『 Phase One 』

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  The sun has risen past the horizon, and the windows are now shooting rays through the half opened curtain window, landing on the beautiful smooth skin of a 20 year old man. His milky skin glows from the rising rays, lips plump and relaxed, yet the corner of his lip tainted with his own saliva. The sudden woken state of the room has forced him to wake up of his beauty sleep to get on with his schedule and plans set for today.
Jin checked his planner after changing into his casual clothing of pink sweater over a white T-shirt and skinny jeans. Just as he goes through his planner, his brother, Kim Jisoo, has trespassed himself into the youngers room with a stern look on his face.
SeokJin knew exactly what this expression, of a rough yet cold stare, would mean behind his two black orbs. 
  Last time SeokJin experienced a similar situation, was when he came home late after school around 20:59 at night. Jisoo was not happy with it for obvious reasons. He recieved a scolding and of course his brother comforted him afterwards because the younger is an apologetic citizen who confesses of their crime and bows deeply to their knees to show just how
sorry they are.

"Did you pack up your things? Why aren't you ready?" To this realization, SeokJin hurriedly packed his things as the older let's out a flustered huff, helping the younger pack his things.

"Hyung, I'll get ready now and meet you downstairs." Jin says as he pushes at the older's large back, out of his room closing the door behind him so he could change. Jisoo waited downstairs, locking all back doors and giving their temporary stay of a house set in California. Jisoo and his younger brother had moved away from korea when their parents had abused them so much, mostly the younger. Being the big brother he is, he takes every hit for his fragile bodied brother. The slapping and thrown items from the Mother, and the punches and harmful stinging kicks from the father. He just wished they threw love and not the world's harsh last thing they would want from the people that bothered to give birth to them.

"Hyung!! Please..! Stop it...!!! Let's just run--" SeokJin cries on his brother's chest, whose face is covered in scratches and punches.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going!?! You're staying here!! You'll listen to us and not disobey--"
The abusive father was interupted by Jisoo's punch, pushing his dongsaeng to the side. "Don't fucking get near him! You're not family! You're not parents!!"

Jisoo's tear ducts start to burn from the tears his holding back while the younger's cheeks are damped with his own sweat and tears.

"Why don't you just go ahead and live with the Song family then!?! HUH!?" Words came out from their step mother. The woman that started this in the first place, the reason their father all of a sudden became abusive because she'd come up woth lies and faked her proof of what the two had "done" to her. Their mother passed away due to cardiac arrest. She was so stressed, but when her sons came to visit she'd give the most beautiful strained smile to the best effort she could. "Why did you go for that woman after Eomma!? She's just manipulating you for your money!!!"

SeokJin managed to shout out after the painful memory of their mother, now just in their memories.
Jisoo dropped his guard and looked back at his sweaty-tears of a face, only to be punched by the father. SeokJin couldn't do much but plead for his Hyung to stop on the side.
"Get the fuck out of here!! We don't fucking need you!! OUT!" The abusive man had said as he threw glass beer bottles at the two. Once again, Jisoo covering his brother and the two began to ran. SeokJin on his back amd the other holding tightly to his legs and running to the bit of strength he has, with the money they have they have decided to move out of Seoul to head to Seongnam. They worked hard, Jisoo worked everyday due to works in the morning to the afternoon and others to work evening to midnight. Sometimes he comes home around 4 am and only gets 2 hours of sleep. The younger on the other hand, he only works at night due to the fact he still has to go to school. During their summer break, SeokJin just finished his Sophomore year and the two have had enough money to travel over seas. Jisoo finished college and moved to California with his dongsaeng and SeokJin was a Sophomore to half of his Junior year, leading them to this day.

SeokJin approached his brother with their bags, on the lawn and looking back at the 2 floor house. Waving bye, the two entered the taxi amd headed to the airport to move back to Korea.

『 The abusive father was interupted by Jisoo's punch, pushing his dongsaeng to the side

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The abusive father was interupted by Jisoo's punch, pushing his dongsaeng to the side. "Don't fucking get near him! You're not family! You're not parents!!"

How is it? I need to expand my vocabulary, but I will write more!
Jisoo will be like 6 ft. because I feel like that would be cool. But I like it because it makes Jin look so smol
Thank you for your time (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

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