Chapter 8

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*Your P.O.V*

I walked through the busy hallway, minding my own business, when the 'Acey's came up to me. "Bucky wanted us to tell you that you're not on the cheer squad anymore," Lacey said. I was confused, "Um okay?" "You hang out with Zed and Buck has a strict no zombie policy," Tracey said. I raised an eyebrow. "And he doesn't like anyone that's different," Stacy said as she looked me up and down. That's when I got nervous. When she said that everyone in the hall stopped and looked at us.

I shifted nervously, "I don't know what you're talking about." They laughed. "Don't play dumb Stark, we saw you fly off yesterday." My eyes widened. Suddenly Stacey reached for my necklace. I acted quickly and flipped her over. But she managed to get it and pull it off.I saw the blue glow on my chest and instantly had a panic attack. I grabbed the necklace and ran to the zombie safe room. 

I slid down the wall and cried. "Miss. Stark, you need to regulate your breathing, or you will pass out." I couldn't respond.

*Zed P.O.V* 

I walked through the cafeteria looking for Y/N. "Zed! Zed!" I turned at my name seeing Addison running at me. "Addison what is it and have you seen Y/N?" "That's why I'm here. Something happened and she had a panic attack," Addison said pulling me down the hall. "What happened?" She sighed, "You have to see for yourself."

We got to a zombie safe room and Addison pushed me in. "Y/N? You in here?" I didn't get a word response but I heard short breaths. "Y/N, it's me Zed. Where are you?" I found her against the wall, her reactor was showing. Someone took her necklace off. "Y/N, what happened?" She threw something at me. I caught it and looked at the object, it was her necklace.

"Mr. Necrodopolis, Miss. Stark is having a panic attack. Can you help her regulate her breathing?" A voice came from the necklace. I looked at it confused, I didn't know how to do that. "Um, how do I do that?" "Zed? This is Y/N's dad, I want you to go behind her, hug her, and slowly breath in and out. She will slow her breathing to match yours." I nodded and did as he said.

*Your P.O.V*

I felt Zed come up behind me and hug me. He breathed slowly, and my breathing slowly matched his. As soon as my breathing was normal again I turned and hugged Zed. I cried into his shirt. He shushed me and ran his fingers in my hair, "Hey, it's okay. You're okay."

He gave me a few minutes and when my crying died down he decide to speak. "What happened babe?" I took a shaky breath, "The Acey's came up to me and told me Bucky kicked me out. When I asked why they said it was because I was with you and that Bucky doesn't like people who are different. Then Stacey ripped my necklace off. Everyone in the hallway saw it.. Now everyone hates me..." Zed hugged me tighter and I sighed.

"Actually Miss. Stark everyone loves you. They believe the school is even better now that they have a 'superhero' in their school," FRIDAY said. "How do you know that FRI?" "I searched the internet and found out after the incident everyone put on their social media that they love you even more." I breathed out, "Thank you FRIDAY." "You're welcome Miss. Stark." 

Zed helped me off the ground, "We should get to class." I nodded and dusted my clothes off, "Yeah let's go."

*Time Skip*

I walked into the room and Addison ran to me. "Y/N, I heard what the 'Acey's did but I didn't know Bucky kicked you off the cheer squad," she hugged me. "It's fine really, I never really like being on the squad anyway. It was never really my thing," I said to reassure her. "Really?" "Yeah I'm more of a robot nerd anyway," I laughed. "Okay, but still he shouldn't have kicked you off," she said as she sat down. I just shrugged and sat down, starting my homework.

Different Worlds, Same Heart (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now