Chapter 5

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*Your P.O.V*

It was a Saturday and I had nothing to do. "Addison, I'm bored." She sat up, "Me too." "You wanna go to the park and do flips?" "Yes!" I jumped up and got dressed, so did Addison. I put on a pair of pale blue shorts, a long sleeve light pink shirt, and my grey Nike's. "Addi, do you know where it put my necklace and bracelets are?" She looked around as she fixed her wig, "Um, I think you put them on the night stand." I looked on the night stand and saw my bracelets, but not my necklace. I put the bracelets on and activated FRIDAY on them. "FRIDAY, find my necklace." "Yes, Miss. Stark." I heard beeping from dresser, "Thank you FRIDAY." "No problem Miss. Stark." I went to the dresser and grabbed the necklace, putting it on. 

I turned to Addison, she had a look on her face. "What?" "You basically have a maid." "Well, it's more like a computer friend. She helps me and my dad. We used to have a butler." "Really?" "Yeah his name was JARVIS," I laughed at the look on her face. "What happened to him?" "He turned into a being, like no joke." "So he was a computer too?" "Yeah, all our 'maids' and 'butlers' are computers. Don't really wanna pay actual people so he made computers to help him." She laughed, "Let's go." 

We walked downstairs, laughing. "Where are you girls headed?" Dale asked as he read the paper. "The park, we'll be back later," Addison answered. "Well you two be careful," Missy said from the kitchen. "We will Mom!" We walked out side and headed to the park.

*Time Skip*

Addison and I arrived at the park. "What do you wanna do first?" "Swings?" "Sure," I said. "Race ya!" I took off to the swings. I noticed Addison running around the obstacles in her way. She looked at me, "Y/N! Watch out!" I looked in front of me seeing a balancing pole. I jumped up on the pole and flipped, landing in a swing. "I win!"

She came down and sat down next to me. "Show off," she said. "No, this is showing off," I got momentum on the swing. I jumped and did a front-flip, land in one of my dad's iconic poses. She rolled her eyes. "I can do that." She built up her momentum, and did what I did. I nodded, "Yeah but can you this." I ran up the side of the slide and kicked off. While I was in the air I spun and landed. Her eyes were wide, "Where did you learn to do that?" "My Aunt Natasha, she taught me most, if not all, of this stuff." "Wow, was your aunt a cheerleader?" I shook my head, "No just needs these skills for her job." "Oh, it's still pretty cool though." "I know right!" 

We did more flips and tricks, "Hey Addi, do you wanna see something cool?" "Of course!" She ran to me, "What is it?" "I can't show her here, so we have to go to the part of town no one really wants to be." "Follow me," I ran towards the barrier.  "Why are we going to the barrier?" "Because, I don't want anyone else to see this."

We got to the barrier and we caught our breath. "Okay, what is it that you wanted to show me?" I turned my necklace off, and showed her my bracelets. "Your bracelets? I see those all the time." "Press the buttons." She raised an eyebrow at me. "Just do it." She pressed them and my suit in closed me. "Oh my lord, that is so cool!" "I know right! But this isn't the best part." She tilted her head. I shook mine, played some music and flew into the sky. 

*Zed's P.O.V*

It was a Saturday afternoon so like any normal teenager I was in the kitchen looking for food. "Zed, do you hear that?" my dad asked walking in the kitchen. I stopped what I was doing to listen. I heard music coming from outside. "Yeah, want me to go check it out?" "Would you?" I nodded and walked outside. 

I looked around, see nothing. "Hmm, guess we were just hearing things." I turned to walk in when the music from earlier was louder. "It sounds like it's coming from the barrier." As I walked to the barrier the music became louder. "Wow, Y/N, that's really cool. Did your dad make it for you?" I heard Addison's voice. What are they doing here? I thought. I heard metal hitting the ground. "Well I helped, but yeah pretty much," Y/N said. I looked around the corner to see Addison and Y/N. She was in some kind of metal suit, it looked pretty cool. 

Y/n looked up and caught me. She smirked, but looked at Addison as she spoke. "You wanna go get something to eat?" "Yeah, but I'll meet you there." "Okay, see you in a bit." After Addison left Y/N walked over to me, "Heeey Zed." "Heeey Y/N." She hugged me, "Can't wait for next week's game." "Me either." 

I looked her up and down, examining the suit. She blushed and tucked her hair behind ear. "I like it. It suits you," I laughed. She gave me a look, "You know how many times I've heard that?" I laughed again, "I'm sorry I had to." She tapped both of her wrist, the suit retracted into the bracelets I always see her wear. My eyes widened, "That's what those are?! That is amazing!" She blushed again, "Thanks." I looked at her chest, seeing her Arc Reactor. She noticed and went for her necklace. I grabbed her hand, "No, you don't have to hide it in front of me." She nodded, "I should go, don't want to keep Addison waiting. See you at school." She kissed my cheek and ran off. "Ooh, Zed's got a girlfriend!" I turned seeing Eliza and Zoey. I blushed, "How long have you to been there?" "Not long, but long enough to see that," Eliza smirked. I rolled my eyes, "Come Zoe', let's go home." I took her hand and we walked home.

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