Daddy, you suck

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I only put this on here for fun it has nothing to do with anything but is stupid hilarious. I actually lost the pic I was supposed to include😯

So what happens when a raging fire giant walks into a room and hears a
foul mouthed adult screaming at his youngest kid?
For one he becomes no less raging.
Another the kid seemingly takes her own life in her hands by tackling him from behind. Not that Miku could have moved him but it's Endeavor. A guy notoriously known for not giving a damn about his children.
"Sayane, what are you doing?" the hero sounded surprisingly mild even if he was glaring at the teacher.
"No fire, no threats. I was bad." She began as she meant to carry on so to speak. After all launching a guy like a cannon ball is usually considered to be at the very least a social faux pas.
"However "bad" you are I didn't agree to send you here to be yelled at by a mediocre excuse for a hero that didn't last three years as a pro." Her dad was as harsh as expected of someone with no concern for being hated.
"This brat of yours injured an upper classman!" interjected Moire-sensei loudly seemingly confident in his life expectancy.
"If they're older shouldn't they be able to defend themselves from my tiny passive aggressive daughter? The problem is with your teaching isn't it?" Todoroki Enji's tone was blunt.
Miku squashed her face into her dad's back to muffle a short scream. The man was the number one hero but he was so abrasive! She really wanted people to like him but how would they if he spoke like this?
"Daddy, this is why the others are all so grumpy. You alienate people and say such terrible things." she complained.
"Hmph,if they think I'm so despicable then they should do their best not to be like me instead of just acting like spoiled children. I'm not taking responsibility for their nonsense." Todoroki-san said flatly.
So he knows he's wrong?
She wondered what was worse an unrepentant butthole or one that knows it but just doesn't care.
"This girl is a hazard. After every other infraction she will be expelled!" Moire was tired of being ignored by then.
"What could you have done to make this moron whine like this?" Endeavor asked her sounding vexed.
"Oh. Meat-senpai was scolding Mii... and me about making a mess but we didn't care so he tried to use his gross quirk on me. I gave him a gauntlet strike." While she admitted it she only somewhat felt bad.
"...'Meat-senpai...?" Her dad sounded it out slowly as if it were a foreign phrase he wasn't sure of.
"His name is Shishikura!" bellowed Moire.
Was it? Huh.Even his name was kind of annoying.
"Sayane defended herself like anyone else would. It's not her fault the boy's too weak to take a punch." Another flat comment.
More yelling. Something about her upbringing. Fire. Expulsion. Or being asked forcefully to leave voluntarily.
"You didn't have to hit him five times. Once would have done it." Miku really didn't care anymore. She had never laughed so hard in her life though.
For such a loud man that liked to call kids names Moire-sensei cried worse than a girl once you started hitting him.
"So do I just go home?" Ugh, no one but Fuyu-nee would even talk to her there.
Endeavor apparently out of paternal fury sighed wearily, "You can start at UA immediately. Shinketsu is a mediocre school anyway."
"Eh, maybe I should just give up?" Miku gave a rebuttal that sounded less uncomfortable.
"Stop humoring that failure's tantrum. There's no reason for you to spoil him." Her father didn't seem sympathetic to the delicate balance between his youngest children of tolerance and rage.
"But onisama said..." she whined but saw she had troubled her dad enough for the day.
He looked suuuper pissed off and even if he never hit her that didn't mean he wouldn't take it out on someone. She was long aware of the great difference in treatment of her compared to the older kids. And that they hated her for it.
If only they knew he was trying to make up for her birth and her mother trying to kill her.

8 years ago

She didn't want to open the door it was hot outside.
Besides no one good ever came to visit anyway. People selling stuff. People trying to save your soul by the power of Christ. Sometimes Mama's brother came to tell her to abandon Saya and all would be forgiven.
Was it Saya's fault Mama couldn't talk to her mom anymore or people looked at her like something the cat brought home as a present? For awhile now she had thought so. Almost every other day someone said it too.
Still she opened the door, a popsicle stick between her teeth anxiety churning in her small stomach in anticipation of what other kind of abuse she might get just for being born "on the wrong side of the blanket".
Saya looked up mismatched eyes of blue and black going from forced indifference to dislike. Him again. He only made things weird when he came around.
"Mama, that flaming uncle that likes you is here!" she yelled moving aside so he wouldn't be on the doorstep where he could be seen by the neighbors.
"Is that anyway to talk about your father, Sayane?" the uncle asked handing her a big pink shopping bag she took because she'd be scolded if she didn't.
Why did he give her things? Shouldn't he waste his money on his kids instead. It's not like she was suffering just because she didn't have as many dresses as the next girl. She didn't even wear dresses. For a quirkless like her things like that got in the way of running.
In the present her tiny brow creased.
"Father?" she wondered. "I don't have a father. Everybody says all bastards don't."
The uncle looked kinda mad but she wasn't supposed to use bad language so she didn't think about why.
By then her mom came out of her room meaning Saya should go someplace else. Mama yelled at the uncle a lot. About money, his wife, her discomfort in the huge apartment in a nice neighborhood way nicer than that box Mama's mama had been helping pay the rent for before they moved from Sangen.
Mama in general had lots of complaints. Saya felt bad that she preferred it when she went to work. Even if her job as a minor hero was dangerous she seemed happier out of the house.
Finding a nice shady spot under a tree not far from home Saya opened the bag more out of thinking she might have to thank the uncle for something in specific. Clothes, shoes...The limited edition Golden Era All Might action figures...! Ok so maybe the uncle did have good taste.
She didn't stay out long it was hot and other kids were noticing her. Nothing good came from other kids. Especially that mean pretend goody-goody Itsuka-chan. People that tried so hard to act nice always were anything but in the end.
"Let's go home." she said to her action figure hiding it in her t-shirt like some kinda dork deku swinging her bag conspicuously to draw attention to it but not what she cared about.
Kids were mean, they were also dumb. This sort of sleight of hand wouldn't fool a monkey. But it worked fine on retards.
"What's this, Mi-sa?" The expected retard snatched the bag ripping the paper handle spilling the contents of little pink dresses that didn't suit a redhead anyway.
"Clothes, from's friend." Saya hated that nickname but hated talking to Itsuka-chan more. Plus she had such a dumb quirk.
"Oh, sooo cute." The tyrant of their neighborhood wasn't really interested in her now.
Saya smiled in a fake way usually reserved for doorstep Mormons,"Go ahead, I don't mind. That stuff won't look good on you, though."
"Why?" The other girl gave her a confused look.
Saya smirked as she answered, "Because you're ugly." she confided maliciously already dancing out of the way of a swat feinting around her then kicking her in the butt.
She flipped her off as she left wondering why she didn't learn that power is worthless if you can't even use it properly. -----

Mama was getting ready to go out as Saya was coming in the uncle having opted out on the usual full dose of verbal abuse must have left ahead.
"Don't open the door while I'm gone, Sayane. Eat whatever." The sentence was punctuated by the slamming door.
Same as usual then. Saya worked on her summer homework watching old reruns of Karei-naru Ichizoku eating "whatever" then went to bed...and woke up to a nightmare.

"MM, Mama...?" What was that noise?
Laughing, singing...crying? The child one-handedly messaged the only adult she knew for certain was safe while calling for her mother after three in the morning. This was horror movie stuff here and as much as she didn't want to find out what was going on her mother could be hurt.
She saw her back first her beautiful long black hair hanging in a messy shroud like Sadoko(from the Ring) as she stood there by the patio doors rocking back and forth...back and forth muttering.
"Mama, are you Ok?" Saya asked warily from the other side of the living room.
Her mother turned to her slowly. How she wished she hadn't. The image of her tearstained face scratched to ribbons by her own fingernails would haunt Saya's dreams from then on.
"My darling...Whyever You awake? Good girls should be sleeping-" Mama's quirk was Gravity Force. She manipulated it at will and could apply pressure to things and weigh them down. Saya had no reason to think she would experience it herself.
She also had no reason to think she would find out she wasn't actually quirkless but just a really late bloomer until the fire like a suit of armor poured from the right side of her body wrapping around her and throwing her mother's power and her mother way off.

Todoroki Enji's pov

The apartment was already consumed in a firy inferno by the time he arrived after getting his daughter's strange message at the end of his patrol. Something about Reika going crazy. That child usually only sent him curses on LINE that made that brother she looked so much like snort.
Enji  went into the blaze without hesitation hearing the hysterical screaming of the child above the roar of the flames. She was covered from head to toe in fire in the shape of some kind of monster the sinister horns of a certain animal curling from her two-toned hair. Reika was not far away badly burned and burning but her power in effect crushing everything.
Had she attacked their child?!
Priotizing Sayane he tried to calm her down enough to pick her up and get her away from there. She was so traumatized she didn't put up the usual fight. This had to be the first time since she was still small that she clung to him.


"Don't pout, you demon." Enji said that but no matter how spoiled she was he was fine with it because she was healthy and had eventually stopped fearing everything.
Sayane made a sour face as they parted at the gates of UA not hesitating but not happy with it.
"Daddy, you suck." She declared this as she hopped off since it's not enough to arrive she had to be a spectacle too.
"If you say so. Get along with your brother." The hero Endeavor would never understand kids and he honestly didn't want to.

This was really long. I wrote most if it all at once. I read a creepy comic and thought hey let's do this and not sit in the dark and think about what might be in it with me.
BTW I'm not trying to make Endeavor look good he is most definitely a bad father and in a way the way he treats Miku compared to his other kids shows how reprehensible he really is oddly.
Anyways I'm donezo Plus ultra.

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