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How this will work:

Okay, so basically I want you to do these things. Now, you don't have to do them all, but at least one. This is completely optional though.

1. Suggest a song I should listen to. This will be for a scenario. Don't forget to name a ship, or the character you want me to base it around. I will (most likely) play the character it is based around. Unless you really want it be.

2. Suggest an AU. If I don't know the AU, I will learn it, and read as much as I can about it is I can play it well. Suggest the character you want to start out as, and yeah. I will go from there with scenarios.

3. Suggest a plot. Once you suggest a plot, I will make a starting scenario. Basically, you're giving me a broad view of the scenario. I will go back and pick it apart, making it detailed as freaking hecc.

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