won't want to date me..." "If he truly likes you back, your hair will be the last thing on his mind." She hugged me, "Y/N thank you, so much."

"Well, we have time, let me braid your hair," I grabbed her hands. "In the mean time, I'll tell you about Zed." She jumped up and sat in the chair in front of the mirror. "Get over here and start braiding." I laughed and went over to her, grabbing her brush and began. I talked and talked. I made eye contact with myself in the mirror realizing something. "Addi, I think I love him." She spun facing me, "Really?" I nodded. "Y/N, I'm so happy for you!" 

*Zed's P.O.V*

I sat in the living room helping Zoey with her homework. "Zed?" she looked up at me. "Zoey?" I quirked a brow. "Tell me about Y/N." "Okay, what do you want to know?" "Is she nice?" "Probably one of the nicest girls I've ever known." She smiled, "Is she smart?" "The smartest," I said, smiling myself. Zoey asked more and more questions. "Zed?" "Yes?" "Do you love her?" I thought about it, she makes me feel different than anyone I've ever met before. She makes me feel alive. I looked at Zoey and smiled, "Yes, Zoe, yes I do." She squealed and jumped up and down. "Yay! Zed's got a girlfriend!" 

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