The pact

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"Neeiittttooo, sit with me. I'm lonely, nyaa." whined the girl clinging to Monoma Neito's back in the aile during lunch.
"Sit over there with those Class A psychos? Never! Nyaa." He declined in an annoying voice.
She wouldn't let go hugging him around the neck like a baby monkey.
"But didn't we promise on that night we swore our love to the moon that we'd always be together?!...Nyaa!" Miku whailed dejectedly ignoring the stares of several hundred students in the suddenly quiet cavernous room.
"I know, I know, but things have changed, dear heart. I'm afraid that those old feelings as precious as they are have faded since we parted all those years ago...Nyaa," Monona said in regret with a faraway expression.
"What?! How could this be? Nyaa." Miku sniffled letting go with a hurt expression as a boy with bad timing tried to get around them and their weird period drama.
Monona looked remorseful but resolute as hung his head.
"The truth is I now love another. Nyaa!" he confessed grabbing the unsuspecting Midoriya Izuku before he got too far and without hesitation kissed him directly on the mouth.
Said Midoriya Izuku went limp in a dead faint.
Miku poked the downed cinnamon roll curiously,"Neito, you killed him."
Monona experimentally shook him a little getting no response. "Uhhh, he's fine." He was breathing at least...probably.
"His soul is literally leaking out." Miku insisted taking the boy and hauling him up princess style.
Both trouble causing friends stilled when they felt unmistakable murderous intent behind them.
"This prank may have gone too far." she muttered smiling stiffly.
"You think so too...?" Monona Neito agreed but was actually having fun and as long as Miku was there Kendou wouldn't come around to whack him.
"Run away (snorts),nyaa?" The never- fearing best friend he made when just indulging in an idle curiosity the day he heard people talking about a bishoujo with a brother complex suggested.
"You'll be alright...nyaa?" he asked first.
She made an offended face at such a question. No one he knew had her confidence in her skill. "Of course I'll be alright who the hell do you think I am?" is what that expression meant.
"Then, I'll be going first. Nyaa!"
He ran for his life.

"Just what the hell was that?"
"Ohh,so you're talking to me where people can see you, Onisama?" Miku smirked as she fanned Midoriya who hadn't quite come to after his assault a few minutes ago she had nonchalantly set him on her lap like a child acting like nothing happened after that whatever that was.
"Saya." he groaned not understanding how his tiny cute imouto became this crazy demon. Sure her and that other one had run wild after he stopped going to school along with that germ phobe that turned out to be the sister of a villain but this...She'd become a brat.
"It's just a joke. Nothing serious, oh boring one." she brushed it off .
"Midoriya, didn't see it that way." Shouto pointed out not that anyone was likely to forget his reaction to Monoma's involving him in that act of theirs.
"Oh,hai. This little one is still very limp. Here, I'll give him to you since lunch is almost over." Miku none too gently stood to thrust the boy at Shouto then walked off without a backward glance.

Sadly, UA wasn't all about stupid jokes played out for no good reason than a complete disregard for whether or not Miku obtained a social death.
After returning to class where she received more than a few odd looks Aizawa-sensei said sounding completely uncaring of how it went they would be going to do some sort of training that mostly involved wandering around in pairs in various places while a teacher or d-lister hero would stalk them unseen like one of those people Miku's dad told her to not take candy from and light on fire if they asked if she'd like to see their "puppies".
Miku's assigned partner was the red-haired shark toothed Kirishima Eijirou whom believed strongly in manliness and asked bluntly if she bullied Midoriya for any particular reason. She honestly had no answer as she assumed Neito grabbed him at random. So the question should be did her idiot friend have any reason to bully the unfortunate person-she didn't know that either but guessed he either was holding one of his frequent grudges or maybe he liked him and chose to express that by acting like he had a terrible case of tsundere. Which wouldn't surprise her.
"Did you do a lot of assignments off campus at Shinketsu?" Kirishima seemed determined to engage her even if many girls had black listed her for whatever reason seventeen year olds do anything and chattered animatedly while other kids wandered around the bus.
"More or less...? They always say exposure to regular people is good for us so we don t get disconnected with reality." Miku replied messing with her hat until Aizawa took it away from her since it was part of her old school uniform or because the fidgeting annoyed him.
Kirishima looked as earnest as a laberdoodle as he listened to her,"So did you have someone you liked there?"
---Mikushiba's mismatched eyes went round but the resulting cuteness didn't save her when at that very minute Bakubro passed by and she went red before becoming really invested in her phone and answering all the messages on it. Huh, Eijirou couldn't help but pity her for that one. She also looked pretty horrified by it herself.
Another ten minutes and their new dynamic duo were tossed out in Sangen and given a list of weird assignments like walking dogs and helping old ladies sort their recycling.
Mikushiba didn't look all that bothered by it. It did surprise him when she seemed hyperactive and spoiled. If anything she seemed to enjoy it
"So about what I was saying..." Eijirou took up the convo from before while elbow deep in broken glass. "I'm not saying it's impossible for you, you're super cute but Bakubro's kinda..."
She gave him like the patented Todoroki dirty look,"It's a physical thing not emotional and I have no interest in acting on it. I don't wanna die!" she informed him quietly furious so not to disturb their host that had nodded off in her chair in the back of her small shop off one of countless side streets in sprawling crowded Sangen-jaya.
"Oh, so you're like me? A sissy that chooses living over the person that you like." he guessed.
"I don't like him! Gah! Grow up, not everything is about liking or disliking. Sometimes it's just sex!" Mikushiba groused back in frustration.
...Hm, is that how she saw things? Sounded kinda depressing to break down the terror and fun of infatuation into chemical responses you can't even help.
After they were done sorting and all the bits of glass that got stuck in Eijirou had been picked off they did a million other tedious things that were weirdly fun before getting to take a break that they took sitting on somebody's balcony where they could watch the milling throngs go about the daily lives taken for granted thanks to heroes.
"A lot of people know you." he observed accepting the wrapped bread she offered that she got from a kindly-faced man at the supa they had earlier unloaded crates for.
"I was born here. This kind of neighborhood doesn't forget what's come out of it." She shrugged it off.
"Ah, yeah. It does feel like that sorta place." he admitted. "Um, sorry...about before. That was mean."
"I'm the youngest of five. You don't know what mean is." She was just as flippant as her brother.
Eijirou wanted to ask but he didn't.
"But we're the same. The whole unrequited thing." he mumbled embarrassed to remember how blunt she'd been.
"Why don't you tell whoever it is?"
"I would puke if I tried to."
Mikushiba seemed to think about it for a bit tilting her head and looking like a kitten when someone waves something shiny at them. Where you could undeniably see Todoroki you could also appreciate she was more than her own person. He understood she probably got compared to him a lot too. Maybe that was why she got to be so eccentric.
"Er, about the 'nyaa' incident..." That one at least he had to ask about.
"No reason for it. It's pretty normal for Neito and me. It's better with Tsukime or Seina-san, though." She actually smiled then.
"But why nyaa in the first place?" Eijirou wanted to know.
"Someone acts weird in UA, so what? Right? But a jacked-up period drama where all statements end like that? Instant captive audience." She sounded proud of her own bad behavior.
Also cute.
"Mikushiba...No wait, you said you think that's rude. So, um, Miku. What do you want to do?"
More thoughtful kitten then,"We could date each other. Since I value my life and you're a fear puker." she decided randomly.
?! Wow, she sure said whatever the heck she wanted to. What a complete maniac. Obviously, nyaa. Better tell her firmly no.
"Sure." Is what he ended up saying.
Best crazy impulse if his life.
Not that he had time to think that when,like, five seconds later all hell broke loose and he learned his new girlfriend was a field-clearing badass

Next chapter whenever it decides to come out is full of action and less talking. Goodbye, farewell, may the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. Joker leaves with a bow (how dashing!) Plus ultra.

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